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Ich glaube ja, die werden hier auf Granitkeks beien.
Erstens sind Fediverse-Nutzer noch weniger bereit, Geld fr ihr Social Networking in die Hand zu nehmen, als die Nutzer amerikanischer oder chinesischer Silos.
Zweitens sind die ganzen Famehuren doch eh in den Silos, weil da die Famehurerei viel besser geht.
Drittens, wenn ein Mastodon-Account, der gerade mal ein paar Wochen alt ist, schon mehr Follower hat als Rochko und Takei zusammengenommen und jeder, aber auch jeder Post binnen Minuten tausende Faves hat, dann kann da was nicht stimmen. So jemand hat binnen krzester Zeit nur noch knstliche Follower. Plus ein paar doofe Newbies.
Viertens lebt das Fediverse im Gegensatz zum Vogelkfig nicht davon, wieviele Follower man hat, sondern von der Interaktion mit den Followern. Und zwar mit echten Menschen und nicht mit KIs. Die kann man nicht erkaufen, vor allem nicht in solchen Mengen.
Und fnftens dienen massenhafte knstliche Follower und Likes vor allem dazu, die Algorithmen auszutricksen. Solche Algorithmen gibt's hier aber an den meisten Orten nicht und auf Mastodon definitiv nicht. Wer abertausende Euronen in Fake-Follower und -Likes investiert, um den Mastodon-Algorithmus zu manipulieren, kann das Geld auch durch den Lokus jagen.
Vor allem, wenn sich drittens und fnftens als Erkenntnisse herumsprechen, will keiner mehr Geld ausgeben fr Fake-Follower und -Likes im Fediverse, und das Geschft lohnt sich nicht mehr.
Das knnte sich aber alles ndern, wenn Rochko viel Geld dafr geboten wird, einen entsprechenden Algorithmus in Mastodon einzubauen und den entweder als "cooles neues Feature" zu verkaufen oder ganz einfach zu verschweigen.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #FakeFollowers I'm not speaking only for myself. I'm speaking for non-Mastodon Fediverse users all over the place from Pleroma to Iceshrimp to Friendica to Hubzilla.
If you're on something that's sufficiently not Hubzilla, and you've got connections to Mastodon in some way, chances are you've had run-ins with Mastodon users who neither know nor care that the Fediverse extends beyond Mastodon.
Mastodon users who want to force e.g. Friendica users to fully adopt Mastodon's culture and throw away Friendica's culture which includes abstaining from using any Friendica features that Mastodon doesn't have. Just like European settlers forcing natives to forget their own native cultures and adopt European culture and convert to Catholic Christianity instead.
Mastodon users who, upon discovering there are non-Mastodon places in the Fediverse, want to make the whole Fediverse only Mastodon, not by defederating from non-Mastodon instances, but by nagging and forcing everything that isn't Mastodon to mutate into Mastodon itself.
Mastodon users for whom only Mastodon and the way Mastodon does things (or whether it does things at all) is the one and only Fediverse gold standard, and everything that deviates from this gold standard is broken and wrong and must be corrected, by force if necessary.
I know I'm not the only one who has ever experienced such people. I know a (streams) forum that actually has intentionally turned ActivityPub off, and I know that this kind of Mastodon users is the reason.
I myself will leave ActivityPub on.
I was only giving some food for thought.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon #FediverseFood for thought: Maybe the Fediverse should actually split.
Leave Mastodon to its own devices. Leave them the term "Fediverse". Let Mastodon "be the Fediverse". Let "the Fediverse" and "the Mastodon network" be all the same. Just what absolutely every last newbie who came over from the Birdsite thought is the case. Just what many Mastodon users still think is the case. And exactly what not exactly few Mastodon users want the Fediverse to be.
Let Mastodon's many proprietary, non-standard, Mastodon-only solutions work perfectly with no interference from outside.
And leave Mastodon to be EEE'd by Threads.
Everything else could throw out all Mastodon-specific kluges and hacks and finally concentrate on pure standard ActivityPub plus FEPs. It could make full use of object types, regardless of how Mastodon renders them. It could introduce nomadic identity via ActivityPub without constantly having to check how well it works with Mastodon. It could implement a standard permissions system with no regard for how it'll work with Mastodon. For Mastodon will never implement anything they can't claim having invented themselves.
It could assume the name "Social Web" in the place of "Fediverse".
Its users could finally live the cultures of wherever they are and make use of the features available to them. They would longer have to deal with Mastodon users who try hard to force them to adopt the Mastodon culture and throw away the culture and most of the features of their home.
It could become acceptable for Social Web projects to introduce by-server-type filters and use them to block Mastodon as a whole. This could keep out the invaders who try to enforce their own foreign culture.
Such a step would also show which Fediverse projects are actually independent and which ones are nothing but add-ons bolted onto Mastodon. Because they will have to choose a side.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon #Fediverse #SocialWeb What will actually happen once is rolled out across the whole Fediverse is:
Your Fediverse ID will remain, that is, if the main instance of your identity remains on
You can have a clone on But since it's a clone, its Fediverse ID is still It is not a separate entity with a separate ID. It's the exact same thing.
You can have another clone on Again, its Fediverse ID is
You can have a clone on, for example, (streams) although (streams) is drastically different from Mastodon. You can have it on Even the Fediverse ID of this clone is
Across your main instance and all your clones, it will have one and only one ID, no matter where a clone may be.
It's hard to understand from a Mastodon/non-nomadic "instance login/account = identity" point of view, I know. And I feel it's easier to explain how it works on Hubzilla and (streams) where your identity does not reside directly in the account, but in a container referred to as "channel" to which the account only provides login access. It's this container which nomadic identity clones and syncs between servers.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #NomadicIdentity
We need to get to identities that aren't tethered to particular instances. Various approaches have been discussed, all more or less valid IMHO, we just need to get them implemented.

We have had one working implementation for 13 years now. In the Fediverse. In stuff that's federated with Mastodon.
Mike Macgirvin , creator of (2010), creator of Hubzilla (2015), creator and maintainer of (2021) and, most recently, creator and maintainer of (all four are being actively maintained, part of the Fediverse and federated with Mastodon), invented the concept of in 2011.
The same year, he implemented it in his own Zot protocol. Zot came to use first in 2012 in a Friendica fork named Red, later the Red Matrix, which became Hubzilla in 2015. Hubzilla still uses the latest stable version of the Zot protocol that's still called Zot. Everything that Mike did since 2012, with the exception of the first Osada from 2018, featured nomadic identity, including (streams) which is based on an "offspring" of Zot called Nomad.
I'm writing to you from a Hubzilla channel that simultaneously resides on two server instances. Not in the shape of a dumb copy, but in the shape of a real-time, bidirectional, live, hot backup.
It's basically what Bluesky has claimed to be a revolutionary new and never-done-before feature in the AT protocol, only that a) it's even more advanced, b) it's older than Bluesky, c) it has been proven to actually work in daily use, and d) it is in daily use.
Right now, Mike is working on implementing nomadic identity using only ActivityPub, specifically . Even this has advanced beyond theoretical. (streams) has it implemented already. All channels created on accounts that were registered on versions 24.07.20 and newer are made compatible with nomadic ActivityPub. I have two such channels, although neither has a clone yet.
In fact, it could be that at least Forte, which is in a very early stage right now, will have Nomad and maybe even support for Zot6 removed and go nomadic using only ActivityPub. Mike said he wants to sunset Nomad and Zot6 once nomadic identity via ActivityPub is ready for prime time.
is working closely together with Mike to implement nomadic identity via ActivityPub on . It has taken the switch to nomadic ActivityPub itself.
Just because Mastodon doesn't have it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mitra #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Forte #FEPef61 #NomadicIdentity The problem with this is that any given image would not necessarily always get the exact same alt-text.
The alt-text, or generally the image description, depends not only on the image, but also on

