Find the latitude of any place.  

More of this, please. Suozzi (D)

That sucks. Why would Gargron waste limited resources on (I guess) FOSS that could be used

I don't necessarily think that Mastodon development intentionally aims for as little compatibility with the rest of the Fediverse as possible. It might just as well be a case of refusing to acknowledge that the Fediverse is more than Mastodon or a case of not even knowing what the rest of the Fediverse can do.
However: Mastodon is notorious for ignoring a) standards and b) stuff that already exists. Mastodon does not fulfill the ActivityPub standard to a tee. It's just as close to it as it has to be and diverts from it wherever it feels like it.
One example is the sensitive flag for images. There's something for this in the official ActivityPub standard. And yet, when Mastodon adopted ActivityPub, it decided to not only have its own home-brew, non-standard, undocumented sensitive flag but to also not support the ActivityPub standard flag at all.
AFAIK, (streams) lets you flag images in your file space as sensitive because Hubzilla does. However, when you flag an image as sensitive, and you embed it into a post that also goes to Mastodon, then Mastodon will treat this image as unflagged. (streams) jumps through a hoop now and puts Mastodon's non-standard sensitive flag on all images in posts that have the hashtag #nsfw and/or #sensitive.
Also, it's strange how long it takes Mastodon to implement quote-posts or groups. Both things that have been around since 2010 when Friendica was launched. There's a whole bunch of Fediverse projects that have groups/forums, for example, the various Reddit replacements. Misskey and all its forks have quote-posts. Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) have always had both.
So, given Mastodon's track record, chances are that Mastodon's implementation of groups becomes incompatible both with how Lemmy communities and /kbin magazines work and with how Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) have groups/forums implemented.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon #Groups
I pay attention to such thinks, but even with hindsight, I do not see such a group reference.

That's because Mastodon doesn't tell you that

On #Mastodon, groups are also possible, but I forgot how to use them, as I used them so little.

Not yet. They're working on it. And everything else that has working groups/forums now is afraid that Mastodon will re-invent the wheel in a way that's the most incompatible possible to what already exists on more than half a dozen Fediverse projects.
What you mean is probably Guppe, but that isn't built into Mastodon and a far cry from what's possible on Friendica.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon #Friendica #Groups Thanks for your offer, but I'm still not going to do anything in that direction.
But to answer this:
I would like to know what your goal is or even why... to enjoy that with you as mostly we are coming from these types of 'normal' video or ideas as a world but happy to see or hear more...

I had a number of ideas, but nothing with a script behind it. Present places by walking around in them and talking about them, about what I come by. Another idea was to review houses that you can pick up for your own use I would have done that the same style, often even without knowing the building beforehand.
All of this would have been rather spontaneous with lots of on-screen movement, constant unscripted and largely unprepared talking, pretty much like a Let's Play.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost
It *is* auto opt-in. If I do nothing, I can be follow requested by a BS user. I never said the opt-in was for a full connection.

As long as you don't confirm the request, no connection of your account with Bluesky will be established.
That is, if the goal is to make it absolutely impossible for anyone on Bluesky to even send you a follow request... or even only find you...
The setting to automatically approve follow requests is a user-level setting, not instance, so me being on has nothing to do with that.

In just too many cases, instance-level is user-level because just too many Mastodon users never adjust any settings in their accounts or profiles and go with the defaults forever. They feel it's too complicated or too inconvenient, or whatever mobile app they use doesn't have controls for these settings, or they don't even know that certain settings exist, or whatever.
Same reason why opt-out for full-text search was rioted against: 99% of all Mastodon users will never even come across the switch, and they'll have the default setting forced upon them, whether that's okay for them or not.
The .lgbt TLD implies that the target audience of is the LGBTQIA+ community. People who were often harassed on Twitter before they came to Mastodon. And the "tech" part implies someone tech-savvy behind it.
I cannot for the life of me imagine that, out of all Mastodon instances, has automatic follow request confirmation on as the instance-wide default.
That last part you took out of context. Yes, that *is* how it works on the fediverse. The difference is someone has to *be on* the fediverse to find you.

The only sure-fire way of finding everyone in the Fediverse is by copy-pasting their ID into a search field. No different from Mastodon from Hubzilla or, when the bridge goes live, from Bluesky. This means you need that ID in the first place, and searching only serves to turn the ID into something clickable.
Generally: Any search on any instance in the Fediverse can only find accounts/channels which this instance knows. There is no place in the Fediverse with what amounts to a central registry of all Fediverse accounts/channels. Not even knows everyone.
Bluesky doesn't know anyone in the Fediverse at all right now. When the bridge goes online, Bluesky will still not know anyone at all, much less everyone. After a bit of interaction, Bluesky will only know whom it has interacted with. At most, it will also know the Fediverse IDs of accounts/channels that have been mentioned. If it's interested in that.
This is exactly how everything else in the Fediverse works, be it a brand-new Mastodon instance that has only been spun up for the first time, be it a Hubzilla hub that has been around since 2015, but whose admin turns ActivityPub on for the first time.
If a BS user needs to get the full handle of their friend to find them through the bridge, why can't they also just ask their friend to opt-in to the bridge

Because they first have to send a follow request to their friend.
The opt-in prompt comes with the follow request. It will not be a switch in Mastodon. Otherwise, everything else (save for Friendica) would have to implement that opt-in switch for a third-party bridge separately. Thus, a follow request is necessary.
But in order to send that follow request, the Bluesky user would have to specify whoever that follow request shall be sent to.
Now, at that point, Bluesky may pretty well not know that friend at all yet, so searching them would be moot.
The only imaginable way to send the friend request would be to enter the friend's Fediverse ID into some text field or other, search field or whatever, I don't know Bluesky's UI. And enter it in a form that Bluesky understands.
If Bluesky has such a field in the first place. And one that can handle throught-the-bridge Fediverse IDs.
In fact, chances are Bluesky users will only be able to follow Fediverse accounts/channels which are already known to Bluesky, and which are presented to them in or on something they can click on.
Chances are that Bluesky's account search does not understand the Fediverse ID format that comes out of the bridge, and thus, Bluesky users can't use its search with Fediverse IDs at all. Because even when the bridge is live, if some enters into Bluesky's search, Bluesky will understand this as a Bluesky ID, search Bluesky for it and not find it. It won't even come up with the idea that this could be on Mastodon, i.e. on a wholly different network.
Remember that Bluesky is not being developed to interact with the Fediverse. It will not have any Fediverse support built-in at all whatsoever.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Bluesky #Bridge #BridgyFed #BlueskyBridge Okay, since you seem to be a native French speaker, I think I've got something for you. There's a "project" in OpenSim for people speaking French that's called Francopholie. has last year.
It has its own grid with AFAIK only one sim where you can go and inform yourself:

I've also sent you a landmark.
It was relaunched last week, and it's still a bit rough around the edges, but it should be able to help you at least a bit.
Another place you could visit is the main landing sim of the French Atlas grid. Amongst other things, it has another bunch of teleporters that could be useful for you. But put on something warm because it's winter there.
You may also want to follow at least two more French-speaking OpenSim users:
is behind the Argentoratum grid ( and . She also has a PeerTube channel: .
And is one of the creative forces in 's grid .
Otherwise, the main source of information on all things OpenSim is . It's mostly that can be sorted and filtered.
If you want to meet people, just wandering around like in Second Life won't do it. OpenSim doesn't nearly have Second Life's population density. It has fewer users on more than four times the land area.
So the best way to meet people is to go to an event. as well. They're usually announced in grid time. That's always the same as SLT. If you're in France, it's 8 hours behind you, and the OpenSimWorld event calendar should assume the correct local time for you.
Just always check a) the description of the event and b) the description of the sim where the event takes place. Some sims and events are in languages other than English or French. And if OpenSimWorld has a red "" on a sim entry, it means the sim is Adult-rated which may mean the same as in Second Life: You may come across naked avatars or worse.
If everything else fails, this is my main avatar in Dorenas World:
And this is my spare alt in OSgrid:
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #Francophone #Francophones #Francopholie #AtlasGrid #Argentoratum #OpenSimWorld Find the latitdue and longitude of any place
So I'm happy with that explanation and seems like you've put yourself in with half a chance to do such a small video and even prepped it now!
Even this as audio with pics... even here native... I'd listen (not sure elsewhere if I'd click).
So as side-note I'll be happy to help you produce such a thing and even invite you to send similar points by audio (your text above as script already pretty much lol) and I'll arrange it and send back to you complete!

I'm not going to produce any videos. That'd be way too much of an effort, especially meeting Mastodon's accessibility standards plus my own standards.
If this sounds weird, allow me to elaborate.
This is not a general-purpose personal channel. This channel is mainly about 3-D virtual worlds. I sometimes post pictures from these virtual worlds. But whenever I do that, I add an image description that's amongst the longest and most extensive anywhere in the Fediverse. I have to put the image description into the post text itself for several reasons, one reason being that they're too long for alt-text. Not only does Mastodon only support alt-text up to 1,500 characters internally, it also cuts off any alt-text from outside that's longer. And mine are longer.
I think I have .
I've actually thought about making in-world videos one day and uploading them to PeerTube. I've decided against it. Accessibility would make it too much of an effort, and it'd make the videos essentially unwatchable. I'd include an audio description that describes the visuals in the videos on at least the same level of detail as my image descriptions.
So with an audio description added, . If I didn't stop the video, the audio would not have a chance to catch up with the ever-changing visuals.
Imagine this:

The audio description would inflate a ten-minute video to something between six and ten hours.
Okay, now, a video about the Fediverse would not be a video about a virtual world that nobody knows. But still, I expect there to be blind or visually-impaired users who come across such a video, play it and wonder, "What is being shown on the screen What does this video and all that stuff in it look like"
I mean, the visuals wouldn't carry any additional information. They'd be purely illustrational. They wouldn't contribute any content to the explanation, only enhance it. Content-wise, the explanation would work all the same with and without these visuals.
But not describing them feels kind of ableist, kind of like not letting non-sighted people experience the video in the exact same way as sighted people. And I always expect there to be non-sighted people who want to have all visuals in a video described in audio.
So I might spend weeks making one 10-minute video which would then be inflated to 30 minutes or an hour by the audio description.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Accessibility #A11y #MediaDescription #AudioDescription
I think it's a good way to educate actually, and could you reply again what you would reply typically to your own post if someone asked "ok so how is it if not that" since I / they would be ready to hear at that point

Let's see if I can make this halfway understandable. But it's going to be looooooooong.

First of all, Bluesky only knows what's being delivered to it. Not by BridgyFed. By Mastodon and the rest of the Fediverse through BridgyFed. BridgyFed does not scrape any information itself. Neither does Bluesky, also because it can't do that through Bluesky.
No, really. No, no, really. Calm down.
No, Bluesky won't have your profile and your posts right off the bat. In fact, Bluesky won't have any of the posts you've posted until now unless someone with at least one Bluesky follower boosts one of your old posts. And even only then, Bluesky will only have that one single post.
So what does Bluesky get from you then
Well, normally, nothing. No, really.
At first, Bluesky won't even know you exist, much less where. Again, BridgyFed is not a scraper, and Bluesky doesn't have a Fediverse scraper either. And even if it had one, it wouldn't work through BridgyFed because BridgyFed doesn't support that.
And seriously: If Bluesky really wanted to scrape the Fediverse, it wouldn't do that through that tiny third-party keyhole that's BridgyFed! It'd set up search crawlers like Google that crawl Fediverse instances and send everything they find to Bluesky.
But Bluesky doesn't do that. I can reassure you that Bluesky doesn't do that.
Because Bluesky isn't interested in the Fediverse.
No, really, it isn't. If it were, it would have used ActivityPub right away instead of developing a wholly new and incompatible protocol. Or it could at least have included its own ActivityPub "translators" just like Hubzilla and (streams) have them and like Friendica used to have until it switched to ActivityPub.
But does Bluesky support ActivityPub in any way No, it doesn't. Even though ActivityPub would have made a whole lot of things a whole lot easier for Bluesky itself already, it doesn't. Go figure.
Which goes to show that Bluesky isn't interested in the Fediverse. Bluesky doesn't want your data. And, again, if it did, it wouldn't rely on a third-party bridge to get them.
Okay, so again, what does Bluesky get from you
Again, nothing. At least at first.
Now, let's suppose someone with at least one Bluesky follower mentions you in a public post. That public post also goes to that Bluesky follower, thus to Bluesky, with a link to your profile in it.
Then Bluesky has your name, and it has the URL of your profile. No different from how Mastodon works.
But it doesn't go through that link and scrape all your profile information. It isn't interested in that.
And besides, Mastodon profiles or any other Fediverse profiles are probably completely and utterly incompatible with Bluesky's profile structure anyway. So all that stuff would have to be "translated to Blueskyish". Extra effort for something that Bluesky isn't even interested in. Again, if it were, don't you think it'd use ActivityPub instead of their own AT protocol Yeah, but it doesn't.
So from when on will Bluesky know your profile
Normally, not at all.
Only when someone from Bluesky wants to follow you. And you've either got your profile set up so that anyone can follow you without your explicit consent. Or you actively confirm that follow request.
Then you're connected to Bluesky.

