Find the latitude of any place.  

More of my friend Craigs floral

More of my friend Craigs floral hat. Masterpiece crochet respect (Im a knitter). Happy Spring !
& but it

My friend Craig crocheted this amazing hat which I complemented online & then he sent it to me from Canada! Cruising round our for

Anyway, that is a scenario where an accompanying web page might be a better text alternative.

Or, if you aren't restricted to only 500 characters, a more extensive image description in the post text body. It'd have the advantage that the image and the description are still in the same place.
Don't forget that just about everything in the Fediverse that's *blogging without being Mastodon (or Threads) allows for thousands of characters.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #CharacterLimit #CharacterLimits #500Characters Von einer fertigen Tabelle wei ich nichts. Ich bin selbst an einem Projekt mit ber einem Dutzend Vergleichstabellen fr sehr viele Fediverse-Projekte mit dran, aber das ist noch ein extrem frhes WIP.
Mit Friendica vergleichbar sind nur zwei andere Projekte, ich wei nicht, ob du von denen schon gehrt hast.
basiert auf einem Fork (von einem Fork) von Friendica von 2012 von Friendicas eigenem Schpfer und hnelt in der UI noch dem alten Friendica. Die Lesbarkeit sollte besser sein, vor allem, weil vor einer Woche Hubzilla 9 die Schrift in Posts und Kommentaren vergrert hat.
Allerdings wird dir Hubzilla erstmal eine mit seinem extremen Feature-Reichtum berbraten. Auerdem ist ActivityPub standardmig abgeschaltet, und es zu aktivieren, ist nicht sehr straight-forward.
Und dann ist da noch , ein Fork eines Forks eines Forks (usw., lange Fork-Kette unbekannter Lnge) von Hubzilla von 2021 und immer noch vom selben Entwickler. (streams) liegt featuremig zwischen Friendica und Hubzilla und ist gegenber Hubzilla noch ein Riesenstck fortschrittlicher.
Das Schwierige an (streams) ist eher, da es mit voller Absicht als einzige Fediverse-Serversoftware keinen festen Namen und keine feste Markenidentitt hat und mit derselben Absicht von allen Statistik- und Instanzlisten-Sites ferngehalten wird. Das macht es auch unmglich, auf bekannten Wegen (streams)-Instanzen zu finden, weil es unmglich ist, (streams)-Instanzen automatisch zu finden und einwandfrei zu identifizieren. Auerdem gibt es nur drei ffentliche (streams)-Instanzen mit offener Registrierung, davon nur eine in Europa, eine deutschsprachige mit Standort in Ungarn.
Etwas umdenken wirst du bei beiden, weil sie nicht wie Friendica oder Mastodon deine Identitt an deinen Account auf einer bestimmten Instanz binden, sondern in einen packen, der mehr oder weniger unabhngig von Instanzen und Accounts existieren kann und von dem du mehrere auf einem Account haben kannst.
Was du jeweils nicht haben wirst, ist Friendicas visuelle Anzeige, was worauf eine Antwort ist, und zwei separate Summarys pro Post.
Was du statt dessen haben wirst, ist ein dediziertes Summary-Feld, einfacheres Umziehen von Instanz zu Instanz und sogar , auerdem Umfragen und, falls du's brauchen solltest, CalDAV- und CardDAV-Server.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams)
The Fediverse was never going to preserve your #Privacy. That wasn't and isn't the point.

