Find the latitude of any place.  

Mumbles Pier, Swansea South Wales

Mumbles Pier, Swansea South Wales

image destinations wales

Das Fediverse ist eben Mastodon. Und alles, was nicht Mastodon ist, hat auch geflligst Mastodon zu sein. Das sind die Eindringlinge, die die Ruhe in Mastodons Fediverse stren. Auch Friendica von 2010 und Hubzilla von 2015, die die Frechheit besaen, sich in dem Augenblick mit Mastodon zu fderieren, als Mastodon 2016 startete.
Alles, was Nicht-Mastodon-Projekte knnen, strt. Auch nur ein bichen ber 500 Zeichen, Textformatierung, Codeblcke, Listen, Zitate, Quote-Posts usw. Ich bin ja sogar schon angegangen worden, weil meine Mentions so komisch aussehen, und ich sollte das geflligst abstellen.
Ich warte wirklich schon darauf, da ganze Projekte gefediblockt werden sollen, weil deren Nutzer sich so unmastodonhaft benehmen.
Meinen Main hast du, wie's aussieht, auch schon geblockt, weil ich mich nicht wie auf Mastodon benehme. Daher verwende ich hier jetzt meinen Klon.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #NichtNurMastodon
Woran wrde ich sehen, wenn jemand nicht von Mastodon kommt

Ein paar Beispiele ohne Anspruch auf Vollstndigkeit:

Ansonsten kannst du es auf dem Webinterface auch selbst berprfen:

Alternativ kannst du auch das Profil des Nutzers aufrufen. Das siehst du auch auf dessen Heimatinstanz und nicht auf Mastodon, wenn es nicht auf Mastodon ist.
Es wrde jetzt allerdings den Rahmen sprengen, wenn ich erklren wrde, an welchen visuellen Merkmalen man welches Projekt erkennt. Einige Projekte sind ja im Aussehen extrem variabel, und bei einigen Projekten knnen sogar die Nutzer das Aussehen ihres Kontos oder Kanals verndern.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Fediversum Dann mten aber DFRN (fr Friendica), Zot (fr Hubzilla), Nomad (fr (streams)), BBcode (fr alle drei), Markdown (fr (streams)), HTML (fr (streams) und die Darstellung im Web generell), ActivityPub (fr das gesamte restliche Fediverse) und Rich Text (fr ActivityPub) erweitert werden um die Mglichkeit, Alt-Text an Links anzuhngen.
Auerdem mten ausnahmslos alle Fediverse-Projekte nachziehen, dieses Feature einbauen und obendrein eine separate Vorschau bieten, die mit 100%er Verllichkeit anzeigt, wie der Post letztlich auf Mastodon aussehen wird. Gleichzeitig mten sie ihrerseits die Bildbeschreibung fr Linkvorschaubilder ignorieren, weil es die so nur auf Mastodon gibt.
Nur, damit Alt-Text fr Linkvorschaubilder auf Mastodon perfekt funktionieren.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #Bildbeschreibung #Bildbeschreibungen #BiBesch #NichtNurMastodon
Also your post sets out two options then the poll has four.

Does Mastodon only support so short option names that the "- sighted" and "- not sighted" appendices are swallowed
Each option is there once for sighted users and once for blind or visually-impaired users. I want to be able to distinguish between their opinions.
And people who want the description in the alt text have no way to vote for it.

That isn't an option, and I've explained in the start post why. Money self-quote:
Note 1: "In the alt-text" is not an option, by the way. Explanations never go into the alt-text. Besides, without a 500-character limit, I don't have to shove stuff into the alt-text because there's no room in the post.

First of all, there must never be any information exclusively available in alt-text. Not everyone can access alt-text. There are physical disabilities that make that impossible. If information is only available in alt-text, it's lost to certain disabled users.
Besides, Mastodon chops off long alt-text that comes in from outside at the 1,500-character mark. And I mean it permanently discards everything that goes beyond 1,500 characters.
This isn't nearly enough for even basic explanations plus visual descriptions in my case. My images are always about an extremely niche topic. Thus, for a casual audience to even be able to understand them, I have to explain a lot, and I have to explain the explanation itself.
1,500 characters aren't nearly enough for that.
includes an explanation that's 2,635 characters long. This is not a typo.
I have to explain what Padm is so sceptical about.
In order to make that understandable, I have to explain in altogether 501 characters what OSgrid is.
Then I have to explain in 572 characters what OpenSimulator is in order for people to understand what OSgrid is.
Then I have to explain in 545 characters what Second Life is in order for people to understand what OpenSimulator is.
Then I have to explain in over 200 characters that and why worlds in OpenSim are called "grids" in order for people to further understand what OSgrid is.
Then I have to explain in 487 characters what it is about OSgrid that has Padm worried.
Without these explanations, nobody but OpenSim veterans would even get the meme. And I didn't even explain the meme template if I were to do that as well, I'd go well beyond 6,000 characters only for explanations because I'd have to go as in-depth as .
Only for explanations. This does not include visual descriptions. And if you've ever actually read any of my over-500-characters-long posts, you should know that my visual descriptions of my own pictures give "excessive" a new meaning. And they come with increasingly extensive general explanations plus detail explanations themselves.
You tell me how to get thousands upon thousands of characters in alt-text into Mastodon in one piece, undamaged.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta Auch hier wieder: Mit Friendica, Hubzilla und (streams) technisch nicht mglich.
Noch einmal: Da gibt's kein Alt-Text-Eingabefeld. Alt-Text wird in den Bildeinbettungscode im Post selbst reingeschrieben.
Das heit, wenn du z. B. Alt-Text an ein Bild in einem Post von Hubzilla einbauen willst,