So when you post the exact same image twice in two different contexts to two different audiences, you are likely to have to supply two very different image descriptions.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta Ideally, an instance picker would help pick a project along with the instance.
But what we have right now seems to be

Just about everyone who has joined the Fediverse in the last two years was railroaded to Mastodon and not being told what the Fediverse actually is. Some of them it took months to learn that there's stuff in the Fediverse that's connected to Mastodon but so very much not Mastodon itself. And when they learned it, some of them were shocked out of their minds. Others still don't know, sometimes after well over a year.
It cannot continue this way. We must no longer sweep everything under the rug that doesn't have an Inc. and a CEO.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #NotOnlyMastodon #FediverseIsNotMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse Keep in mind that hashtags can be and are used to trigger filters as well.
And where I am (Hubzilla), we've been using keywords or hashtags to automatically generate CWs since before Mastodon was even made. Depending on how much sensitive or potentially disturbing content there is in a post, it may need a lot of hashtags.
Notice the hashtags at the bottom of this comment that start with "CW".
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Hashtag #Hashtags #HashtagMeta #CWHashtagMeta
It feels to me like a good portion of debate on M. about features is motivated at least partly by diverging views on the value of reach, and people may associate moving to less well-known fediverse projects with decreasing reach

The trouble with moving is that it'll reset your reach to zero. But it always does, regardless of whether you move to another Mastodon instance or something as obscure and not like Mastodon as (streams).
You can re-follow those whom you already follow. You may even be able to import your list of followed actors so you don't have to do that manually. But until nomadic identity becomes available all over the Fediverse, you can't take your followers with you. That'd require remotely and forcibly re-writing their following connections to your new home.
It's true as well that it depends on how busy the place is where you end up how quickly you build up a solid followership. If you want Mastodon followers, you have to make yourself known on Mastodon. But if you aren't on Mastodon, your posts won't end up on any local Mastodon timeline yet.
Then you only have three options. One, refollow those whom you have followed on Mastodon, maybe also follow new Mastodon users, and hope they'll follow you back. Two, wait for someone who follows you to repeat/repost/renote any of your posts to their own Mastodon connections and then for someone on Mastodon to find one of these posts and decide to follow you. Three, use the search to manually import Mastodon posts and reply to them. Gives you quick exposure, but let's face it, it's a dirty trick and on the verge of reply-guying.
Also, your move is likely to attract a new audience. This may or may not be pleasant. So after you've moved to Friendica, you won't have hundreds of Mastodon followers within no time. Instead, you'll have three or four Friendica connections who'll judge you by how you use Friendica as if it's Mastodon or even Twitter.
AFAIK, Friendica, like its descendants Hubzilla and (streams), at least has a nice feature that not only suggests new contacts to you, Facebook-style, but also suggests you to others as a new contact if you want to. But for one, Friendica doesn't suggest you to Mastodon users, of course. And besides, this feature is usually only used by newbies who are desperate for new contacts. It's uninteresting for established users who already have dozens or hundreds of contacts.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta
why the hell would anyone not include colour in descriptions

Because blind people can't see them, and that information is useless to them, yada yada.
I say to Aira agents, they are humans btw, who write the alt text descriptions for my photos to include everything they can see to the finest detail. there is a character limit, but use it to its max. I am looking at AI generated descriptions too, just for comparison. if a sighted person can see it, a blind person should be able to read about it.