Don't confuse the Fediverse with only Mastodon. There are places in the Fediverse where you can have actual privacy because they've got access permission controls that exceed Mastodon users' imagination by magnitudes.
And they aren't new. At its core, is some four years older than Mastodon. And is from late 2021 and less feature-overloaded than Hubzilla, but more innovative.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #NotOnlyMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse #FediverseIsNotMastodon #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) Wenn, dann sollte wirklich der Traffic aus dem kompletten Fediverse bercksichtigt werden und nicht nur zwei Projekte rausgepickt.
Mir kann niemand erzhlen, da der Traffic von Mastodon alleine um gigantische Grenordnungen grer ist als der von Flipboard, Glitch, Hometown, Pleroma, Akkoma, Misskey, Firefish, Iceshrimp, Sharkey, Catodon, Meisskey, Socialhome, GoToSocial, Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams), Lemmy, /kbin, Mbin, Piefed, Sublinks, Pixelfed etc. pp. zusammengenommen.
Das Fediverse ist nicht nur nicht nur Mastodon, es ist auch nicht 99% Mastodon.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #NichtNurMastodonkoimata On Mastodon, it's actually good manners to describe each image that you post with an underlying alt-text. It's a matter of accessibility and inclusivity.
While a few instances have made this an enforceable rule, it is not written law. But not exactly few Mastodon users do try to enforce it.
The most basic way is by refusing to boost posts with images without alt-text, depriving them of range.
The next step is to reply to such posts with an alt-text proposal plus the hashtag #Alt4You, #Alt4U, #AltText4You or #AltText4U. Normally, these hashtags are used in posts with alt-text that are replies to posts in which someone asks around for someone to describe their image because they can't do that themselves, accompanied with the hashtag #Alt4Me or #AltText4Me. In this case, however, the alt-text proposal is unsolicited.
Another level up are public declarations to mute or block anyone who ever posts an image without alt-text and anyone who ever boosts posts with images without alt-text.
And then comes the out-right harassment of users who don't add alt-text which is frequently criticised as one reason why newbies leave Mastodon for Threads or Bluesky within no time after using Mastodon just like they used to use .
However, it doesn't only matter if there is alt-text. The alt-text must also sufficiently describe the image, and if there's text in the image, the alt-text must include a full, verbatim transcript of all text. The only exception to the latter is if there's too much text for Mastodon's 1,500-character limit in alt-text.
If all this is hard to believe, check the # and spend a while browsing it.
If you've barely got connections on Mastodon, I guess you can safely ignore all this.
But the vast majority of my over 500 connections is on Mastodon. And seeing as the secondary purpose of this channel is "Fediverse explainer", I need quite a bit of range on Mastodon, and I can't afford losing great chunks of it by flipping the bird to Mastodonians just because I'm not one.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #MastodonPolice #FediPolice #AltTextMafia #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMetaI occasionally see the "Mastodon Police" complain about missing alt-text. Or non-descriptive alt-text. Sometimes even not sufficiently descriptive alt-text. This goes from requests to unsolicited image descriptions to boost refusals to mutes to out-right blocks, all with announcements.
But I've never seen anyone react like this upon too much image description. Not even upon mine. Nobody has declared they won't boost anything with such extensive image descriptions. Nobody has announced to mute or block everyone whose image descriptions are that long. Nobody has sent me an alt-text proposal, expecting me to rip out my own 800+ characters of actual alt-text plus 30,000+ characters of in-post image description and replace it with their 150 characters.
Okay, that may be because hardly anyone reads my image posts in the first place because hardly anyone dares to open that CW that warns them about a five-digit number of characters.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #MastodonPolice #FediPolice #AltTextMafia #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta I've tried LLaVA with an image which I had previously described myself. And I consider myself an image description perfectionist, also because it's a huge effort to describe images like those that I post adequately.
LLaVA took maybe five seconds for 500+ characters. What it whipped up was vague, very very incomplete and in parts simply wrong. Then again, my benchmark description took me over 8 hours for 25,000+ characters which I still deem .
(CW: extremely long post with almost 29,000 characters). In the comment right below, there is my analysis of LLaVA's description.
So if the topic is very special, very niche, very obscure, and what you're looking for is a 100% reliable, fire-and-forget AI that can describe images from this topic in all necessary detail with absolute accuracy and expert knowledge on the topic while even deciding how many and which details are necessary and why, then sorry, there is no such thing. LLaVA can't do that either.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #AI

The Digital Antiquarian on the Rise of Age of Empires
In the early days of Microsoft they really looked down on gaming, fueled by an antipathy towards entertainment by many higher-ups in the company. The Digital Antiquarian recounts the story of the game that got Microsoft started on computer gaming, u

New Brunswick latest province to sign health deal with Ottawa, worth $430 million
The New Brunswick and federal governments have signed two agreements worth $430 million to fund the province's health and long-term care systems.