And only then will Bluesky know you. As in know your profile. Or what profile information makes it through BridgyFed in the first place. And what of it Bluesky has a way of handling. Maybe not more than your profile picture and your profile text. All stuff that's public anyway, and that Google might have scraped a gajillion times already.
But it will not have your whole backlog of posts.
I mean, if you start following another Mastodon user who has been here for four years, you won't get four years worth of their old posts piled upon your timeline either, right Or has that ever occurred to you I guess not.
This is not only because Bluesky doesn't do that. This is because Mastodon doesn't do that. It doesn't send any old posts to new followers, and it doesn't request old posts from new followers.
Let me show this to you from somewhere else in the Fediverse.
I'm on Hubzilla. Hubzilla supports importing old posts to a certain degree. If I follow someone on Hubzilla or (streams), I think, also on Friendica, I get their 10 latest posts into my stream. And I get them as new posts. The perk of this is that I can interact with fairly certain posts that only connections are allowed to interact with (yes, that's possible here) by connecting to the poster.
Also, if I subscribe to an RSS or Atom feed, depending on the feed, I get a certain number of old posts.
But if I connect to someone on Mastodon, I don't get even a single one of their old posts. Because Mastodon doesn't support that.
I don't get their ten latest posts, and I don't get their whole post history either or what's left of it after auto-deletion.
If Hubzilla which supports such stuff doesn't get them, then Bluesky won't get them either. Regardless of what Bluesky may or may not want, and regardless of what BridgyFed is or isn't capable of. Mastodon won't send them, full stop.
The only posts from you that Bluesky will ever get are your public posts which you send after letting someone on Bluesky follow you. And public posts from you that someone with at least one Bluesky follower boosts.
And "public" really means "public". Just because you're on Mastodon and no longer on Twitter, doesn't mean you're in a fully safe haven and fully shielded from the world outside Mastodon. Yes, that's an uncomfortable truth if you've believed otherwise up until now, but it's the truth. Deal with it. You'd have to deal with it sooner or later anyway.

Seriously, what the Fediverse desperately needs is 10-minute videos from a true Fediverse expert, done in the style of "Academic expert explains science like I'm 5 years old" videos with colourful animations, that explain the Fediverse to journalists as well as to fresh or aspiring converts.
And that would take someone who

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Bluesky #Bridge #BridgyFed #BlueskyBridge Back in 2016, the very moment he launched Mastodon, himself forced Friendica and Hubzilla upon all Mastodon users without ever letting them opt in.
They've been causing discomfort and blocks ever since with their cultural differences, their un-Mastodon-like behaviour and their staunch refusal to become like Mastodon.
Oh, and they, too, were connected to Mastodon through bridges, and while Friendica has since switched to ActivityPub, Hubzilla still is.
And where was the protest when (streams) forced itself upon Mastodon in October of 2021 in the same way as Hubzilla Through ActivityPub-to-Nomad bridges and with largely the same non-Mastodon-like culture
CC: Scott M. Stolz
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Bluesky #Bridge #BridgyFed #BlueskyBridge
If that's how this will work, what benefit does this automatic opt-in provide to folks that want to use the bridge

There is no automatic opt-in. If this bridge goes online, your Mastodon account is not automatically fully connected to Bluesky, much less automatically data-scraped by Bluesky.
When someone from Bluesky comes and asks you on Mastodon if they may follow you, and you confirm that, yes, they may follow you, then you opt in. And only then will your Mastodon account be connected to Bluesky. No earlier.
Unless, of course, your account is set up so that anyone can follow you without your interaction and your explicit consent. And I sincerely doubt that, out of all instances, has this setting as a default.
If BS users are, realistically, going to need to know the exact username and instance of the AP user, they are going to need to get that information *from* the AP user

...which is exactly how it works in the Fediverse itself.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Bluesky #Bridge #BridgyFed #BlueskyBridgeMike Macgirvin
And an old project called AppleSeed that was technically advanced, but your stream was assembled in real time by fetching every remote post before displaying it on the page. It took ten minutes to load a page.

I've read about AppleSeed back then, and I was wondering why they re-invented the wheel. After all, we already had Friendika and Diaspora*, and Diaspora* was a completely superfluous waste of $320,000 because it had no advantages over Friendika. I didn't know that AppleSeed was that old.
Diaspora was vapourware by a bunch of kids with zero development or messaging or any related experience.

Yup. The project was launched in 2010. It took a whole bunch of devs a good eight years for a first beta version, and a first stable point release is announced for 2024. Considering it took you four months for a stable release of Mistpark that probably could do more right off the bat than what Diaspora* can do today...
Not to mention that all the first four devs knew was Macs, and they built Diaspora* against an OS that's highly unlikely to find in data centres. And even when there was a Linux version, it required a version of Ruby on Rails that had to be built from sources on any server distro out there.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AppleSeed #Diaspora* #Friendica

More of this, please. Suozzi (D) wins, 54 to 46%.
or by in of

Hoe mensen oude dingen long tijd geleden hebben bekeken

Hey allemaal, het is Schildje de schildpad hier! Vandaag gaan we het hebben over hoe mensen in het verleden naar oude dingen keken. Het is echt interessant om te zien hoe onze voorouders hun gesch...

Leer verder:

Well, either Bluesky had the same mindset as Diaspora* back then. Be decentralised internally, but a walled garden towards the outside world. Diaspora* would still be isolated without Friendica's tedious work back in the day, and Bluesky wants to be the same. Yes, with not even only a public API, but laying the whole protocol open.
Either that, or Bluesky just wanted to draw some attention to itself in the wake of the Mastodon hype and therefore announced decentralisation, albeit with its own protocol. And with features on top which they imply having invented, but which have been around since 2011 (Zot protocol). "Bluesky is Twitter without Musk, it'll be decentralised like Mastodon, and it'll have better decentralisation than Mastodon!" Only that they've now discovered that actually going all the way in decentralisation as announced is a) difficult and b) not worth it anyway, considering Bluesky's success without decentralisation. Unless, of course, this has all been a ruse to begin with, and Bluesky has never intended to go full decentral.
Also, it's obvious that, like Threads, Bluesky doesn't know anything about the Fediverse beyond Mastodon. If they did, they would have also known: If they lay their protocol open, some third party will make use of it. And if Friendica can federate with something, it probably will, because that's part of what it stands for.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #Diaspora* #BlueskyI mean, Stark is kind of similar. Stark Islands have only got one event sim, but that's a 2x2 var with over a dozen potential event locations strewn about. Some of them can't be seen from the landing-point, and none of them is directly at the landing-point.
Some are inside buildings, especially around the landing-point. One is even in a cave behind scripted doors that's quite far away from the landing-point, and getting there the natural way has become more difficult since the waterway was cut through the main island.
This only works because Niki offers everyone who teleports into Stark during an event a teleport to where she is.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #ZetaWorlds #Stark #Events My estimation:
95% of the people in this thread don't know how the Fediverse works, even though most of them claim otherwise. They "know" that Bluesky can and will use the bridge to immediately scrape all data from all Mastodon instances except for those that have blocked the bridge. Something that even Mastodon's own search features can't do.
And they believe that the Fediverse only consists of stuff that runs on ActivityPub.
60% think the Fediverse is only Mastodon for as long as Threads isn't fully federated.
55% want the Fediverse to be only Mastodon again. Only that the Fediverse has never been only Mastodon at any point in the past.
None of these 95% want to learn the truth, and many will attack anyone who tries to tell them.
And the most active commenters amongst the other 5% aren't even on Mastodon, mostly even on projects that aren't based on ActivityPub, and that have been bridged to Mastodon ever since 2016 without anyone on Mastodon having had a chance to opt out, much less opt in. Namely Friendica and Hubzilla.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #NotOnlyMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse #FediverseIsNotMastodon So I guess you're one of those who have joined Mastodon in the second Twitter migration wave in November 2022, and who still "know" that the Fediverse is only Mastodon. Their nice and cosy and fluffy Mastodon.
Well, then I've got a very very uncomfortable and upsetting truth to reveal to you: The Fediverse is not only Mastodon. It is more than just Mastodon.
There's a whole lot more stuff in the Fediverse, and all of it is connected to Mastodon just like Mastodon instances are connected to one another.
For example, there are dozens of other Twitter-like microblogging projects. Mastodon forks such as Glitch or Hometown. Pleroma. Pleroma forks such as Akkoma. Misskey. Dozens of Misskey forks such as Firefish, Iceshrimp, Sharkey, Catodon, Hajkey, Meisskey etc.
There are "Reddit clones" like Lemmy or /kbin.
There is the "Instagram clone" Pixelfed.
There is the YouTube stand-in PeerTube.
There is the Twitch stand-in Owncast.
There are the "Medium clones" WriteFreely and Plume.
There is the "Goodreads clone" BookWyrm.
There are the Facebook alternatives Friendica and (streams) as well as Hubzilla which goes well beyond being a Facebook alternative.
And a lot more.
All this is in the Fediverse, and all this is connected to Mastodon, whether you want or not. It's normal. It's intended. It's the very idea behind the Fediverse. And it has always been the idea behind the Fediverse.
Look at my mentions, how weird they look. Look at my hashtags, how weird they look. Look at this post and how it exceeds 500 characters. Look at my bold type. Look at my italics. All stuff that Mastodon can't do.
But how can I possibly do it if Mastodon can't do it
Because I'm not on Mastodon. I'm on Hubzilla. Hubzilla is not a Mastodon instance. Hubzilla is not even a Mastodon fork. Hubzilla is developed completely independently from Mastodon. And Hubzilla is almost a year older than Mastodon. And yet, I can read what you've posted, and I can reply to you.
That's because Hubzilla is part of the Fediverse, just like Mastodon is. And it has always been.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon #Pleroma #Akkoma #Misskey #Firefish #Iceshrimp #Sharkey #Catodon #Hajkey #Meisskey #Lemmy #kbin #/kbin #Pixelfed #PeerTube #Owncast #WriteFreely #Plume #BookWyrm #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #NotOnlyMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse #FediverseIsNotMastodon
But I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of users simply aren't aware of information that may seem completely obvious to you.

Well, I always think I'm aware of what people out there don't know. But even I end up surprised again and again.
Of course, I don't expect a significant number of Mastodon users to know how e.g. Friendica or Hubzilla works. I mean, in order to know that, they would have to be former active users of these projects, and only few people who went there and really got to know them inside-out ever became regular Mastodon users afterwards.
In fact, I guess there are only very few Mastodon users who are aware of ever having come across a post coming from one of these two or (streams). I guess the vast majority of Mastodon users who follow Fediverse News are completely unaware that it's on Friendica.
But the collective hatred against BridgyFed showed me that there must be more people in the Fediverse who don't even know that the Fediverse as it is now is more than Mastodon. That hardly anyone on Mastodon even knows how Mastodon works. And that even fewer people know that Mastodon is communicating bidirectionally with things that don't use ActivityPub internally already now, much less that it has done so continuously since its own very inception.
To make matters worse, their hatred against everything outside what they perceive as the Fediverse is fuelled by this lack of knowledge.
Maybe it's actually good that hardly anyone on Mastodon knows Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams). Otherwise there'd be enough people to start a hate campaign against these three with the goal to Fediblock them in their entirety. And everyone who tries to tell them that this isn't even possible because it'd be a game of Whack-a-Mole will be hit with loads of F-words in public and death threats via DM.
Or there might even be a campaign to Fediblock everything that isn't vanilla Mastodon to make the Fediverse only Mastodon again. And don't try to tell anyone that the Fediverse has never been only Mastodon at any point in the past, it's just the newbies' perception that it was when they were new.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #ActivityPub #Fediverse #NotOnlyMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse #FediverseIsNotMastodonScott M. Stolz
And there was a lot of ignorance about how the fediverse actually works (i.e. most didn't know that their posts are already federated beyond Mastodon).

...much less beyond ActivityPub.
Not to mention that a lot of Mastodon users don't understand how Mastodon works. They think it must have a pool of all accounts and all posts and all that somewhere, and the BridgyFed Bluesky bridge will give Bluesky unlimited access to it all.
They also think that Bluesky will be able to post nasty stuff to everyone, even those who aren't connected to anyone on Bluesky. They think the same about Threads, because in their heads, they're still on Twitter where the secret-sauce algorithm would probably allow for that to happen.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Threads #Meta #BridgyFed #Bluesky #Bridge #BlueskyBridge A few corrections here:
"aren't based on ActivityPub" ActivityPub is pretty new in the space, the oldest in the space is Diaspora.

The oldest one is actually OStatus, the protocol behind social. It's from 2008. Diaspora* came out in September 2010.
Friendica is native ActivityPub and has a checkbox for native support of Diaspora and OStatus in the admin settings, both of which are older than AP

Friendica is native DFRN. It was launched in July 2010, so it's six years older than Mastodon and eight years older than the ActivityPub standard. Also, Friendica does things internally which AFAIK are still impossible with pure ActivityPub. Like on Hubzilla and (streams) to different degrees, ActivityPub is optional, but I think it's on by default for both nodes and accounts.
"Friendica is already fully federated with Bluesky" Not quite true, especially as Bluesky does not yet federate.