And if a sighted person may feel like wandering around the image and go exploring in it rather than focusing on whatever may be important within some context, then a blind person should be able to do the very same, aided by a sufficiently detailed image description.
This is the very reason why I generally describe my images twice: What they show are worlds completely unknown to almost everyone in the Fediverse. Thus, sighted people may take closer looks at the images and their details, that is, as far as the fairly low resolution allows them.
A sufficiently detailed description for my own images does not nearly fit into the 1,500-character limit imposed by Mastodon, Misskey and their forks upon essentially the whole Fediverse because they chop longer alt-texts off.
So I write one long, detailed image description with all necessary explanations and all text transcripts. It goes into the post text body because it's magnitudes longer than 1,500 characters. I don't have any character limit to worry about.
In addition, I write another, shorter, purely visual image description which, along with the note where to find the long description, fills the alt-text up to almost or exactly 1,500 characters.
Maybe, if my experiments are successful, I'll be able to get away with only one image description for memes. That's because an established image macro doesn't require nearly as extensive a visual description, and I can explain it without having to describe visuals along with the explanation.
As for colours, I say they must be mentioned, but they must be described using a few basic colours plus brightness plus saturation. Even if it makes sense to name the colour, it must be described this way afterwards.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta That's it exactly. Most of the time, when people say they want "the Fediverse" to develop into a certain direction, they mean they want Mastodon to develop into a certain direction. When people say they want certain features "in the Fediverse", what they mean is they want them on Mastodon.
This can have three causes.
One, some people simply think the Fediverse is only Mastodon. My estimation is that this still applies to at least every other Mastodon user. They wouldn't take into consideration moving somewhere that has what they're looking for because the very thought of there being something else in the Fediverse than Mastodon is utterly unimaginable to them.
Two, another group knows that the Fediverse is more than Mastodon. But at most, they've heard some names of other Fediverse projects, Pixelfed, PeerTube, maybe Misskey. What these other projects can do, however, beyond Pixelfed being Instagram in the Fediverse and PeerTube being YouTube in the Fediverse, they have no idea. So they still ask for features for "the Fediverse" of which they don't know that the Fediverse already has them, only Mastodon doesn't.
Three, the rest actually wants these features all over the whole Fediverse. Or at least right underneath their feet. They may be well-educated about the Fediverse to even know what Hubzilla is capable of. But they hold on to the Mastodon instance they call home for their dear lives. They don't want to move for whichever reason. Instead, they want the features they ask for on their home instance. On by default for their convenience even.
One reason why people are often unwilling to move even if they have heard that there are greener pastures out there is the difficulty of moving. They need easy-peasy moving between projects with everything, but at most, they can move between Mastodon instances with some of their stuff, and even that is a hassle. Fediverse-wide, ActivityPub-based nomadic identity is at its earliest stages of development, and even when it's ready for prime time someday, the projects will still have to adopt it.
The other major reason is the mobile app ecosystem. The vast majority of Mastodon users is on phones and on dedicated Mastodon apps. It feels like next to nobody on Mastodon ever uses a Web browser. So before they move someplace else, they ask if there's an app.
But often enough, there is none. There are gajillions of iOS apps and even a bunch of Android apps built against Mastodon and Mastodon only with no support for anything else. If you're lucky, something else that has the Mastodon API implemented can connect to one of these apps, but then you only have Mastodon's feature set, and you can't use the cool extra features for which you've moved to your new home.
I think Fedilab is the sole exception that has support for other projects with the Mastodon API built in, but even that is limited in features by the UI. And Fedilab is Android-only. So if you're on an iPhone, I think all you can really sensibly use through an app is Mastodon plus a couple very specialised projects. As for everything else ranging from Mastodon's own forks to Pleroma and its forks to Misskey and its forks to Friendica, you don't have much of a choice beyond Safari or a third-party Web browser.
It's especially the iPhone users whom you won't get to move to e.g. Friendica until the first stable release of Relatica has hit the Apple App Store. And as for Friendica's descendants, they actually leave you no choice but to use them as PWAs through the Web interface or directly in the browser.
And truth be told, there are actually some Mastodon users who don't move anywhere that doesn't have an official app with the same name as the project. They can't imagine using Iceshrimp without first loading an app named "Iceshrimp" from the App Store.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta If I had any way to add another click-to-open level that works on Mastodon as well without mobile users having to deal with their Web browser popping open, I would.
Things would be way easier if sensitive Mastodon users got used to the concept of filters, though, and learned how to set them up. That's one reason for my many hashtags.
But it's strange to see someone from irritated by too many CWs.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon #CW #CWs #CWMeta #ContentWarning #ContentWarnings #ContentWarningMetaSo I've just learned the other day that curating your timeline/stream according to your personal interests and/or the topic of your account/channel is utterly racist. No matter how specialised your account/channel is.
Everyone in the Fediverse is basically required to follow a substantial amount of Black users, especially Black activists. If you're on Hubzilla or (streams), you must actually follow them, i.e. you must give them full permissions to send you anything and everything unhindered and unlimited. You must not use account/channel-wide or per-contact filters on them. Even if each one of them boosts 100 posts per day, you must not filter or disallow their boosts.
Also, if you're on Friendica, Hubzilla or (streams), all of which count and list unread messages, you must not simply mark what has come in from them as read. You must read it all and be interested in it all. This includes all comments on these posts. And yes, you must re-read everything whenever it tries to catch your attention again, e.g. if someone has liked/faved or boosted/reposted/renoted/repeated it.
But even if you receive thousands of comments along with those hundreds of extra posts, you must not comment on these comments. Not unless either a comment mentions you explicitly, or you're mutually connected to whoever wrote the comment. As you wouldn't even receive that comment on Mastodon, replying to it counts as reply-guying and mansplaining on Mastodon, completely regardless of how you comment. It's highly disrespectful, and if Black people are involved, it's racist.
It doesn't matter if this has allegedly been perfectly normal, the standard and part of the culture since five and a half years before Mastodon was launched. Mastodon rules supreme over the whole Fediverse, and only Mastodon's culture has any validity anywhere in the Fediverse. Any culture that differs from Mastodon's is toxic and evil and must be abolished.
Speaking of which, let's suppose you come across one of these many threads in which Black Mastodon users talk with other Black Mastodon users and Mastodon-using allies about how the Fediverse needs to be made safer. In this case, no matter how blatantly obvious it is that all people involved in this thread have no idea of the Fediverse outside Mastodon, you are not allowed to chime in and tell them about places which are safer due to their technological design and how they work.
First of all, it'd be mansplaining and reply-guying. Second, there's a tendency for Black Mastodon users to trust the rest of the Fediverse even less than Mastodon, what with e.g. Nazi instances on Pleroma. And third, your suggestion is likely to be taken for an attempt at nudging them into moving to one specific place, essentially trying to hoard them in a ghetto and segregate them from the rest of the Fediverse. In short, there's letting them wait for the Mastodon instances they're on to improve, and there's racism.
While we're at it: Even if you're on Friendica, Hubzilla or (streams), and you hate Mastodon with a burning passion for very good reasons, you must support Black-led Mastodon instances. Otherwise you're a racist.
Lastly, while I don't have proof for it, I'm pretty sure that everything that counts as racism towards Black users may also count as