New Brunswick latest province to sign health deal with Ottawa, worth $430 million
The New Brunswick and federal governments have signed two agreements worth $430 million to fund the province's health and long-term care systems.

You won't be able to get that on
Either you try to find a Mastodon instance that has a raised character limit. However, there's no list of Mastodon instances with character limits.
Or you move to something that's part of the Fediverse, fully federated with Mastodon, but not Mastodon proper, such as:

They're all guaranteed to always give you many many more characters than vanilla Mastodon plus stuff like quotes, quote-posts and text formatting on top. But you'll have to get used to a wholly different UI and UX.
#Long #LongPost #LongPosts #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon #NotOnlyMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse #FediverseIsNotMastodon #Pleroma #Akkoma #Misskey #Forkey #Forkeys #Sharkey #Iceshrimp #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #CharacterLimit #CharacterLimits #500CharactersSad news: , the third-oldest OpenSim grid, .
To sum the reasons up: Their sysadmin, the only person with access to the grid servers, disappeared. He had modified the server code, but never laid the changes open. Later, one of their techs managed to migrate sims from a dead server to a brand-new one which subsequently only she had access to. She passed away before she could document anything.
With no access to most of the grid servers, administrating the grid has largely become impossible, so the only possible solution is to shut the whole grid down. Whether it'll be possible to save IARs, OARs or other content from the grid remains to be seen.

Those of you who are looking for legal content for female avatars may want to visit the 3rd Rock Grid Welcome sim as long as they can.
You'll land on an octogonal pad. There's a number of panels along its edges. On the biggest panel in the middle, dark grey with a silvery grey frame around it, there are two smaller, mostly light grey panels. The one on the left reads, "First time users Click here to get to Welcome Freebie Center "First Steps" Tutorials." Click it, and you'll be teleported to 497,226,22, right at the entrance of the welcome building for new avatars.
Apart from a newbie "tutorial" walk, you'll find a lot of avatar content. For female and male avatars. Classic and mesh.
Some of it may be familiar because you've seen it elsewhere already, e.g. on a sim based on a Linda Kellie OAR or . At least of the mesh clothes, some definitely aren't clean, and I'm not sure about some of the female layer clothes. But others are definitely legal such as Rhia Bachman's classic clothes or Dawn Greymyst's Clutterfly-based clothes. These and some others are actually exclusive to 3rd Rock Grid Welcome, and when the grid shuts down, it's highly likely that they'll disappear from the Hypergrid altogether, save for the inventories of what few avatars have picked them up.
Oh, and if you've got some time, you may also want to teleport to Navigation Island, right in the middle of the sim (the "nose" of the smiley face), and check out what else 3rd Rock Grid has to offer.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #3rdRockGridHubzilla bietet seit Version 9 nun zwei Mglichkeiten, Beitrge an seine Kontakte weiterzuleiten: Teilen oder Wwiederholen (Repeaten oder auch "Boosten" genannt).
Teilen von Beitrgen
Mit dem Teilen / Weitersagen von Beitrgen wird ein Beitrag eines anderen Nutzers mit dem eigenen Kanal erneut gepostet. Es wird eine neue Konversation im eigenen Kanal erzeugt. Kommentare dazu landen bei der neuen Konversation und nicht bei der ursprnglichen.

Wiederholen (repeat) / Boosten von Beitrgen
Mit dem Wiederholen (Repeaten) von Beitrgen, wird der Beitrag an die eigenen Verbindungen verteilt. Kommentare landen (im Gegensatz zu geteilten Beitrgen) beim Original-Beitrag.