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #Bildbeschreibung #Bildbeschreibungen #BiBesch #NichtNurMastodon
Auch wichtig:
Usern erlauben Alt-Texte erzeugen zu knnen auf ProfilPhoto, ProfilBanner und ALLEN Link-Vorschau-Boxen in Posts!

Ich hoffe nur, da das nie zur Pflicht wird mit Defderation ganzer Instanzen als Sanktion bei Nichterfllung.
Das Fediverse ist nicht nur Mastodon, auch nicht nur Mastodon und Mastodon-Forks. Einige Projekte sind vllig anders aufgebaut und funktionieren vllig anders als Mastodon. Vor allem Friendica, Hubzilla - da bin ich - und (streams) handhaben Alt-Text vllig anders als Mastodon, nmlich nicht in einem separaten Textfeld. Da wre der Aufwand, Alt-Text fr Profilbilder zu erlauben, viel zu gro.
Und Alt-Text fr Linkvorschaubilder ist da berhaupt nicht umsetzbar. Die drei haben gegenber Mastodon zwar den Vorteil, da sie eine Vorschaufunktion haben. Aber die Vorschaufunktion zeigt nicht an, wie die Posts auf Mastodon aussehen werden. Und "zu Hause" sehen sie vllig anders aus als auf Mastodon eine Linkvorschau gibt's da nicht.
Zum einen wrde ein Post mit Link also noch lnger ohne Alt-Text frs Vorschaubild im Fediverse stehen. Unsereins mte nmlich eine Mastodon-Instanz aufrufen, mit der wir verbunden sind, und da dann nach dem Post suchen, und warten, bis er da angekommen ist. Erst dann wissen wir berhaupt, was fr ein Bild Mastodon da eigentlich als Vorschau eingesetzt hat. Und bis der Alt-Text geschrieben ist, der Post editiert ist und der Edit durchs ganze Fediverse durchgereicht ist, das dauert nochmal.
Zum anderen ist das eh irrelevant, weil so etwas auf Friendica, Hubzilla und (streams) technisch unmglich ist. Wie gesagt, keine Alt-Text-Eingabefelder. In Posts werden Bilder ja auch nicht als Dateien angehngt, sondern wie in Blogposts eingebettet. Der Alt-Text wird dann ins Markup fr die Bildeinbettung reingeschrieben. Aber ein Link ist nur ein Link. Kein Markup der Welt sieht Alt-Text fr Links vor.
Ich will endlich QuoteShares auf Mastodon, so da Kommentare zu Posts anderer User, fehlende #BiBesch etc prominent in neuen Posts geteilt werden knnen.

Es wre einfacher, wenn Misskey, Firefish, Iceshrimp, Sharkey, Catodon, Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) etc. etc. pp. einen Ein-Klick-Totalimport ganzer Mastodon-Accounts anbieten wrden, um das Umziehen zu erleichtern. Die konnten nmlich alle schon immer Quote-Posts.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #Bildbeschreibung #Bildbeschreibungen #BiBesch #NichtNurMastodonI have a question regarding descriptions and explanations for images:
Let's suppose I post an image showing something extremely niche and extremely obscure, something that'd require a whole lot of explanation for most people to understand. This also includes memes.
Let's also suppose I don't have a 500-character limit, for I don't have any character limit.
Where would you prefer general explanations