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #FediverseSafety #Mansplaining #ReplyGuy #ReplyGuys #Racist #Racism #Sexist #Sexism #Homophobic #Homophobia #Transphobic #Transphobia #Queerphobic #Queerphobia #Ableist #Ableism #Islamophobic #Islamophobia #AntiSemitic #AntiSemitism #Xenophobic #Xenophobia Das ist doch in den kommerziellen Silos wie Facebook und vllig normal, da Paare einen gemeinsamen Account haben. "Hach ja, wir machen alles gemeinsam, und wir haben keine Geheimnisse voreinander." Man spricht sich sogar ab, wem man folgt. Eine gemeinsame E-Mail-Adresse haben die beiden auch.
Das gibt's stndig, auch wenn die Weitergabe von Login-Daten eigentlich meistens gegen die Nutzungsregeln verstt. Aber wenn es keine deutschsprachigen Moderatoren gibt, merken die Fremdsprachler das nicht.
Manchmal glaube ich, das Ganze sieht dann in der Praxis so aus, da sie bestimmt, was auf dem Account luft, derweil er nur dabei ist, um einerseits den Account zu administrieren und sich um die Technik zu kmmern, und andererseits, damit sie seine ganze Kommunikation ausschnorcheln kann.
Auf WhatsApp sind sie nur deshalb getrennt, weil sie kein gemeinsames Handy und keine gemeinsame Handynummer haben und WhatsApp auch brauchen, um miteinander zu kommunizieren. Aber sie hat natrlich auch die PIN seines Smartphone und manchmal auch ihm die PIN ihres Smartphone gegeben. Und auf dem gemeinsamen Windows-Laptop gibt's ja eh nur das eine Admin-Konto.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost Na ja, Bluesky hat ja vier Vorteile.
Erstens ist es wirklich ein Beinahe-1:1-Klon von Pr-Musk-Twitter bis hin zur offiziellen Fully-Featured-App. Die Leute suchen ja auf der Flucht vor Musk nichts vllig anderes, wie uns die Erfahrung vom November 2022 gelehrt hat, sondern Twitter ohne Musk.
Zweitens ist es einfacher zu handhaben, weil es trotz aller Ankndigungen bis heute ein zentralistischer, monolithischer Silo ist. Man braucht kein Instanz auszuwhlen und sich keinen Kopf um Dezentralitt machen.
Drittens hat es als kommerzielle Plattform ein Werbebudget.
Und viertens drfte auch die Presse es prferieren, weil es ja so viel einfacher ist.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #BlueskyIch bin gerade dabei, die Hilfe fr die Fediverse-Software #hubzilla neu zu schreiben. Nun sind die geplanten Kapitel vorerst "fertiggestellt". Aber sind sie das wirklich
Ich habe mich benht, die einzelnen Beitrge nglichst so zu formulieren und Dinge so zu erklren, dass auch Menschen ohne Erfahrung mit Hubzilla hoffentlich verstehen, wie was funktioniert.
Nur... ich nutze Hubzilla seit 2016... ohne Unterbrechung. Fr mich sind viele Dinge also selbstverstndlich. Obwohl ich mich bemht habe, zu vermeiden, solche "Selbstverstndlichkeiten fr mich" nicht auch auf den unbedarften Nutzer zu bertragen, bin ich mir sicher, dass ich an der einen oder anderen Stelle durch die Brille eines langjhrigen Hubzilla-Nutzers geblickt habe und manches womglich doch nicht so leicht verstndlich ist.
Deshalb brauche ich dringend "Hilfe bei der Hilfe". Von Helfern, die nicht mit Hubzilla vetraut sind... aber auch von Helfern, welche das System schon kennen, aber womglich daran gescheitert sind oder es aufgegeben haben, weil die Hilfe schlicht nicht ausreichend war. Und natrlich auch von Hubzilla-Spezialisten.
Ich habe die Hilfe zunchst in meiner Muttersprache, also in Deutsch, geschrieben. Sobald diese in einem guten Zustand (fr Hilfesuchende) ist, wird sie auch ins Englische bersetzt. Ich richte mich hier also zunchst berwiegend an deutschsprachige "potenzielle Helfer".
Auerdem bitte ich zu beachten: Es handelt sich um ein Hilfesystem fr eine Software, die fr die Teilnahme am Fediverse genutzt werden kann und soll. Wie soziale Netzwerke funktionieren, wozu sie dienen, wird darin nicht erklrt. Ich setze voraus, dass jemand, der solch einen Account und einen Kanal bei Hubzilla erstellen mchte, wei, wie social Networking funktioniert, wofr man es nutzen kann und was das Fediverse ist. Erfahrungen mit anderen Fediverse-Diensten, wie z.B. #mastodon, #pleroma, #misskey oder einem #forkey, #friendica etc. sind also kein Hinderungsgrund, die Hilfe zu beurteilen, sondern durchaus auch von Vorteil.
Nun ist das Hilfesystem von Hubzilla eine Sache fr sich, was die technische Umsetzung betrifft. Weil ich weder an meinem Produktivsystem etwas ndern wollte und auch noch nicht bereit bin, meine Arbeit direkt in das Software-Repository von Hubzilla einzubauen (dafr msste die detsche Hilfe erstmal soweit, dass sie passt, und dann mindestens auch die englische Version fertiggestellt sein). Auerdem habe ich fr die Erstellung ein von mir geschtztes System (mdBook) verwendet, weil es mir in erster Linie um Struktur und Inhalt ging und man nderungen unmittelbar begutachten kann.
Damit nun Interessierte die Hilfe in der Praxis nutzen und testen knnen, habe ich das "Handbuch" auf eine eigene Domain hochgeladen, von wo aus sie fr jeden aufruf- und nutzbar ist:
Meine Bitte nun: Knnten sich mglichst viele das Hifesstem anschauen Nutzer von Hubzilla sind willkommen, Nutzer andere Fediverse-Dienste sind aber genau so willkommen. Wer mag, kann das Hilfesystem auch nutzen, es einfach mal mit Hubzilla zu probieren. Hubzilla-Instanzen (Hubs) zu finden, ist nicht schwer: . Wer mag, kann sich z.B. einen Account bei meinem frei zugnglichen Hub "Klackernet" ( erstellen.
Und wenn's gar nicht passt oder das Experiment beendet werden soll, ist ein Account auch rasch rckstandslos gelscht (steht auch in meinem Handbuch ).
Und dann bitte Rckmeldungen, Kritik, Wnsche... entweder im Fediverse als Direktnachricht an mich, als ffentliches Posting, in welchem ich getaggt werde (, in meinem Forum "Pepes Hubzilla-Sprechstunde" ( oder via Matrix (. oder, wenn's unbedingt sein muss, auch per Mail (
Bitte diesen Beitrag teilen, weitersagen, boosten, wie auch immer, so dass die Chance besteht, dass sich vielleicht zwei, drei Hand voll Nutzer die Hilfe anschauen.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost Makes me wonder how Zot6 and Nomad would fit in there.
Notes: Zot6 is the newest stable version of the Zot protocol and 's main protocol. Hubzilla also optionally supports ActivityPub, and thus it's part of the Fediverse. Both Zot and Hubzilla are older than both Mastodon and ActivityPub.
Nomad is a descendant of Zot, and it's still the main protocol used by the nameless, brandless software in , itself a descendant of Hubzilla with optional, but on-by-default ActivityPub support.
Both protocols support . This means you can clone your identity with all content, all connections, all settings etc. etc. onto other instances. A clone is not a dumb copy. It's a real-time, omnidirectional, live, hot backup, and you can "move instances" by declaring any of your clones your main, and you can use any of your clones like your main anytime.
So the order would have to be NomadZot6 / Nostr / ATproto / ActivityPub.
And once the development of nomadic identity on ActivityPub using (the streams repository is the main testbed) is completed, ActivityPub will overtake both Nostr and ATproto and, as its nomadicity will not stop at project borders, probably also Zot6 and Nomad.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Protocol #Protocols #ActivityPub #FEPef61 #NomadicIdentity #Zot #Zot6 #Nomad #ATproto #Nostr Noch ein Problem dabei: Wenn die meisten Mastodon-Nutzer vom "Fediverse" reden, meinen sie Mastodon.
Von den Leuten, die unbedingt ganz viel mehr Leute und Institutionen usw. ins Fediverse holen wollen, sind 99,99% nur auf Mastodon. 98% von denen kennen auch nur Mastodon.
Und mindestens 50% von denen sind der felsenfesten berzeugung, "Fediverse" und "Mastodon" sind eh Synonyme, weil das Fediverse ja das Mastodon-Netzwerk ist. Die wissen berhaupt nicht, da es noch was anderes im Fediverse gibt als Mastodon. Die ahnen es nicht mal. Es ist fr sie unvorstellbar.
Das fhrt dann dazu, da nicht nur jeder, der neu ins Fediverse gelockt wird, direktweg auf Mastodon landet, egal, was sie vorher gemacht haben, sondern da auch keiner von denen erfhrt, wie gro das Fediverse wirklich ist.
Die ersten zwei Monate wissen sie nicht mal wirklich, da das Fediverse dezentral ist. Sie glauben,, oder wo auch immer sie gelandet sind, ist "die Internetseite vom Fediverse", also "das Fediverse".
Und frhestens nach fnf Monaten, hufig eher nach einem Jahr, wenn berhaupt, stoen sie erstmals darauf, da das Fediverse nicht nur Mastodon ist. Erst ist das fr sie komplett unvorstellbar. Wenn bei ihnen dann aber der Groschen fllt, kacken sie vor Schreck darber Ziegelsteine.
Vorher wiederum fhren sie sich natrlich selbst entsprechend auf und behandeln "Mastodon" und "Fediverse" als exakt deckungsgleich und gleichbedeutend. Und selbst wenn sie gelernt haben, da das Fediverse mehr ist als nur Mastodon, glauben sie immer noch, alles, was nicht Mastodon ist, ist schlimmstenfalls eine Alternativ-App fr Mastodon, d. h. Friendica hat denselben Stellenwert wie Mona oder Tusky, nur eben als Webfrontend. Bestenfalls sehen sie das tatschlich als eigene Projekte, aber sie glauben, die sind alle nachtrglich an Mastodon angeschraubt worden, weil Mastodon ja zuerst da war, weil das ja gar nicht anders sein kann.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #NichtNurMastodon Find the latitdue and longitude of any place