Not by Mastodon standards, but by Friendica standards.
In 2011, Friendica federated with Facebook. I'm not even kidding, it actually did. This federation required a Facebook account which was more or less remote-controlled from Friendica while also mirroring the Facebook friends list and the Facebook timeline into Friendica. But Friendica let this count as full federation. This ended when Facebook changed its TOS for external apps: They were no longer allowed to extract data.
Also, both Friendica and Hubzilla have a Twitter "bridge" to this day. It works the same as the Facebook connection, but it, too, counts as full federation by Friendica and Hubzilla's standards.
At least Friendica is also fully federated with Tumblr by its own standards. This wouldn't be possible without a Tumblr account either.
And the WordPress cross-poster available for both counts as federation, too.
"allegedly "hate-fuelling" Fediverse News is a public group account on Friendica" I haven't seen the claim myself, but the thread above was shared to the Fediverse News Friendica group. Since Groups are kind of a hack in AP (there's no actual group protocol feature), most Mastodon users are completely unfamiliar with them, so they think it's a regular user who's boosting/spamming all the conversation

...which led them into blocking the whole forum or even the entire Friendica node in their fuming rage.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla #BridgyFed #Bluesky #Bridge #BlueskyBridge A few corrections here:
"aren't based on ActivityPub" ActivityPub is pretty new in the space, the oldest in the space is Diaspora.

The oldest one is actually OStatus, the protocol behind social. It's from 2008. Diaspora* came out in September 2010.
Friendica is native ActivityPub and has a checkbox for native support of Diaspora and OStatus in the admin settings, both of which are older than AP

Friendica is native DFRN. It was launched in July 2010, so it's six years older than Mastodon and eight years older than the ActivityPub standard. Also, Friendica does things internally which AFAIK are still impossible with pure ActivityPub. Like on Hubzilla and (streams) to different degrees, ActivityPub is optional, but I think it's on by default for both nodes and accounts.
"Friendica is already fully federated with Bluesky" Not quite true, especially as Bluesky does not yet federate.

Not by Mastodon standards, but by Friendica standards.
In 2011, Friendica federated with Facebook. I'm not even kidding, it actually did. This federation required a Facebook account which was more or less remote-controlled from Friendica while also mirroring the Facebook friends list and the Facebook timeline into Friendica. But Friendica let this count as full federation. This ended when Facebook changed its TOS for external apps: They were no longer allowed to extract data.
Also, both Friendica and Hubzilla have a Twitter "bridge" to this day. It works the same as the Facebook connection, but it, too, counts as full federation by Friendica and Hubzilla's standards.
At least Friendica is also fully federated with Tumblr by its own standards. This wouldn't be possible without a Tumblr account either.
And the WordPress cross-poster available for both counts as federation, too.
"allegedly "hate-fuelling" Fediverse News is a public group account on Friendica" I haven't seen the claim myself, but the thread above was shared to the Fediverse News Friendica group. Since Groups are kind of a hack in AP (there's no actual group protocol feature), most Mastodon users are completely unfamiliar with them, so they think it's a regular user who's boosting/spamming all the conversation

...which led them into blocking the whole forum or even the entire Friendica node in their fuming rage.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla #BridgyFed #Bluesky #Bridge #BlueskyBridgeSince the BridgyFed drama, there might be four more reasons for Mastodon users to want Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) out of the Fediverse. I mean, aside from their usual atrocities like their users writing well over 500 characters, using text formatting, quoting and quote-posting like it's totally normal. Because it is for them. And aside from no instance on any of the three having rules and moderator numbers on par with Mastodon.
One, they aren't based on ActivityPub. They're technically bridged to Mastodon. They're bridged one instance at the time, and the bridge is a plug-in on the instance and therefore part of the project. But still, it isn't that much different from BridgyFed connecting Bluesky to the rest of the Fediverse.
Two, since they aren't based on ActivityPub, they're aliens. Aliens of basically the same kind as Bluesky, only that they've mostly got those features that Mastodon has that Bluesky doesn't. But the BridgyFed drama isn't about Bluesky's features or lack thereof, and it isn't only about Bluesky being commercial either. It's also about Bluesky being too different in technology, functionality and culture. But let me tell you a secret: Bluesky is probably much closer to Mastodon than Hubzilla. I mean, I've already mentioned how Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) users "misbehave" from a Mastodon point of view. You won't see any of this come from Bluesky anytime soon.
Three, Friendica is already fully federated with Bluesky. It's a feature that was introduced with the latest stable release.
Four, speaking of Friendica, that allegedly "hate-fuelling" Fediverse News is a public group account on Friendica. Only that the user who started that particular thread is on Firefish, and Fediverse News only automatically forwarded what he had posted.
So where's the outrage
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #BridgyFed #Bluesky #Bridge #BlueskyBridgeSee also the way some Mastodon users freak out when they first discover the Fediverse isn't only Mastodon.
I mean, look at Friendica and Hubzilla and (streams). All three aren't based on ActivityPub, and yet, they're connected to Mastodon. They have plugins which, technically, are "bridges" for single instances.
Yes, they count as part of what they connect to ActivityPub instead of being third-party, but they work just the same as BridgyFed: They connect something that's completely alien by Mastodon's standards with a different underlying protocol a vastly different culture to Mastodon. And they offer no opt-in for Mastodon users.
It is at this point that the Mastodon users should start questioning whether Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) are actually part of the Fediverse. And if they should be. After all, these there aren't harmless either. They're the sources of atrocities by Mastodon's standards ranging from "quote-tweets" with no chance for Mastodon users to stop them to the freaky stuff Hubzilla and (streams) do with their nomadic identity and Friendica being fully federated with Bluesky already now without even needing BridgyFed.
Oh, and to everyone else: is on Friendica, and I'm on Hubzilla. Nice to see someone else chime in from the far end of the Fediverse.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Bluesky #Bridge #BlueskyBridge #BridgyFed Yup, that's another thing. Almost all of those who don't think that the Fediverse is only Mastodon think that the Fediverse was invented with Mastodon, and it was only ActivityPub until right now.
I wonder what they'd say if someone told them that Mastodon is already federated with stuff that a) isn't based on ActivityPub and b) is so much unlike Mastodon, namely Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams). All without their consent, in fact, even without any way of opting in. And opting out would be playing Whack-a-Mole with instances.
A good question for the ActivityPub purists would be: Where does the Fediverse end Is Hubzilla as a whole not part of the Fediverse because it isn't based on ActivityPub Is PubCrawl part of the Fediverse because it's the ActivityPub connector, but the rest of Hubzilla isn't Are the parts of Hubzilla that are exposed to Mastodon through PubCrawl part of the Fediverse, but everything else isn't (That'd mean I might no longer have to write these extensive image descriptions for articles because articles don't federate.) Or is all of Hubzilla part of the Fediverse
I guess many would simply shrug because they only know Hubzilla from hearsay. But let Hubzilla users commit some more "atrocities" by Mastodon's standards, and I guess there'll at least be a very vocal minority that wants all of Hubzilla to be Fediblocked while neither knowing nor caring how that could even be done.
Only that more than half of these "atrocities" plus even worse stuff on top can come from Misskey and the Forkeys just as well, and fairly few people question whether these projects are part of the Fediverse.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #ActivityPub #Fediverse
What if, the first time someone on Bluesky requests to follow someone on the fediverse via the bridge, the fediverse user gets prompted, X from Bluesky wants to follow you. Are you ok with connecting with Bluesky, maybe via DM. I assume that would still be considered opt in