Dieses Verhalten entspricht dem "Boosten", wie man es z.B. von Mastodon oder den Forkeys kennt.
#FediTips #FediverseTips #hubzilla #hubzillahppchen
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost Long But not everyone uses Fedilab.
Especially newbies who think the Fediverse is only the nice and cosy and fluffy Mastodon they've just discovered are often on the official app. The offical app doesn't fold long posts in. If I post 77,000 characters, and I have posted 77,000 characters in the past, users of this app get all 77,000 characters onto their screens with no way to fold them in.
I'm not sure, but I think TootSuite doesn't roll long posts in either.
The Web UI folds posts over 2,000 characters in to a length of ca. 1,500 characters. That's still way over the 500 characters that your typical Twitter-to-Mastodon refugee expects to be the Fediverse-wide upper limit.
As for literally nobody being disturbed about posts over 500 characters, here are a few quote-posts of actual Mastodon posts. These aren't the only two people upset about over-500-character posts there are plenty more, but they're hard to find with hashtag searches.

Being able to mute or filter posts that exceed 500 characters would be great.
Search is not good because it returns too many dissertations.
Always disappointed when people exceed reminds of when brought out paid subscription with longer
500 characters is lengthy micro blogging, longer is not
The freedom of different instances (servers) but I wont favourite or boost anything exceeding 500

Or look at which I ran two months ago. Of 19 participants, 4 (21%) want CWs for posts over 500 characters, and 1 (5%) wants them banned Fediverse-wide entirely.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #CharacterCount #500CharactersUnpopular opinion: I hope Hubzilla won't stick to sending Note-type objects forever. It still has the Article-type/Note-type switch that was introduced with Hubzilla 9 on Friday, but as I've just discovered, a recent hotfix has basically rendered that switch useless, and Hubzilla only sends Note-type objects again.
Article-type objects have a lot of advantages. Yes, on Mastodon. Whether Mike or Mario or anyone else on Hubzilla or (streams) likes it or not.
With Note-type objects, I have to count characters and, when a post exceeds 500 characters, issue long post content warnings like the one above and add the filter-triggering hashtags #Long, #LongPost, #CWLong and #CWLongPost. That's because posts with over 500 characters disturb so many Mastodon users, especially those on a phone using the official Mastodon app that doesn't fold posts over 500 characters in.
With Article-type objects, I wouldn't have to do that because Mastodon would reduce even an 80,000-character monster post to a cute little link with title, summary and hashtags. Much easier on Mastodon users than having 80,000 characters slammed into their faces right away.
With Note-type objects, I have to link to sensitive images because Mastodon refuses to hide images embedded in or attached to Hubzilla posts, no matter what I do.
With Article-type objects, I wouldn't have to do that because Mastodon would have people click or tap the link to the original post before they can see the post with the sensitive image in it. Of course, that link would be accompanied by an appropriate content warning.
That said, Mastodon might still automatically use that sensitive image as the preview image for the link. There'd be nothing you can do against it on Hubzilla except for adding another safe image first and hoping Mastodon will pick that one. But that'd require one more image description.
#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Hubzilla #Hubzilla 9 #CharacterCount #500Characters #UnpopularOpinion I don't know if you've joined the Fediverse only today, or if just you've moved instances, but still: No need to do that because it has all been done before.
A YouTube alternative exists: (pinging ). It isn't a 99% YouTube clone like tries to be a 99% Reddit clone, but it serves the purpose.
A Facebook alternative has been around since 2010, almost six years longer than Mastodon: .
Also, by the Friendica's own creator, Mike Macgirvin , there are , a fork (of a fork) of Friendica and an absolute Swiss Army Knife that's older than Mastodon, too, and offers (this is where I'm writing from right now), and which contains a nameless, brandless fork of a fork of a fork... of Hubzilla, reduced in functionality to something somewhere between Friendica and Hubzilla, but with even more advanced permission control and better integration of ActivityPub. Mike still maintains and develops the latter.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #YouTube #PeerTube #Facebook #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams)
Are bridged networks Fediverse too, or Fedi-extensions