People with drug addictions living in B.C. long-term care homes raises red flags
The number of people suffering acute brain injury due to drug use that are being housed in residential care homes has risen, and this is a cause for concern in smaller facilities.
-termcarehome -termCare

Bernie Sanders:

America Must Confront Its

People with drug addictions living in B.C. long-term care homes raises red flags
The number of people suffering acute brain injury due to drug use that are being housed in residential care homes has risen, and this is a cause for concern in smaller facilities.
-termcarehome -termCare

People with drug addictions living in B.C. long-term care homes raises red flags
The number of people suffering acute brain injury due to drug use that are being housed in residential care homes has risen, and this is a cause for concern in smaller facilities.
-termcarehome -termCare

People with drug addictions living in B.C. long-term care homes raises red flags
The number of people suffering acute brain injury due to drug use that are being housed in residential care homes has risen, and this is a cause for concern in smaller facilities.
-termcarehome -termCare

Was anderes aus Interesse: Wieso schickst Du bei allen Posts die gleichen Hashtags mit Ist das eine Eigenschaft von Hubzilla oder fgst Du die Hashtags immer per Hand hinzu (und wenn ja, wieso)

Die schreibe ich per Hand rein.
Teilweise sind die zum leichteren Auffinden auf Mastodon. Hauptschlich sind sie aber zum Triggern von Wortfiltern. Es gibt kaum etwas, worber ich schreibe, was nicht irgendjemanden so stren wrde, da sie es nicht rausfiltern wrden. Und Hubzilla schickt anscheinend auch meine ffentlichen Kommentare an alle meine Kontakte, also auch quer ber Mastodon.
Klar knnte ich jetzt sagen, die meisten Mastodon-Nutzer wrden nicht mal Filter benutzen, wenn ich ihnen eine Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung mit konkreten Beispielen posten wrde. Aber wer auf Mastodon jetzt tatschlich was filtert, kann ich blderweise nicht mal aus Zustellungsberichten rauslesen.
Die ersten vier eben, #Long, #LongPost, #CWLong und #CWLongPost, baue ich immer ein, wenn ein Post oder Kommentar die 500 Zeichen berschreitet, um irgendwas zu haben, womit sich Mastodon-User meine "berlangen" Beitrge vom Hals schaffen knnen.
Ist eben so: Ich habe sehr viel mehr Publikum auf Mastodon als auf Friendica, Hubzilla und (streams) zusammen. Andererseits sind es gerade Nutzer aus unserer Ecke des Fediverse, die ich dabei erwischt habe, das Hauptthema meines Kanals auszufiltern.
#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Hashtag #Hashtags #HashtagMeta #CWHashtagMeta
the way you advocate for non-Mastodon alternatives means. you come across as a reply guy so you'll do more harm than good if you do

This is an issue of technological and therefore cultural differences between Mastodon on the one side and Hubzilla on the other.
If I wanted to change that one-sidedly, I'd massively reduce the choice of people whom I can reply to. I'd have to sit and wait until someone who either mentions me out of the blue or who is mutually connected to me acts like the Fediverse is only Mastodon. I'm pretty sure that those who follow me know that the Fediverse is much more than Mastodon. Many of them have started following me to learn such things from me. And those who know me well enough to mention me know that the Fediverse is more than Mastodon, too.
Putting the fediverse as a whole aside, if you want Hubzilla and (streams) to be less hostile to Black people, you'll need to find ways around those -- after all, you're one of their most prominent advocates on the fediverse.

As I've said, for example, sit and wait until someone explicitly wants me to interact with them.
Or hope that my own posts that mention Hubzilla or (streams) happen to be discovered by the right people, regardless of how many Mastodon users have already muted or blocked me.
Increase the possibility of that happening by chopping them into little chunks of no more than 500 characters to make it easier on the eye for Mastodon users, regardless of how many Friendica or even other Hubzilla users will mute or block me if I do that. Even though I'm closer to Friendica and Hubzilla users than I am to Mastodon users.
And Hubzilla and (streams) have hashtags, so you could follow the MutualAid tag and boost (and contribute if you have money).

Hubzilla has hashtags, but it doesn't support following them like Mastodon does. Not unless I subscribe to e.g.'s RSS feed generated by the search for a certain hashtag.
But I won't even do that because MutualAid on alone generates much more posts than all my unmuted contacts combined, all of which, sorry to say, are cruft on my topic-specialised channel. It's bad enough already now when I sit down at my machine in the morning and find "99+" new unread activities, and I have to go through all of them. I can't even tell right off the bat across how many threads these activities are spread. One new post by Eugen Rochko or George Takei boosted to me can drop the unread count because the 167 comments that came afterwards are marked unread along with the post itself. But I could just as well have 40 or 50 new posts with rather few comments to go through.
And that hashtag would flood my stream and my unread activities count with hundreds of single posts over night. And I'd have to load and read them all, one by one. I mean, I can also filter the list of unread activites by name, have only those from the hashtag feed listed and mark them all unread in one fell swoop. But them I wouldn't have to go through the hassle of finding the RSS feed and subscribing to it if I don't read any of it, now, would I
(streams) can follow hashtags. But my two (streams) channels are even more specialised in topic. It's enough already to receive the same posts and comments from OpenSim contacts twice, once on Hubzilla, once on (streams), because I don't semi-mute my (streams) contacts for a reason that even I don't know. In fact, neither channel exists to follow anyone. I've created both to put content out for which Hubzilla is unfit.
For example, I never said Black-run instances are a "ghetto", so you misquoting me with a term that's usually seen as disparaging -- and then repeating it multiple times in the same paragraph -- is anti-Black.