It's opt-in all right. Not only that, but it's shoved right into the user's face along with the UI controls for opting in or not.
Nobody can claim that they've never heard of it, and that Bluesky has been forced upon them without their knowledge.
Obligatory filter-triggering hashtags:
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Bluesky #Bridge #BlueskyBridge Nobody asked you whether you wanted your stuff to be exposed to Hubzilla either. And here I am, replying to you from Hubzilla because your comment appeared on my stream without your consent. 500 characters shamelessly exceeded, hard-coded weird hashtags, hard-coded freaky-looking mentions, text formatting and all.
In fact, himself federated his brand-new Mastodon with Friendica, Hubzilla, GNU social etc. back in 2016 the very moment he fired up the first instance, all without asking aspiring users if they're okay with that and without offering an opt-out in any shape or form. Just by using a protocol that they understood, too.
"We" may refer to the "pure ActivityPub and built around Mastodon" part of the Fediverse. But it's more likely to only mean Mastodon.
And I'm pretty sure that many many more Mastodon users would love to see everything that isn't Mastodon Fediblocked if only they had more exposure to it and knew more about it.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta

Higher Risk for Death After Benzodiazepine Discontinuation


By the same logic, Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) wouldn't be part of the Fediverse either.
All three don't use ActivityPub as their main protocol. They connect to ActivityPub through plugins which are not part of the core. So technically speaking, these plugins are part of the Fediverse, but everything else isn't, no matter how much actual ActivityPub code is in (streams)' core.
And all three are projects which, I dare say, not exactly few Mastodon users would love to see Fediblocked in their entirety for being so much different from Mastodon and from the expectations of the Mastodon crowd. Even many more would if only they know what these three are like, and what they can do that Mastodon can't, and how much different their cultures are from Mastodon's.
Anyway, if the Fediverse is defined as only projects based only on ActivityPub, the Fediverse doesn't exist since 2008. It came to exist when the very first project adopted ActivityPub as its main and only protocol which certainly wasn't before 2018. It's even debatable whether Mastodon has been part of the Fediverse before it dropped OStatus in 2019.
(Disclaimer: This comes from Hubzilla. This should explain a lot.)
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta What'd be more interesting is not only how many of all Fediverse users are FediPact proponents, but also how many are opponents, how many don't care, and above all, how many have never even heard of it. You can't expect someone who has just come over from to to have an opinion on this.
Also, different projects, different opinions. I estimate 10% of all Mastodon users would even love to defederate from everything else in the Fediverse that isn't Mastodon because it's so non-Mastodon, and it does freaky stuff that shouldn't exist on Mastodon. At the same time, a large percentage of Friendica users is probably in favour of federating with Threads because Friendica's concept and culture has been about connectivity with everything that moves and then some since 2010.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon #Friendica #Threads #FediPact

Christophe Cassou, climatologue : En colre contre moi car je prends en pleine figure une forme de navet. Il est maintenant clair que les dcisions et choix qui entravent invitablement la russite dune mtamorphose socitale vers des modes de vie bas-carbone sont pris en conscience & connaissance.

Clment Snchal :

Which grid are you on Wolf Territories
I've just checked. It isn't on the grid list.
Have you simply typed "Wolf Territories Grid" into the grid field If so, then Firestorm can't find it.
Okay, just for you, I've switched my Firestorm to French so I can walk you through correctly adding Wolf Territories to your grid list.