All options are listed separately for sighted and non-sighted users.
Please boost for a larger sample size!
Note 1: "In the alt-text" is not an option, by the way. Explanations never go into the alt-text. Besides, without a 500-character limit, I don't have to shove stuff into the alt-text because there's no room in the post.
Note 2: "No description" is not an option either. You shouldn't just leave it to your readers to search the Web for whatever they don't get. Besides, no, you can't Google everything, and ChatGPT doesn't know everything either.
Note 3: Explanations for specific elements in an image that go along with describing what they look like will always go into the image description, i.e. into the post, especially if there is no external webpage explaining them.
#Poll #Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #DescriptiveText #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #Accessibility #A11y #Inclusion #Inclusivity #Blind #VisuallyImpaired Just FYI: At least Hubzilla has the built-in functionality to add a geographic location to each post, and you can optionally even enter a default location into your channel settings. There's an optional app named that can show the post location or any other place in OSM. There's also an optional app named that can be used to plan meetings using OSM as the map provider.
Both and have similar OpenStreetMap add-ons, but they don't have anything like Rendez-vous.
Granted, it all dates back to before Mastodon, so it isn't geared towards working with Mastodon. Also, it isn't built against ActivityPub primarily but against DFRN (Friendica), Zot6 (Mastodon) and Nomad ((streams)). But maybe it's worth checking out.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #OpenStreetMap (streams) has always been a fully-fledged Fediverse server application capable of working as a decentralised social network, only that it has been slimmed down in extra features in comparison to Hubzilla to be easier to maintain. Its federation is reduced to Nomad, Zot6 and ActivityPub, and apps like Calendar, Articles, Webpages and Wiki are gone, too, while it got to keep WebDAV, CardDAV and now-headless CalDAV. On the other hand, its ActivityPub connectivity has been improved.
Its original intention was not to be built into other projects, but other projects to be built around/on top of it by developing add-ons for it and giving it a name. (streams) itself doesn't have a name, doesn't have a brand, doesn't have a logo and isn't actually even a project, only a software repository. But if you take what's in that software repository and install it on a Web server, you still get something that blows Friendica out of the water in all but cross-protocol federation, calendar and maybe fancy UI elements.
Its main "issues", apart from not handling anything like Mastodon either, are that it has precious few public instances with open sign-up, and that its very concept (it doesn't have a unique identifier for its instances, and it's being kept away from all instance listing websites) makes its instances next to impossible to find unless you already know one.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta
"a full, nomadic-identity-style move from Mastodon to anywhere is technically impossible"
It really isn't. Moving your social graph is built in. The lack of content portability is a problem, but there's tool now that helps with that

It still isn't nomadic identity style.
Imagine you move from to Your whole account, just without the instance-specific login credentials, moves along with you. Including all your posts.
Now it comes: Your posts don't re-appear on everyone's timelines as new, unread posts as they normally would. They don't appear as read double posts either. Your whole backlog of existing posts on everyone's timelines all over the Fediverse are being automatically re-assigned from to as the author.
Also, nobody has to re-follow you. All your followers and all your followed are being automatically re-assigned from to, too, without having to do anything themselves.
Also, your account on is completely wiped and ceases to exist.
Afterwards, everything looks like you've always been on
That would be nomadic identity style.
"99% of all Fediverse newbies are railroaded to Mastodon without being told what else there is in the Fediverse"
That's not really what happens, though. No one is strong-arming people to join Mastodon. It's just the one that's caught attention.

That's because the main gateway into the Fediverse is not or . It's rather or which nudges everyone to, too. Or for Japanese users, it's .
Justifiedly so. If you tell people who want to get away from Musk that they first have to choose one out of dozens of Fediverse projects and then one out of dozens or hundreds or thousands of instances without even knowing what either is, they'll nope out because that's way too complicated.
If you railroad them to and leave them to figure out everything themselves when they're ready for it, they'll bite because that's easy enough.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta
The rest of your argument is self-perpetuating people use Mastodon because they hear about it, and they don't want to move, so they just wait for it to change

Yes, because moving is so inconvenient. And a full, nomadic-identity-style move from Mastodon to anywhere is technically impossible. But many won't do less than that.
So more and more people use Mastodon even though they hate it

Yes, because 99% of all Fediverse newbies are railroaded to Mastodon without being told what else there is in the Fediverse because that'd just confuse them. People usually take three to six months to even only discover that there are alternatives to Mastodon in the Fediverse, at which point they've fully settled into Mastodon.
The newbies don't hate Mastodon for not being as powerful as e.g. Sharkey. They love it for not being . And they've never even heard of Sharkey at that point, so they can't and won't compare Mastodon to Sharkey.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta Three reasons.
One, you can't move from Mastodon to any other Fediverse project with all your content, all your posts, all your settings, all your connections just like so, just like you can move from Hubzilla to (streams).
Two, Mastodon is the only Fediverse project with full, extensive, guaranteed iOS app support. Most "Fediverse" apps are built against Mastodon first and foremost or against Mastodon only. And almost everyone on Mastodon is on phones, mostly iPhones.
Three, coming from Twitter and adapting to Mastodon was hard enough already, and some still haven't recovered from that. You can't expect them to move and learn something new again.
And thus, everyone stays on Mastodon, waiting for features that are perfectly standard pretty much everywhere else to be introduced to their home instance.
And I'm not even counting those who aren't aware what the rest of the Fediverse can do. Or those who simply don't know that there is such a rest of the Fediverse because they think the Fediverse is only Mastodon.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta

Hundreds of doctors to sue NHS because government PPE failings gave them Long Covid Vox Political

Health Service Protective Equipment #19 Sivier Political

"Walled garden metaverse" sounds like an oxymoron. If it runs entirely on the servers of one company and has no public API or any way to interact with users from outside a proprietary ecosystem, then what's really "metaverse" about it

Well, everyone and their dog believes that Zuckerberg's virtual worlds platform is officially named "The Metaverse". ("Metaverse" and "The Metaverse" are registered trademarks of Meta Platforms, Inc. All rights reserved.") And both mainstream media and tech media spew out the same non-sense. The only exceptions are tech media specialising in virtual worlds.
Also, as I've already written, Second Life started to officially refer to itself as a "metaverse" in 2022 as a "Hey, we're still here, too, and we're still relevant" publicity stunt. And Second Life has always been a commercial walled garden.
Its API is only public insofar as it was reverse-engineered from the source code of the official viewer after the latter was made open-source in 2006. And that's only a viewer API, a client API, that's used to develop third-party viewers. "Compatibility" with other virtual worlds Well, there's OpenSim which was then built against the other side of the same API and the already existing third-party Second Life viewers and launched in 2007. But while it uses largely the same API and the same formats and the same standards, and while it's decentralised and federated within itself, it can't connect to Second Life. Even the 2008 "Six Lindens manage to teleport from Second Life to OpenSim" publicity stunt was bogus and faked.
I think I might write an article about the latter.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #VirtualWorlds #Meta #MetaMeta #Horizons #Secondlife #Metaverse
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #VirtualWorlds #Meta #MetaMeta #Horizons #SecondLife #OpenSimulator #Decentraland #Roblox #VRchat #ThirdRoom #Vircadia #Overte #TheMetaverse #Metaverse

this guy, Im telling you

Sorry, but I have to pick this apart, sitting on what might be the opposite end of the Fediverse.
How to destroy the essential tools of our decentralized setup and there for the #fediVerse:

...where "Fediverse" is synonymous for "Mastodon", I guess.
* don't boost

I can't boost. Hubzilla doesn't have that feature. Hubzilla "quote-tweets" instead. It has done so since before there was Mastodon. You don't want me to do that instead, do you
* don't use #hashTags

Okay, I can do that. But from your typical Mastodon and formerly Twitter user's point of view, I guess I use way too many because I also use them to trigger filters. So I use a whole lot of them.
* don't follow #hashTags

Hubzilla can't follow hashtags either.
* don't follow groups
* don't post to groups

First of all, there isn't a single Guppe group that even remotely covers the primary topic of this channel. There is a Lemmy community for that topic, though, and I'm connected to it.
Besides, I'm connected to various Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) forums/groups which blow clean out of the water feature-wise.
* don't read, understand or follow #fediTips

Right, I don't read them. Because they're all so Mastodon-centric it hurts. Almost none of them can be sensibly carried over to here.
Not to mention the edge-cases I have to deal with that FediTips don't cover, for example when it comes to describing images. I don't have to put everything into the alt-text. I don't have a 500-character limit that prevents me from describing stuff in the post text body and forces me to use only the alt-text.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fedisplaining #CWFedisplaining #NotOnlyMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse #FediverseIsNotMastodon

Rory McIlroy Vs Micah Morris (Long Drive Contest)

If people actually let you get away with it... I mean, I expect some fundamentalists on Mastodon to demand a full image description in alt-text, no matter how, no matter what, full stop.
I almost always put my image descriptions into the post text body for two reasons. One, they contain explanations and other information neither available in the actual post text nor for sighted people in the image itself. Two, they're way too long. They exceed 1,500 characters multiple times, sometimes multiple dozen times. I don't have local character limits to worry about, but at least Mastodon, Misskey and all their forks chop alt-text over 1,500 characters off at the 1,500-character mark.
In addition, I always mention in alt-text where exactly this image description can be found. Not only in the post text body, but I add stuff like "above the image and hidden behind a content warning if you're viewing this post on Mastodon and right below this image if you're viewing this post on Friendica, Hubzilla or (streams)".
More recently, however, I started adding a short description of the image to the alt-text. It actually doesn't even begin to describe the actual contents of the image. It's only there to satisfy the "alt-text must describe the image or else" crowd. I may have alt-texts well beyond the 850-characters mark nonetheless.
And still, I think the only reason why nobody complains about the lack of image description in my alt-texts is because too many Mastodon users or entire instances have muted or blocked me for not acting "Mastodon-like" enough.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta Weil es zu fast allen Themen Leute gibt, die sich darber aufregen, da die nicht hinter einer CW versteckt werden. Ja, auch Katzenbilder (CW: cats).
Deswegen bin ich dafr, da Mastodon mal den umgekehrten Weg geht. Zur Abwechslung mal nicht dem ganzen Fediverse seine eigene Kultur aufzwingt, die geprgt ist durch technisch ungerechtfertigte Beschrnkungen, Neuerfinden von Rdern und Walled-Garden-Denken. Statt dessen mal was nicht nur technisch, sondern vor allem in seine Kultur bernimmt, was im Fediverse vor Mastodon der Standard war:
Content Warnings aus Filtern. Automatisch generiert fr jeden Leser individuell.
Das kann Mastodon auch, und zwar seit Version 4.0, also seit letztem Jahr. Nur nutzt das keiner, und zwar aus einer ganzen Reihe an Grnden:

Erschwerend kommt hinzu: Viele Projekte, die nach Mastodon als Alternativen zu Mastodon gestartet wurden, wurden nicht nur auf Mastodons Technik, sondern auch auf Mastodons Kultur zugeschnitten. Entweder haben die gar keine Filter, oder die haben bis heute keine Mglichkeit, per Filter CWs zu generieren.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #CW #CWs #ContentWarning #ContentWarnings #CWMeta #ContentWarningMeta Okay, here's a bit more. And I'm trying to write this from a Mastodon point of view, but as someone who has got experience outside of Mastodon.
If you're on Mastodon which you probably are, get used to the lingo.

This may come as a surprise, but the Fediverse is not only Mastodon. There are many other projects in the Fediverse which are connected to Mastodon. Some of them have actually already been around before Mastodon. And they have features that Mastodon doesn't have. So don't freak out if you see a post with over 500 characters. Or with italics. Or with bold type. Or with a code block. Or using the content warning for a summary. Or with a quote. Or with a "quote-tweet". Outside of Mastodon, all this is standard and perfectly normal. Get used to it.
Use content warnings (CW) to make browsing the #Fediverse safer for all.

Double your content warnings with hashtags. Some projects in the Fediverse outside of Mastodon use text filters to automatically generate individual content warnings for those who need them. And Mastodon can do that, too, so even some Mastodon users do it.
If a post with content that you may deem sensitive has only got these hashtags but no actual content warning, this is not necessarily due to ill intent or neglect. Some Fediverse projects outside of Mastodon can't do content warnings the Mastodon way. Hubzilla can only do them in first posts, but not in replies. On Friendica, they're generally very difficult to do. So don't immediately call for moderation.
Use #AltText on *all* your pictures! Visually impaired people like memes too.

Actually describe your images in alt-text. And do only that. No hashtags in alt-text. No links in alt-text. No SEO keyword spamming in alt-text.
If there's text in your picture, transcribe it in alt-text word by word.
You can mute, block, and/or report people, depending on the severity of their actions. That said, most people here are pretty cool, so give 'em a chance unless they're being a willful ass-hat.

Don't forget: Different instances have different rules. So don't report someone on another instance for not adding a content warning that's mandatory on your instance but not on theirs or the like. And don't forget either: Different projects have different capabilities and different cultures of using them.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fedisplaining #CWFedisplaining #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse #NotOnlyMastodon #FediverseIsNotMastodon #Hashtag #Hashtags #AltText
Anfangs schrieb ich lange Aufstze wie in der Schule. Dann meldete sich mal ein Blinder und meinte, allzu ausfhrliche Beschreibungen, seien gar nicht so erwnscht: Eigentlich klar: Whrend die Sehenden das mit einem Blick erfassen, mssen Blinde den ganzen Text sich vorlesen lassen. Am schwierigsten finde ich zu erkennen, was einem Blinden ntzt uns was nicht.