What I meant are instances specialising in a Black audience, not instances with Black admins and a general audience as mixed as that on
Similarly when you say
Second, I know that oppressed minorities, Black people first and foremost, cling to Mastodon for their dear lives because, as bad as Mastodon turned out to be, they either don't know that the Fediverse is more than just Mastodon. Or if they do know, they consider everything else in the Fediverse to be even worse. Because it isn't Mastodon. Because they don't really know it, and they don't want to find out the hard way by trying.

it's inaccurate, condescending, and anti-Black.

I've literally read this exact notion from Black users. It's a while ago, and I didn't know that I'd ever have to prove it, so I didn't save that comment anywhere. But it actually really happened.
I suggested trying something else than Mastodon that's safer. The reply I received was that, no, anything that isn't Mastodon is not safe, regardless of what it may be. This notion was backed by, for example, Nazi instances on Pleroma which make the entirety of Pleroma unsafe all over. And everything else that isn't Mastodon is not trustworthy either, partly because these Mastodon users couldn't count on it having moderation on the same level which they were used to from larger Mastodon instances.
They weren't even willing to give anything that isn't Mastodon a try because they were too afraid and too certain to land straight in some racist cesspool with either zero or too little or biased moderation. As for Hubzilla or (streams), they wouldn't have been able to judge them anyway without joining them because the public instances of neither of the two have public streams, so visitors can't see what's going on on that instance. I mean, it's hard to blame them for this decision.
If, that is, you actually want to make the fedierse as a whole -- and Hubzilla and (streams) in particular -- less hostile to Black people.

If I can do that. If that's even possible.
What it really takes is a few Black Fediverse users who aren't afraid of trying something a) of which they can't see how safe it is, b) which so far has a purely white audience (only a few dozen people, about half of whom seem to have their own instances) and c) which handles a great deal differently from Mastodon. But I'd say that the (streams) community in general would be eager to help with that huge step, also seeing as how much advertisement the success of such an endeavour would bring with itself. And due to the high density of instance owners, there's a lot of experience with instance administration as well.
Let the dust of (streams)' "nomadic ActivityPub" redesign settle, let one or a few members of marginalised minorities with enough reach try it out and find it to their liking and tell everyone about it, and it could kick off a little snowball effect. Especially if people discover that PWAs and Web interfaces on mobile aren't that bad if they adapt to mobile well.
After all, has just tried Friendica to be able to write about it, and she was blown away to such degrees that she decided to move over permanently. And her blog post about it is expected to have the power to draw a lot more people into Friendica. It certainly can happen.
Speaking of which, I plan to write a "test drive" article about (streams) from a user's point of view and compare it to Hubzilla. I'll write it in a way that Mastodon users who are the huge majority of my contacts can profit from it, too.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #BlackFedi #BlackFediverse

De onthulling van het grootste genoom: ontdekkingen uit de diepten van het water Sequentiebepaling Geschiedenis -Read Sequencing Technologie Diversiteit

De onthulling van het grootste genoom: ontdekkingen uit de diepten van het water Sequentiebepaling Geschiedenis -Read Sequencing Technologie Diversiteit

Per Setup knnen wir wiederum sagen, ob wir bei per API erzeugten Beitrgen die Zusammenfassung im Zusammenfassungsfeld oder im Titel haben wollen. Und Apps, die direkt Friendica untersttzen, knnen das natrlich direkt ansteuern.

Aber Apps, deren Entwickler anscheinend noch nie was von Friendica gehrt haben oder sich , verhalten sich stur, als wren sie an Mastodon angebunden. Die versuchen, die CW dahin zu schicken, wo sie sie auch auf Mastodon hinschicken wrden.
Fedilab ist ja ein Sonderfall, weil es Friendica ganz ausdrcklich untersttzt. Vielleicht nicht mit allen Features, wohl auch, weil es dafr eine ziemlich variable UI bruchte. An Friendica angeschlossen, mte z. B. wie aus dem Nichts ein Titelfeld auftauchen. Aber es reduziert Friendica eben nicht total aufs Mastodon-Featureset.
Ich wage zu behaupten, bei so manch einer Mastodon-fr-iPhone-App sieht das anders aus. Und genau um die ging es mir.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #MastodonApp #MastodonApps #Friendica #Fedilab
Aber ist das tatschlich eine Alternative zum Blocken, einfach zu sagen Soll der ruhig kommentieren, Hauptsache ich muss es nicht mehr lesen

Je nach Fall ja.
Blocken heit ja, so ziemlich jede Interaktion zu unterbinden. Das merkt derjenige frher oder spter. Ein Block ist demonstrativ, ein Block ist ein Statement.
Berechtigungen entziehen oder filtern heit, gezielt gewisse Dinge nicht zuzulassen. Das kann man so weit treiben, da es einem Block gleichkommt. Aber derjenige merkt es nicht so leicht und regt sich darber nicht so schnell auf, auer vielleicht, er ist auf Hubzilla oder (streams) und guckt gelegentlich mal in die Zustellungsberichte.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams)

Some thoughts on the article: "How a brush with death shaped my long game" -term,

Kommt drauf an, was du bezwecken willst.
Wenn ich jemanden daran hindern will, meinen Stream mit Off-Topic-Krams vollzupumpen, kann ich demjenigen einfach keine Berechtigung erteilen, mir Posts zu schicken. Ist deshalb elegant, weil es weder DMs noch Kommentare betrifft.
Fr kleinteiligere Spamreduktion, wenn nicht alles blockiert werden soll, nehme ich individuelle Filter, auf Hubzilla auch gegen Boosts.
(streams) ist da noch ein Stck eleganter. Standardmig ist eine Channel Role eingestellt, bei der so einiges nicht erlaubt ist. Man wundert sich erst, warum das so restriktiv ist, aber das ist saupraktisch. Die Berechtigungen werden dann nmlich individuell pro Kontakt per Berechtigungsregel erteilt oder, das geht auch, manuell per Schalter direkt am Kontakt. Da entfllt das vorherige Verbiegen der Channel Role, damit das klappt.
Und propos Schalter: Einen schaltbaren Boostblocker hat (streams) auch schon mit drin, da braucht man keine Filtersyntax mehr.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Berechtigungen #Berechtigungsrollen Gem Mastodon-von-2022/2023-Denke, und die soll ja fediverseweit gegen alle Widerstnde und gegen alle existierende Kultur durchgeprgelt werden, ist eine CW das einzig Sinnvolle. Das macht man eben so. Das ist fr einen selbst am einfachsten (wenn man CWs braucht und selbst wenig trtet).
Aber natrlich will man dann nur genau die CWs bekommen, die man wirklich braucht, und davon allerdings wiederum alle.
Die Konzepte von Flashback und Nocebo sind auf Mastodon genauso unbekannt wie das Konzept, CWs automatisch per Wortfilter zu generieren. Obwohl Mastodon das inzwischen auch kann. Aber Twitter kann das nicht, und als die Mastodon-Kultur in Stein gemeielt wurde, konnte Mastodon das auch noch nicht.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #FediverseKultur #CW #CWs #CWMeta #ContentWarning #ContentWarnings #ContentWarningMeta