I guess you're only thinking of Bluesky and Nostr.
But technically speaking, both Hubzilla and (streams) are bridged to ActivityPub, too, because neither is based on ActivityPub. I'm replying to you via a bridge right now.
Granted, this bridge named Pubcrawl is an official Hubzilla add-on, it's installed on this hub, and each channel has actually got its own bridge. But it's a bridge.
So if the definition of the Fediverse excludes anything that's bridged in some way in an attempt to keep Bluesky and Nostr out, it also excludes these two, although Hubzilla is as old as the Fediverse itself. Not doing so would amount to a double standard.
The main difference between Bluesky and Nostr on the one hand and Hubzilla and (streams) on the other hand is: Bluesky and Nostr are connected through one third-party bridge each. Hubzilla and (streams) bring their own official bridges.
So one could argue that both do have their own ActivityPub support. Not as their base protocol, through a bridge instead, but that bridge is an official add-on and therefore officially part of the project.
However, one could just as well argue that only Pubcrawl is part of the Fediverse because it "speaks" ActivityPub. The parts of Hubzilla and (streams) beyond Pubcrawl, on Pubcrawl's "far" side, their cores included, are not part of the Fediverse because they're bridged, and they don't run natively on ActivityPub.
Thus, the Fediverse's outer border would cut through Hubzilla and (streams) with the ActivityPub bridge inside the Fediverse and the core and all the other add-ons outside.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Bluesky #BlueskyBridge #Nostr #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Pubcrawl Also, the way Nora writes, she makes pretty clear that all she knows about the Fediverse beyond Mastodon are a bunch of project names which she must have overheard somewhere. I mean, not only does she still refer to Firefish by its old name, but she even misspells it.
She does try to distinguish between the Fediverse and Mastodon, but she's a hair's width away from not doing so. And she seems to think that everything else in the Fediverse is basically Mastodon by another name with maybe one or two little extra features.
She makes even clearer that she has never heard of even only one of Mike Macgirvin's projects, not Friendica and certainly neither Hubzilla nor (streams). To be fair, (streams) was a whole lot more obscure a year ago. Even today, round about 75% of all Mastodon users have never even heard of Hubzilla's existence, so I guess that over 95% haven't heard of (streams). But (streams) in particular with its permission settings and both self-moderation capabilities is likely to have what it takes to be the safe haven which Nora claims doesn't exist in the Fediverse.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMetaMario Vavti Make it four switches instead of one.
One for posts/DMs with a title, regardless of summary.
One for posts/DMs with a summary.
One for posts/DMs without either.
One for comments.
In fact, the last two could be ditched altogether. But at least the first one would mimick how Friendica does things (with title = Article-type, with no title = Note-type). And it absolutely makes sense to send long, blog-style posts as Article-type objects and have Mastodon only show the title, the summary, a link to the original and the hashtags.
In fact, Mastodon's handling of Article-type objects is most likely not a bug but fully intentional. And I'd really like Hubzilla to support it. Just not always.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #ActivityPub #Hubzilla In this regard, should Threads users be treated differently from Hubzilla or (streams) users
Both aren't based on ActivityPub. Hubzilla is based on Zot6, (streams) is based on Nomad. Both support ActivityPub through an optional add-on which is off by default on Hubzilla and on by default on (streams).
This means anyone on (streams) can decide to turn ActivityPub off entirely, and anyone on Hubzilla can decide against turning it on in the first place.
Federation with anything else, e.g. within Hubzilla or (streams), between Hubzilla and (streams) mutually, between Hubzilla and Diaspora* or between Hubzilla and Friendica or GoToSocial using the Diaspora* add-on, is not affected by this, so technically, these users stay federated. They just can't connect themselves to Mastodon and everything else that only speaks ActivityPub.
Are you part of the Fediverse if you can connect to anything or anyone else that's part of the Fediverse Or are you only part of the Fediverse if you can connect directly to Mastodon
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Federation #Threads #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams)
And also, most of the Mastodon users are already aware, to different degrees, of the existence of the Fediverse and what it means.