Da gibt es leider keinen wie auch immer gearteten Konsens, auch wenn einige behaupten, den gbe es. Genau wie mit der Lnge und Ausfhrlichkeit von Bildbeschreibungen.
Die einen Blinden wollen Bildbeschreibungen gern kurz und prgnant. Die anderen wollen sie ausfhrlicher. Z. B. lassen sie sich nicht damit abspeisen, da du Elemente in einem Bild erwhnst, sondern sie wollen auch wissen, wie das alles jeweils aussieht.
Wenn du jegliche Bildbeschreibung in den Alt-Text packst, bringt das fr Blinde noch einen weiteren Nachteil mit sich: Screenreader knnen Alt-Text nicht navigieren. Das heit, die knnen nicht innerhalb des Alt-Text an eine bestimmte Stelle zurckspringen, sondern nur wieder ganz zum Anfang, um dann alles wieder von vorne durchzurattern.
Das ist einer von diversen Grnden, warum ich z. B. meine ausfhrlichen Bildbeschreibungen immer in den Post selbst packe. Ein anderer ist, weil sie meistens weit lnger als 1500 Zeichen werden, aber zumindest Mastodon, Misskey und die Forkeys schneiden Alt-Text an der 1500-Zeichen-Marke hart ab.
Allerdings poste ich im allgemeinen Bilder zu einem sehr obskuren Nischenthema. Die meisten Leute brauchen sehr, sehr viel Erklrung, um die Bilder zu verstehen. Und gerade meine eigenen Bilder sind manchmal ziemlich komplex, auch wenn ich versuche, das zu vermeiden.
Wie gut meine Beschreibungen ankommen, wei ich nicht. Ich habe bisher mehr Bilder beschrieben als Feedback dafr bekommen, und zwar inklusive Feedback von Leuten, denen ich ausdrcklich meine Bilderposts als Beispiele fr lange, detaillierte Bildbeschreibungen gezeigt habe. Ungefragtes Feedback hatte ich bisher nur einmal, auch wenn das positiv war.
Wer noch nie "rot" gesehen hat fngt sich mit rotem Kleid wohl eher wenig an.

Nicht jeder, der blind ist, wurde blind geboren. Wer irgendwann in seinem Leben erblindet ist, hat frher mal Farben gesehen, also auch einen Begriff von Farben.
Auerdem ntzen Bildbeschreibungen nicht nur Blinden, sondern auch Sehenden, die mieses Internet haben, wo die Bilder berhaupt nicht laden.
Ich wrde Farben immer erwhnen.
Gibt es diesbezglich eine Anleitung/FAQ

Die meisten, die es gibt, sind nur fr professionelle/kommerzielle statische Websites oder vielleicht noch professionelle/kommerzielle klassische HTML-Blogs. Die meisten, die Social Media behandeln, sind nur fr kommerzielle Social Media, also Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn usw. Und die paar, die tatschlich das Fediverse behandeln, sind nur fr ganz normales Vanilla-Mastodon und gehen felsenfest davon aus, da Posts nicht lnger sein knnen als 500 Zeichen.
Die Sonderflle "Zeichenlimit deutlich ber 500 Zeichen" und "Social-Media-Post mit Bild, das viel Beschreibung und/oder Erklrung braucht", sind noch nie in so einer Anleitung abgedeckt worden.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #AltText #Bildbeschreibung #Bildbeschreibungen #BiBesch "MIA" means "missing in action".
I don't know all the details, just so much: The last time Kainoa was seen contributing to the Firefish repository was in June or July. Around that time, I guess, was also the last time that Kainoa was seen taking care of Kainoa is still alive and well and has posted something not long ago. Could be busy, nobody knows.
Anyways, fast-forward to December, 2023/January, 2024. Due to literally no maintenance whatsoever because the only admin hasn't shown up in a while, has become entirely unresponsive. Nothing works anymore.
Also, Firefish is badly lagging behind Misskey's development. Not only no new features, but also no bug fixes, no security fixes, no nothing.
So the Firefish community took matters into their own hands. Just to mention three new forks:

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Misskey #Forkey #Forkeys #Firefish #Iceshrimp #Sharkey #Catodon

Todays playlist is long songs. Everybody likes sagas:

This could work, and it could be a first step away from the oft-criticised "content warning field" and towards reader-side text filters which, by the way, have been in the Fediverse for longer than Mastodon itself.
Web interfaces could get switches like these, too, and ideally, admins could add their own switches, depending on the target audience of an instance. Ideally, apps could recognise these custom, instance-specific switches and add them to their UI.
On the posters' side, it'd still require discipline because they'd have to add appropriate hashtags, and these hashtags would have to be standardised, otherwise each filter would have to cover each trigger with half a dozen different hashtags per language or so. Dedicated apps could assist in this by adding checkboxes to the post editor which have the app automatically add appropriate standard hashtags for certain topics to the "hashtag line" at the end.
This could actually start in apps without breaking standards, and it could nudge Mastodon itself into adding it to its Web UI. In fact, I can see at least some Forkeys being quicker at introducing it.
The best part: This would move the Fediverse away from something Mastodon-specific and towards something more standard.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #CW #CWs #ContentWarning #ContentWarnings #CWMeta #ContentWarningMeta
To be honest, I'm even feeling like maybe this shouldn't be a feature, just so the Twitter-refugees don't use it, because then they will think that that is somehow what's protecting them from harassment, and not the fact that this isn't Twitter.