About the rest

The goal should not be to learn from mistakes and improve your behaviour. In doing so, people will inevitably get hurt, offending posters will be blocked, moderation will have to get busy, and if moderation doesn't act because an instance is not Mastodon and doesn't work like Mastodon or whatever, whole instances are in danger of being Fediblocked.
It should rather be to learn from other people's past mistakes as well as all guidelines available and do everything perfectly right from the get-go. It's the quickest thing to stop certain bad things from happening in the Fediverse.
Unfortunately, however, this is impossible. And I know that from personal experience.
And even entirely leaving real life out of my posts like I already do doesn't fix this issue.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #FediblockMeta

About point 5

See three comments above. I'm already trying. But I'm pretty sure I'm not nearly trying hard enough.
I can't call out behaviour that I don't see. And I don't see any racist, sexist, misogynist, ableist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic etc. behaviour in my stream, simply because I've semi-muted some 85% of my contacts to keep as much off-topic cruft away from my stream as possible.
All I can do is adapt my own way of posting and minimise the damage I'm potentially dealing. But even that's limited. Take image posts, for example. My image descriptions can't possibly not be ableist to someone, even if each one of my images has two descriptions. My pictures of juno may potentially be sexist to say the least. And I still haven't replaced my profile pictures with images without eye contact to protect neurodiverse users.
My own contacts aren't intersectional enough themselves. I have at least one, maybe two Black women amongst the 15% who are permitted to send me their posts. But even that one trans woman amongst these 15% is white. And I do not follow anyone first who doesn't have anything to say that's interesting within the scope of my channel.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #Intersectional #Intersectionality #Ableist #Ableism #Sexist #Sexism #Misogynist #Misogyny #Xenophobic #Xenophobia #Homophobic #Homophobia #Transphobic #Transphobia #Racist #Racism

About point 4

No can do, at least not support for Black instances. That's because all Black instances are Mastodon instances.
I do not support Mastodon. I hate Mastodon with a burning passion, and I hate the wide-spread notion that Mastodon is absolutely the bee's knees even more. My support for Mastodon is limited to filing bugs on its GitHub repository when it misbehaves in interaction with Hubzilla or (streams).
I will so much not support anyone's stay on this utter piece of crud.
Don't get me wrong. The reason why I won't support them is not because they're Black. It's because they're Mastodon.
And besides, you've written yourself that a Black instance is a ghetto. The kind of ghetto that Black people don't want anyone to tell them to move to. Even if they've chosen themselves to have their Fediverse homes there, it's a ghetto all right.
This is also one of the reasons I will no longer suggest (streams) to the Black community, regardless of whether it might actually be a solution for parts of their imminent problems. I'm not going to tell anyone where to move. Even an unsolicited suggestion, even as little as mentioning the existence of a potential Mastodon alternative and its advantages over Mastodon is passive-aggressive.
Even if someone wished "the Fediverse", read, Mastodon to have a certain feature that'd greatly improve safety and privacy, and Hubzilla and (streams) had this feature readily available right now (and this has happened in this very thread), I would no longer mention them unless maybe in a purely white cis-het discussion. Mentioning them to Black people would be like trying to nudge them into a ghetto. And supporting ghettos in any way or other is racist.
Seeing as how much damage any attempt by a non-Mastodon user at helping can deal, it's safer for all involved to not do anything and let people continue believing the Fediverse is only Mastodon.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #NotOnlyMastodon #FediverseIsNotMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Safety #FediSafety #FediverseSafety #Privacy #FediPrivacy #FediversePrivacy #BlackFedi #BlackFediverse #Racist #Racism

About point 3

To skip right to the end of this point: You wrote...
Still, technology can make a difference see and for more.

I can't do anything here.
That is, I could. However, it would involve the Fediverse outside of Mastodon. Places which, thanks to their technological features, are magnitudes safer and more private than Mastodon. And that wouldn't be helping. Instead, it'd be bad in many ways.
First of all, as you've written yourself, suggesting people move someplace else is racist. And no, it doesn't matter if they move from Mastodon to Mastodon or from Mastodon to or even only Hubzilla. The only acceptable solution would be for racism and sexism and misogyny and homophobia and transphobia and ableism etc. etc. pp. to fully disappear from any and all Mastodon timelines. Immediately. With not the faintest trace left behind.
Second, I know that oppressed minorities, Black people first and foremost, cling to Mastodon for their dear lives because, as bad as Mastodon turned out to be, they either don't know that the Fediverse is more than just Mastodon. Or if they do know, they consider everything else in the Fediverse to be even worse. Because it isn't Mastodon. Because they don't really know it, and they don't want to find out the hard way by trying.
Third, I couldn't tell anyone about anything that isn't Mastodon without being a mansplaining reply-guy anyway. I'm dead-serious, I can't.
And fourth, who gives anything upon what a privileged white cis-het male writes who isn't even on Mastodon himself
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #NotOnlyMastodon #FediverseIsNotMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse #Streams #(streams) #Mansplaining #ReplyGuy #ReplyGuys #Sexist #Sexism #Misogynist #Misogyny #Homophobic #Homophobia #Transphobic #Transphobia #Ableist #Ableism #Racist #Racism