I don't deny that.
What I meant was: The vast majority of Mastodon users does not want Threads (est. 2023) to rule over and force its ways upon Mastodon (est. 2016).
But at the same time, some of these very self-same Mastodon users do want their beloved Mastodon (est. 2016) to rule over and force its ways upon Friendica (est. 2010), Hubzilla (est. 2015) etc. because they find it too disturbing what these other Fediverse projects do.
The exact same thing they don't want Threads to do unto Mastodon, they demand Mastodon do unto everything that isn't Mastodon.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta

Got Hubzilla 9 a few hours ago

Checking out the big new Hubzilla release CW: long (1,673 characters), Fediverse meta, non-Mastodon Fediverse meta

The irony of all that, is that they're actually heralding their dissatisfaction with the mastopub platform, while refusing to simply migrate to a Fediverse ecosystem that will not only support, but embrace their penchant for long-form posting. IANAP (substitute 'lawyer' for 'psychologist'), but that might be a form of passive-agressive behavior, if I'm not mistaken (which I often am).

It seems to be more of a case of there not being a way to move instances or even projects that's as easy as joining Mastodon using the official mobile app. In other words, even easier than moving instances on Hubzilla or (streams).
I often discover posts in which Mastodon users demand certain new features on Mastodon. Either I tell them that these features have been readily available elsewhere in the Fediverse. But what they actually want is to have these features on the very instance they're on right now. Activated by default so they don't have to do that themselves.
Mike's not really great at highlighting his own remarkable contributions other than to give mention to them - certainly not covering the historical transcendence of them in a genealogical way, for those who didn't take the time to delve into them before there was even such a thing as masto.

Yeah, that's quite a bit of a pity. And it may be a reason why people keep re-inventing his wheels.
Bluesky and Solid are both quite superfluous, seeing as they both seem to be trying something that Hubzilla has mastered better than what their intention is. But as it stands now, Hubzilla is still very obscure. I remember a recent poll in which three out of four participants declared they hadn't even heard of Hubzilla before that poll.
As for myself, I remember working with Red Matrix (and I can't remember if that came before, or after "Red"),

AFAIK, it was first named Friendica Red, that was right after it was forked. I think it became Red, from spanish la red = the network, when it had been re-written against Zot. And it might have become the Red Matrix because marketing something simply named Red doesn't work too well.
There was one more thing, seeing how you're apparently a gamer.