Even if Mastodon won't introduce the creation of quote-posts, Misskey, the various Forkeys (Firefish, Iceshrimp, Sharkey, Catodon etc. etc.), Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) can quote-post just about any Mastodon toot out there with no resistance whatsoever. They always could, even when Mastodon wasn't able to display quote-posts halfway appropriately.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta To be fair, this doesn't apply to all the Fediverse. Mastodon, yes, but not the entire Fediverse.
I dare say there are two projects which handle this marvellously: from 2015 and a fork of a fork... by Hubzilla's own creator, commonly referred to as while technically being nameless. While both can "talk ActivityPub", they are based on different protocols which give them a feature that Bluesky tries hard to make everyone believe that they're working on inventing: .
First of all, Hubzilla and (streams) don't put your Fediverse identity directly into your account. Your account only grants you access. Your identity, your connections, your posts, your settings, your content etc. etc., all that resides in a , a kind of container. You can have multiple channels on one account, so you can also have fully separate identites on the same instance without having to log out and back in.
Nomadic identity itself can do two things. One, it takes care of moving a channel to another instance. And I mean actually moving it, not creating a dumb copy and leaving a dead account behind.
Two, and this is the actual killer feature, it can clone your channel to another instance. Again, not create a dumb copy. The clone is always synchronised with the original and vice versa. If one goes down, you've got the other readily at hand, so you're even safe from spontaneous shutdowns. And you can have more than one clone for each one of your channels.
Basically, moving is cloning light. Moving creates a synchronised clone, declares the clone the new main and the old main a clone, then deletes the old-main-gone-clone, and if there aren't any other channels on your old account, deletes that account.
Nomadic identity was invented in 2011 by who also created Hubzilla, now maintains (streams) and, in 2010, had created which was named Friendika back in 2011. Public Friendika nodes closing down had become a serious issue already, regardless of whether the shutdown was announced or came out of the blue. Early on, whenever this happened, all users on the node lost everything and had to start over from scratch.
Friendika eventually introduced moving from node to node by exporting and importing your account, but real resilience would have been different. Thus, nomadic identity was conceived. The Zot protocol was written around it because it couldn't be introduced to Friendika's DFRN protocol. In 2012, Friendica was forked and its backend re-written against Zot, becoming the Red Matrix, direct precursor of 2015's Hubzilla.
In a perfect Fediverse, everything would feature nomadic identity. But as it stands now, everything that isn't these two projects doesn't even understand nomadic identity and is easily confused by nomadic moves or someone posting from their clone instead of their main.
Unfortunately, nothing will change about this anytime soon. Mike Macgirvin has already proposed extensions for ActivityPub that'd introduce nomadic identity, albeit not in exactly the same fashion as on Hubzilla and (streams), but probably somewhat compatible. However, they have all been rejected.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #NomadicIdentity This might be a case of Chinese whispers.
What really increases accessibility when it comes to hashtags is how they're written if they consist of multiple words.
Always write multiple-word hashtags in "camelCase" (every word after the first one starts with a capital letter) or, better yet, "PascalCase" (every word starts with a capital letter). Screen readers used by blind or visually impaired users can't tell with certainty otherwise where a word ends and the next one starts.
Also, stop using Mastodon like Twitter and put all hashtags at the end of the post instead of into the text.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #Hashtag #Hashtags #Accessibility #A11y #camelCase #PascalCase
I consider this a reasonable compromise to be making with the people who are concerned about Quote-Responses, most of which seems to just be Twitter users, who are used to in environment which actively encourages using the feature, which is common on many websites, as a method of harassment, which is encouraged on Twitter but would be grounds for an instant ban on mainstream Fedi.