If logging in still fails, get into contact with . He's the founder and owner of Wolf Territories.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #WolfTerritories #WolfGrid #WolfTerritoriesGrid You mean Firestorm From the looks of your screenshot, you do.
Which Firestorm are you trying to use The same that you're using for Second Life
Because you need a special Firestorm for OpenSim. Firestorm for Second Life doesn't work with OpenSim!
. This will not overwrite Firestorm for Second Life. You can have Firestorm for Second Life and Firestorm for OpenSim installed next to each other.
Check in your start menu if there's a Firestorm entry that has "(OpenSim)" in it. Then start that one.
When you've done that, look at the bottom where you usually enter your credentials for Second Life.
There's a new UI element with "Grid:" next to it. If it isn't there, you've started Firestorm for Second Life. Close it, and start Firestorm for OpenSim.
One thing is important to know about OpenSim: Your avatar name is not unique for all of OpenSim. It's only unique for the grid you're on. That name can exist on any grid and on many grids at the same time.
So if you simply enter your avatar name, Firestorm can't know which grid you're on because there could be an avatar with your name on each grid.
For example, there's a Jupiter Rowland on Dorenas World, and there's also a Jupiter Rowland on OSgrid, and there used to be a Jupiter Rowland on Metropolis. All with exactly the same name.
Okay, so there's that box with "Grid:" next to it. Click the button with the arrow, and then select "OSgrid" from the list.
Then you should be able to log in.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #Firestorm #FirestormViewer #OpenSim #OpenSimulator Okay, also von Anfang an. Setz dich, das wird jetzt nmlich BRUTAL lang.
Du willst also alle CWs ausgeklappt haben.
Aber: Es gibt Leute, die fordern CWs fr lange Posts. Also alles ber 500 Zeichen. Und das sind nicht wenige, ich schtze, jeder dritte auf Mastodon.
Vielleicht kratzt du dich jetzt verwirrt am Kopf. Wie, ber 500 Zeichen Mastodon kann nur 500 Zeichen. ber 500 Zeichen gehen doch gar nicht.
Doch, gehen. Es gibt nicht nur Mastodon-Instanzen mit hherem Zeichenlimit, sondern es gibt im Fediverse auch noch ganz andere Sachen als Mastodon. Das Fediverse ist nicht nur Mastodon. Ich bin z. B. auf Hubzilla, das schon seit 2015 im Fediverse ist, ein Jahr vor Mastodon. Auf Hubzilla gibt's berhaupt kein Zeichenlimit.
Ich selbst schreibe schon mal extrem lange Posts. Meine lngsten sind die mit Bildbeschreibungen, denn meine vollen, detaillierten Bildbeschreibungen gehen immer in den Post selbst. Leider kennt keinen einzigen meiner Bilderposts, sonst wrde ich dir sagen, unter welchen Hashtags du welche finden kannst, dann knntest du selber mal gucken.
Aber Posts ber 500 Zeichen stren eben viele Mastodon-Nutzer, und deswegen wollen sie dafr eine CW. Und von mir gibt's zumindest aktuell immer noch immer eine CW fr ber 500 Zeichen (z. B. "CW: long post (over 25,000 characters)" doch, so lange Posts gibt's von mir). Nur fr Erstposts aus Grnden, die zu erklren hier zu weit fhren wrden, aber es gibt sie.
Das hat zwei Vorteile.
Vorteil 1: Die Leute wissen, da ist eine hypermassive Wall of Text, die auch mal so lang ist wie zig Trts. Und sie knnen fr sich entscheiden, ob sie das jetzt aufklappen wollen oder nicht.
Vorteil 2: Der Post ist noch mal extra versteckt.
Normalerweise krzt Mastodon im Webinterface ja sehr lange Posts in den Timelines ab. Da steht dann unten: "Gesamten Beitrag anschauen >". Da kann man draufklicken, und dann sieht man den ganzen Post.
Aber: Die Posts werden eben nicht auf 500 Zeichen gekrzt, sondern auf deutlich mehr. Ich schtze, so ca. 2000 Zeichen werden in der Timeline immer am Stck angezeigt, und was lnger ist, wird in der Timeline auf ca. 1500 Zeichen gekrzt. Ist aber trotzdem noch sehr lang, wenn man nur 500 Zeichen gewohnt ist.
Da ist so eine CW schon hilfreich, wenn einen mehr als 500 Zeichen zu sehr stren.
Und dann kommen noch Mobil-Apps dazu. Die verhalten sich ja auch unterschiedlich, wobei ich die nicht im einzelnen aus eigener Erfahrung kenne.
Bei einigen kann wohl dieses Krzen in der Timeline abgeschaltet werden fr Leute, die keinen Bock haben, jeden Trt einzeln aufzumachen, um ihn lesen zu knnen. Das heit auch, wenn da ein 50.000-Zeichen-Post ohne CW steht, dann haben die 50.000 Zeichen am Stck in der Timeline stehen und mssen wie die Blden scrollen. Auch deswegen wollen die CWs.
So, wenn du jetzt alle CWs immer ausgeklappt haben willst
UND dich mehr als 500 Zeichen stren
UND du womglich in einer App eingestellt hast, da Posts in den Timelines nicht gekrzt werden,
dann hast du erstmal kein Gegenmittel mehr gegen berlange Posts. Dann wrdest du theoretisch von mir auch mal 50.000 Zeichen oder mehr am Stck in die fderierte Timeline kriegen.
Doch, ein Gegenmittel httest du noch: Filter. Du mut nur eins oder mehrere von den Hashtags #LongPost, #CWLong und #CWLongPost filtern. Du weit doch hoffentlich, da Mastodon Filter hat, oder Weit du auch, da Mastodons Filter seit Mastodon 4.0 Posts nicht nur entfernen, sondern auch hinter Inhaltswarnungen verstecken knnen
Jedenfalls, das geht. Und zumindest momentan packe ich auf alle meine Posts und Kommentare, die ber 500 Zeichen gehen, die Hashtags #Long, #LongPost, #CWLong und #CWLongPost. Wenn du eins von den drei Hashtags, die ich einen Absatz weiter oben genannt habe, filterst, dann siehst du diese langen Posts nicht mehr.
Aber: Wenn du unbedingt alle CWs ausgeklappt haben willst,
UND du auch lngere Posts in allen Timelines sofort in voller Lnge sehen willst,
UND du keine Filter anlegen kannst oder willst,
UND dich lange Posts stren,
dann kannst du meine extrem langen Posts nur auf eine letzte Art unterbinden.
Indem du mich mutest oder blockierst.
Jetzt verstanden Aktuell geht's nicht. Fr die Zukunft kann ich das auch kaum kommen sehen.
Okay, hchstens innerhalb von Mastodon, da man also von Mastodon aus Alt-Text zu Bildern unter anderen Mastodon-Trts hinzufgen kann.
Aber schon die Wahrscheinlichkeit, da das auch von Mastodon aus bei Posts von anderen Microblogging-Projekten auf ActivityPub-Basis geht (z. B. Pleroma, Akkoma, Misskey und seine ganzen Forks), ist verschwindend gering, weil die das natrlich auch alle implementieren mten.
Wo es definitiv nicht gehen wird, ist mit Posts von Friendica, Hubzilla oder (streams). Ich bin selbst auf Hubzilla, das erklrt auch diesen langen Kommentar. Denn Hubzilla ist knapp ein Jahr lter als Mastodon, und da gab es nie diese Nur-500-Zeichen-erlaubt-Kultur.
Jedenfalls, nicht nur verwenden die drei intern nicht ActivityPub als primres Protokoll, sondern bei denen sind Posts vllig anders aufgebaut auf Mastodon. Die sind mehr wie Blogposts. Bilder sind nicht unbedingt Dateianhngsel, sondern knnen auch per Link in einen Post eingebettet sein. In dem Fall wird der Alt-Text dann auch nicht in ein separates Textfeld fr das Bild geschrieben, sondern direkt in den Post selbst, also in den Markup-Code, mit dem das Bild eingefgt wird. Mastodon mu die Posts erst umbauen, damit es sie anzeigen kann.
Wenn du von Mastodon aus bei einem Bild in einem Post von Friendica, Hubzilla oder (streams) Alt-Text wie auf Mastodon selbst eintragen willst, mte Mastodon den Originalquellcode irgendwo cachen und deinen Alt-Text da einfgen. Es mte also die Markup-Besonderheiten jeweils von Friendica, Hubzilla und (streams) kennen. Das wird nicht passieren.
Wenn, dann mtest du auf Mastodon den Alt-Text direkt in den Post eintragen. Das hiee zweierlei.
Zum einen knnten Krethi und Plethi von Mastodon aus beliebig in meinen Hubzilla-Posts herumwurschteln, und zwar ohne meine Erlaubnis. Denn wenn du einen Alt-Text in den Code im Post einbauen kannst, dann kannst du am Post auch alles andere ndern. Oder lschen. Oder was anderes dazuschreiben.
Zum anderen httest du dann keine schne bunte WYSIWYG-Echtzeitvorschau wie in Word, sondern den blanken Quellcode vor dir. Fr Friendica mtest du BBcode kennen, und da hat Friendica noch ein paar Spezialcodes, die es in Foren nicht gibt. Hubzilla hat noch haufenweise mehr und noch speziellere Spezialcodes. Und auf (streams) kann man da noch oben drauf innerhalb desselben Post Markdown und HTML zum Formatieren verwenden.
Ach ja, Friendica, Hubzilla und (streams) haben wenigstens noch einen Vorschaubutton, mit dem man berprfen kann, ob auch alles stimmt. Den hat Mastodon nicht, geschweige denn auch die Mglichkeit, all das anzuzeigen, was die drei knnen. Du knntest Wunder was in meinen Posts kaputtmachen und wtest es nicht mal.
Letztlich wrde es eh daran scheitern, da Mastodons Editor standardmig nicht mehr als 500 Zeichen kann. Aber wenn's von auerhalb kommt, ist es hufig lnger als 500 Zeichen.
Kurzum: Am Ende sitzt du da und versuchst wie ein Blder, einen Alt-Text an ein Bild unter etwas zu hngen, was du fr einen Mastodon-Trt hltst. Aber vergeblich, weil dieser Trt kein Trt ist, sondern von etwas kommt, das mit Mastodon praktisch nichts gemeinsam hat.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #Bildbeschreibung #Bildbeschreibungen #BiBesch #BildbeschreibungenMeta #NichtNurMastodon I can't help you there. The last time I've used Friendica was when Hubzilla was still very very young, and that was in the 2010s.
Well, Friendica referred to itself as federated with Facebook back in 2011 before Facebook changed its rules. And that did require a Facebook account. Also, both Friendica and Hubzilla are still technically capable of connecting themselves to , but for as long as that actually worked, it did require an account there as well.
I remember Friendica's Facebook connector. It was more than a crossposter. It actually mirrored both your friends list and your entire timeline from Facebook into Friendica. And I think if you posted something on Friendica, people on Friendica, Diaspora*, GNU social and Facebook could all comment on that post.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica

We zitten wel in een coronadal, maar je kunt nog steeds (weer) en dus ook -covid oplopen. Bovendien waren er allerlei andere virussen rond waar je beslist niet op zit te wachten. is dus geen overbodige luxe.

- Salad Days!

And here it is ... this is why Alabama is at the bottom in . People like this , (In My Opinion) who feels kids reading about -white and is and . Mr. wants to educate and keep the from about . Feel free to replace the *'s with :// in the link below. I didn't want to give him any accidental clicks.


A -shot request to the collected memory...

I vaguely recall a scene from a recent British police drama, I *think* it was , where the detective was called in to her boss (Superintendent) for a very awkward conversation about an email she had supposedly sent asking her (happily married) boss out on a date. Turned out it was a prank email from her colleagues using her unlocked computer.

I thought it would make a great and humorous way to make the point with my team about locking workstations when not in use (as per company policy). And trying to find it is now bugging me!

Does anyone out there have a better memory of the scene. Which series or episode Do I even have the show right

Or maybe you can suggest alternate scenes/clips that emphasize the same point

Thanks hivemind!

Votes are in for . This time it was about whether or not long posts should have a content warning.
The majority of Mastodon voters (9 of 14) voted against it, but roughly one out of three Mastodon voters voted in favour of it.
Even if I'll definitely ignore the one voter who wants posts over 500 characters banned all over the entire Fediverse, I'm not sure what to make of it myself. I mean, I almost always post over 500 characters.
On the one hand, content warnings for over 500 characters have their place. There seems to be at least one app that was built under the assumption that the Fediverse is only vanilla Mastodon, and there will never be over 500 characters in the Fediverse, so folding posts is unnecessary. Thus, it can't fold posts, and it shows all posts at their full length. Other frontends may offer the option to always unfold all posts, and users who thought that no post will ever exceed 500 character anyway have chosen that option.
I've only got one way to keep my posts from showing up in their timelines as gigantic walls of texts, and that's a summary which appears as a content warning on Mastodon. In fact, I've always added the character count, so people know beforehand if that post has only 700 character or over 75,000, and they can decide whether or not to open it. And yes, I've once posted over 77,000 characters in one post.
On the other hand, I guess that Mastodon users are blocking me left and right for my long posts anyway, regardless of whether or not I issue a content warning. I think there are tens of thousands of Mastodon users who have blocked me meanwhile.
The worst offenders, I think, have to be my rare image posts. Mastodon wants image descriptions. Image descriptions which actually describe what's in the image sufficiently both for the context and for the target audience and which also explain what the target audience doesn't know or understand. Yes, I do that, but for , I always have a lot to describe and explain. This, however, means that I regularly put more characters into the description of one image than many prolific alt-text writers on Mastodon put into all their alt-texts of one whole month. And such a description can only go one place. That isn't the alt-text, that's the post.
So if I don't describe my images, my image posts may not be boosted, and Mastodon users may pester me to write alt-texts. But when I do describe my images, the posts aren't boosted either due to being too long and not even interesting, and Mastodon users block me out-right for excessively long posts. A content warning won't change anything.
Besides, I can't put Mastodon-style content warnings on replies anyway. On Hubzilla, replies aren't just posts like any other post. Hubzilla is not a Twitter clone. On Hubzilla, replies are comments like blog comments or Facebook comments or Tumblr comments. They even have their own dedicated entry masks while Mastodon has one for everything. And those entry masks don't have a summary field which is the same as Mastodon's CW field. I mean, who would put a summary on a blog comment
Lastly, no warnings for my long posts reduces the effort for me. See, Hubzilla doesn't have a character counter, not in the post editor and not in the comment editor either. It doesn't need a character counter. It doesn't have any character limit to worry about.
So whenever I write a post, I generate a preview, then I copy the preview into a text editor, e.g. Mousepad, then I count the characters. And if they're over 500, I write a summary including a "CW: long (insert rough or exact character count here characters)" content warning and the four hashtags #Long, #LongPost, #CWLong and #CWLongPost for those who have filters for long posts which either remove them entirely or generate content warnings for them. So my long posts always grow longer by another 36 characters due to these hashtags. But I guess nobody filters either of these hashtags anyway.
I think I don't have to do either if people block me for my long posts anyway. I mean, I'll go on issuing content warnings for what might disturb Mastodon users see this very post. And I'll go on issuing them two-fold, both as a Mastodon-style CW in the summary field and as filter-triggering hashtags. But maybe long-post warnings are ultimately useless because they don't change anything.
P.S.: Of course, non-Mastodon users don't care either way. My fellows on Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) are used to massive walls of texts as regular posts because that has been part of their culture since 2010. They can't see how this could possibly be a problem. People on Misskey and the Forkeys are used to long posts, too, and besides, the *keys apparently reject posts with over 10,000 characters anyway.
#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #CharacterCount #CW #CWs #ContentWarning #ContentWarnings #CWMeta #ContentWarningMeta #LongPosts #LongPostMeta

Jeff coons