About point 2

I don't use the Fediverse for microblogging anyway. I never came from Twitter to Mastodon. I've never been on Twitter, and this identity of mine has never been on Mastodon or anything else geared towards microblogging first and foremost. I've tried Mastodon, but after many years on Friendica and Hubzilla. And this series of comments took me four or five hours to write and largely re-write, and I touch-type on a full-size hardware keyboard. That's nothing in comparison with how long it takes me to describe an image, but still.
Thus, I don't post that much anyway. And I only repeat (= boost) what I really want my own contacts to see.
On top of that, again, I don't post about real life. This channel is not about real life.
Even then, I know the Fediverse is a minefield. At the very least, I'm treading on eggs almost whenever I post something or comment on something.
I can't possibly know all instances of me being racist or sexist or misogynist or homophobic or transphobic or even only ableist. And believe me, I know that it's impossible for me to describe my own images in a way that isn't ableist to someone. The only way I don't have to throw some group of disabled Fediverse users in front of the bus when describing my images is by not posting the images in the first place and then not mentioning that I could have posted an image.
In fact, chances are that the portraits of my little in-world sister Juno Rowland I want to post on my specialist OpenSim image channel Jupiter Rowland's (streams) outlet are disturbingly sexist, maybe enough so to either call for the "moderation" on the (streams) instance to take action or, if that fails, have the whole instance Fediblocked. Every single last one of them with no exception. Or if not all of them, then at least some of the outfits she wears. How am I supposed to know beforehand
Or maybe I'm racist already for only having white avatars. Never mind that having a Black avatar as a white user is every bit as bad as Blackfacing, and never mind the OpenSim doesn't even provide the means to build convincing Black avatars in the first place.
Considering all this, it doesn't even matter that I've delegated posting portraits, memes and the like to two separate (streams) channels rather than doing it on Hubzilla because (streams) can make Mastodon blank sensitive images out, and Hubzilla can't. It doesn't matter that I've done so to be more inclusive towards people who are easily triggered by certain visual content such as eye contact.
(That's me trying to be intersectional here. You've written yourself this is not only about Black people.)
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Twitter #Mastodon #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #Avatar #Avatars #Blackfacing #Homophobic #Homophobia #Transphobic #Transphobia #Ableist #Ableism #Sexist #Sexism #Misogynist #Misogyny #Racist #Racism

About point 1

First of all, I'm very selective about whose posts I allow in my stream (= Hubzilla lingo for timeline). See, this is not my personal, general-purpose Fediverse outlet. This Hubzilla channel specialises in two topics. The primary topic is OpenSimulator in particular and sometimes 3-D virtual worlds more generally. The secondary topic is the Fediverse beyond Mastodon.
Real life has no room on this channel. Politics have no room on this channel. Real-life social issues have no room on this channel. Not in my posts, not in anyone else's posts either.
And truth be told, of my over 500 contacts, some 85% have no permission to send me posts. I don't want my stream to be cluttered with 99% uninteresting cruft.
Unlike Mastodon, Hubzilla counts and lists all unread messages, and you can open them, thread by thread. I don't want to sit down behind my computer and wade through tons of completely uninteresting posts and comments before I get to the first interesting one, and then wade through tons more of completely uninteresting posts and comments before I get to the next interesting one. That's why I've denied them the permission to send me their posts.
Almost all of them are white cis-het males, by the way.
As for the other 15%, if their off-topic posts get out of hand, I put word filters into action. Hubzilla has optional individual word filters per contact. Same if they boost too much.
Sure, I could connect to a lot more Black users. But that'd be dishonest. Unless they post about OpenSim or about the Fediverse beyond Mastodon, all they've got to say is cruft that'll clutter my stream. So to keep my stream from being cluttered, I'd have to deny them the permission to send me any posts.
Even if they did post about OpenSim or about the Fediverse beyond Mastodon, I might use per-contact filters to filter out as many off-topic posts as possible. And I'd very likely also filter out all their boosts, like I filter out the boosts from some of the remaining 15%.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #Hubzilla #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #Filters #Racist #Racism I'm someone who usually follows all advice about good Fediverse behaviour to a tee. That is, as far as Hubzilla lets me, as long as it doesn't require me to abandon Hubzilla's own culture in favour of only Mastodon's culture, and as long as it doesn't require me to abandon a number of Hubzilla's key features because Mastodon doesn't have them.
Some may say I'm overdoing the Mastodon-style content warning thing, at least in posts. Hubzilla doesn't support content warning in comments, and if I reply to something, it's always a comment and never a post. Otherwise you'd get one big honking Mastodon-style content warning here. You do get a huge pile of filter-triggering hashtags, though.
Some may say I'm overdoing the image description thing. My image descriptions in alt-text are among the longest in the Fediverse, and these are my short descriptions. My long descriptions for the same images which go into the posts are the longest, most detailed, most explanatory image descriptions in the Fediverse, full stop. And I keep raising my own standards. I only have one image description which I don't consider outdated, obsolete and sub-standard yet.
So I'd normally love to fulfill everything in your post to a tee by my definition of "a tee". And my definition of "to a tee" is everyone else's definition of "Are you completely insane, man!" But this time, it's more difficult. Call me racist, but it's more difficult.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #Hubzilla #CW #CWs #CWMeta #ContentWarning #ContentWarnings #ContentWarningMeta #Hashtag #Hashtags #HashtagMeta #CWHashtagmeta #Filters #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #Racist #RacismHat Friendica aber wieder ein dediziertes Zusammenfassungs-Textfeld Die alte Dreifaltigkeit Titel, Zusammenfassung, Post
Ich schrieb ja ber Mastodon-Apps und Friendica, da eine Mastodon-App irgendwas braucht, was genauso funktioniert wie Mastodons CW-Feld. Etwas, wo sie verllich immer eine CW reindrcken kann, so da die dann genauso verllich wie auf Mastodon als CW funktioniert. Und zwar, ohne auf irgendwelche projektspezifischen Spezialitten eingehen zu knnen.
Die App mu Friendica immer 100% verllich blind wie Mastodon "bedienen" knnen.
Natrlich kann man auf Friendica den Titel als Zusammenfassung/CW nehmen. Aber zum einen mu das eingestellt werden. Zum anderen mu die App dann die CW ins Titelfeld eintragen. Eine Mastodon-App wird aber stur versuchen, die CW ins Zusammenfassungsfeld zu drcken, ob da jetzt eins ist oder nicht.
Wenn sie jetzt die CW ins Titelfeld eintragen soll, dann ist das ein Friendica-Spezialfeature. Wenn sie selbstttig aus den Einstellungen erkennen soll, ob die CW in den Titel eingetragen oder z. B. als BBcode realisiert werden soll, ist das erst recht ein Friendica-Spezialfeature.
Ich wei nicht, vielleicht kann Fedilab das. Aber die ganzen praktisch reinen Mastodon-Apps, die von Leuten entwickelt werden, die ihren Lebtag von Friendica noch nie auch nur gehrt haben, die knnen das nicht.
Eine rein gegen Mastodon entwickelte App wird wiederum fr Alt-Text ein Textfeld anbieten, das den Alt-Text in ein Bild eintrgt, das an einen Post als Datei angehngt ist. So luft das nmlich auf Mastodon und nur so.
Mein letzter Informationsstand ist, da genau das aber auf Friendica nicht geht. Wenn man da Alt-Text haben will, mu man das Bild erst hochladen, dann in-line in den Post einbetten und dann den Alt-Text in den BBcode eintragen.
Theoretisch ginge das auch mit einer App. Aber das wre wieder ein Friendica-Special-Feature. Und eine reine Mastodon-App von einem Entwickler, der Friendica berhaupt nicht kennt, untersttzt keine Friendica-Special-Features, sondern wirklich nur und ausschlielich Sachen, die Mastodon kann und die Mastodon genau so macht.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #CW #CWs #CWMeta #ContentWarning #ContentWarnings #ContentWarningMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #Friendica #MastodonApp #MastodonApps

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