What do you mean would cause an instant ban The use of quote-posts for harassment or the use of quote-posts in general
I don't know if you've read the whole thread. I've already posted in it. If not: Lots of Fediverse projects have quote-posts regularly implemented. Two of them, Friendica and Hubzilla, have had them before Mastodon even existed, and it was Mastodon which federated itself with them and not the other way around. They call them "shared posts" and use them for the same purpose as Mastodon uses boosts: to forward posts.
They also both had quotes like the one above since their respective inception.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta Have there ever been any specific promises how ease-of-use could be improved
I can't see anything that could be done without cutting features and betraying the Fediverse's principles except everything from Mastodon to Hajkey mimicking Twitter's default immediately-pre-Musk UI/UX. And maybe railroading newbies even harder by not even telling them that Mastodon is decentralised and taking instance selection away entirely and an AI that increases the mollycoddling by hiding Mastodon's decentrality and all contents coming in from the rest of the Fediverse until it decides the user is "ready".
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta Well, is writing about static websites and long-form blogs and not about the Fediverse, especially not about Mastodon.
On Mastodon very specifically, everything that describes and/or explains an image always goes into the alt-text. Unlike all other *blogging projects in the Fediverse, Mastodon with its tiny character limit doesn't leave you much of a choice. So people got used to it and see it as a set-in-stone Fediverse standard.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #Caption #Captions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta Man darf sich aber nie der Illusion hingeben, da KI jedes, aber auch jedes Bild auf Anhieb perfekt akkurat und informativ beschreiben kann.
Ich will's mal so sagen: Einfache Katzenbilder bekommt KI beschrieben. Fr reine Text-Screenshots braucht es keine KI, da reicht OCR.
Aber wenn die Bilder a) hochkomplex sind, b) extrem nischiges Unbekanntes zeigen und c) gerade deshalb sehr detailliert beschrieben und umfassend erklrt werden mssen, damit das Publikum sie versteht, und wenn an die Beschreibungen hohe Ansprche gestellt werden, das wird KI nie so gut hinbekommen wie ein entsprechend kompetenter Mensch.
Generell sollte man KI-Beschreibungen nie aus Bequemlichkeit ungesehen copy-pasten, sondern immer gucken, ob das Geschriebene so stimmt, und gegebenenfalls hndisch nachbessern.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #KI #AltText #Bildbeschreibung #Bildbeschreibungen So you're finally no longer allowed to reply to a post that was written neither by a follower nor in response to a follower
Or, if you're on Friendica, Hubzilla or (streams), to a post that wasn't started by one of your followers because these three don't serve you single comments from within threads which didn't appear on your stream from the very beginning
Well, that makes showing Mastodon users the Fediverse outside of Mastodon much more difficult. Or that Mastodon's "rules" for how and where to describe images are not necessarily set in stone for the whole Fediverse because everything that isn't Mastodon doesn't have Mastodon's limitations.
Or that the first time the term "Metaverse" was used for an actual, real 3-D virtual world was not in 2021 by Zuckerberg for something he planned, but in 2007 for something that already existed and still exists.
I'd wonder if you're already a reply guy if you reply to a post in your local or federated timeline. But I don't have either.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPostBisher wei man wenig ber Long Covid bei Kindern und ob impfen dagegen hilft. Daten von ber einer Million Kindern und Jugendlichen zeigen nun moderaten Schutz durch die Impfung.
"The Metaverse" as in new 3-D virtual world projects of the 2020s in general
Or "The Metaverse" as in...
"Metaverse" and "The Metaverse" are registered trademarks of Meta Platforms, Inc. All rights reserved. in "Zuckerberg's Metaverse" as in "Facebook's Metaverse" as in "Meta's Metaverse" as in Horizons

Stop calling it "The Metaverse" already!

Can everyone please with a cherry on top stop referring to Meta's virtual worlds as "the Metaverse"
They're called "Horizons"!
Zuckerberg did not invent the Metaverse. Zuckerberg did not even invent the term Neal Stephenson did in 1991. A Second Life in-world expo in the year 2007 was called "Metaverse". And the OpenSim community has been using the word "Metaverse" on a daily base down to grid names before 2010, too.
Thanks from someone who has been in OpenSim and thus known and used the term "Metaverse" in 2020 already in behalf of everyone in Second Life, OpenSim and all other virtual worlds that already existed before 2022.
P.S.: Second Life did not shut down in 2008 nor in 2009 either.
#Meta #Horizons #HorizonWorlds #HorizonWorldsIsNotTheMetaverse #Metaverse #TheMetaverse #SecondLife #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #VirtualWorlds #Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost
Oh, and by the way, a finding of mine for those who still think Zuck was the first to slap "Metaverse" on an actual real 3-D world:

"Metaverse". Used in OpenSim since 2007.

Something for those who think Mark Zuckerberg has invented the term "Metaverse" in 2021.
, the oldest grid (est. 2007), is referring to itself as "The Open Source Metaverse". Guess what It has taken over that slogan from OpenSim itself, and .
Metropolis, the first German grid (est. 2008), boldly used the full name "Metropolis Metaversum" until it was officially shut down in summer 2022. .
Since I started out in Metropolis on April 30th, 2020, I was in something called Metaverse almost a year and a half before Zuckerberg used that term.
Another fun fact: The virtual worlds/virtual reality news site has named its OpenSim category "" as early as 2010.
#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #Metropolis #OSgrid
For the record: Yes, I know it was Neal Stephenson who coined that term in 1991 already.
#Meta #Horizons #HorizonWorlds #HorizonWorldsIsNotTheMetaverse #Metaverse #TheMetaverse #SecondLife #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #VirtualWorlds #Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost

More accountability: Ontario launches team to crack down on bad LTC actors
The 10-person team will be an "effective deterrent and tool" when escalated enforcement is required, the province said.

More accountability: Ontario launches team to crack down on bad LTC actors
The 10-person team will be an "effective deterrent and tool" when escalated enforcement is required, the province said.

More accountability: Ontario launches team to crack down on bad LTC actors
The 10-person team will be an "effective deterrent and tool" when escalated enforcement is required, the province said.