Not so much, actually. If anything, it's usually FLOSS games, some of which I compile from sources.
And most users of Second Life and OpenSim will firmly deny that either is a game because both lack typical things that'd make them games. There's no goal, nothing that you have to achieve, no defined challenges. The lack of all this actually irritates young people who come to Second Life in expectation of an MMO like World of Warcraft. They log in and discover there's nothing telling them what to do. It's so off-putting that they never log in again.
I don't know if you've read yet. Essentially, it's an open-source, decentralised re-implementation of the very same technology. Both even mostly use the same third-party viewers, also because OpenSim doesn't have an official viewer of its own.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMetaThreads might overrun the Fediverse with its own rules, its own culture and its own non-standard technology, simply by being the biggest project in the Fediverse and making itself the de-facto Fediverse standard by sheer numbers. Mastodon users are up in arms against it.
Mastodon itself has been doing all these very same things to the rest of the Fediverse ever since 2016. Largely the very same Mastodon users who are raging against Threads now are not only cheering on Mastodon forcing its ways and its non-standard stuff upon everything that isn't Mastodon, but demanding more of it.
Just for the record: Mastodon was not here first. At least Friendica, Hubzilla and Pleroma were, in this order. And Hubzilla even had ActivityPub before Mastodon.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #Meta #Threads #Hypocrisy #DoubleStandardSomething strikes me about : Whenever I look at the Top 50, I always only see Mastodon instances. This is certainly not due to Mastodon's domination of the Fediverse. There has to be another explanation
Either Alt Text Health Check was developed under the assumption that the Fediverse is only Mastodon, so it's built against only Mastodon, and it doesn't support anything else.
Or it digs deeply into the server code, so each Fediverse project would have to be implemented separately. Since this would be tedious to do, only Mastodon is implemented.
Or people everywhere else in the Fediverse simply don't write any alt-text.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Accessibility #A11y #AltTexttallship
I'm not understanding why you did one of those self-inflicted hell-threads (1/1, 2/2, whatev...). Were you making fun of mastopub Coz if you were, I'm in on that joke. If you weren't, I don't understand why, since you're certainly not limited by any paltry, 500 character count limit like those on mastotron instances.

The target audience of these posts are Mastodon users. Mastodon users who are largely clueless about the Fediverse beyond Mastodon and particularly about Hubzilla.
I've been around Mastodon users a lot. And I know that many of them absolutely refuse to read anything over 500 characters. Some actually mute or even block anyone from whom they find a post with over 500 characters in their federated timeline.
So if I posted as if I posted for a Hubzilla audience, these posts would be read a whole lot less, a whole lot fewer people from the target audience of these posts would learn something about Hubzilla, and a whole lot more people would block me.
And most of the hashtags at the end are for triggering filters.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost

The public health system of the world's 6th largest economy (California) has a Covid page

There is even a Continuing Medical Education Program

Surely a good doctor would be regularly taking part in Continuing Medical Education programs, no

Selena Gomez Shares Memento From First Virtual Date With Benny Blanco:  Distance

Check it out!

Der Artikel ist eine Macroblogging-Beitragsform bei Hubzilla und z.B. geeignet fr echte Blogbeitrge. Im Gegensatz zu normalen Beitrgen, die im gesamten Netzwerk (inklusive Fediverse) verteilt werden, verbleiben Artikel beim eigenen Hub. Sie sind fr Nutzer anderer Instanzen und Nutzer, die keinen Account im Fediverse haben also nur ber ihre URL erreichbar. Die URL kann selbstverstndlich geteilt werden, so dass der Artikel trotzdem im Fediverse bekannt wird und abgerufen werden kann.
Einen Artikel erstellt man ber die App (Hamburger-Men ) "Artikel". Ruft man diese auf, werden smtliche erstellten Artikel angezeigt und man hat die Mglichkeit, einen neuen Artikel anzulegen ("Artikel hinzufgen").

Das Erstellen eines Artikels hnelt dem Erstellen eines normalen Beitrags. Das Eingabe-Formular weist aber zwei zustzliche Felder auf: "Summary (optional)" und "Link zur Seite".

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#FediTips #FediverseTips #hubzilla #hubzillahppchen
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost"Write your posts as long as you want," they say.
"Don't be apologetic about it," they say.
"Literally everyone in the whole Fediverse has gotten used to posts over 500 characters, and nobody minds anymore," they say.
"Literally everyone on Mastodon is perfectly okay with all of Hubzilla's antics," they say.
"Nobody wants the Fediverse to only be vanilla Mastodon," they say.
Oh, really Then I've probably faked this shared post here.

Being able to mute or filter posts that exceed 500 characters would be great.
Search is not good because it returns too many dissertations.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LongPosts #LongToots #LongPostMeta #CWLongPostMeta #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #QuotePost #QuoteBoost #CharacterCount #CharacterLimit #CharacterLimits #500Characters #Sarcasm
In your FAQ for instances in the whole fediverse, you say "Moving between different instances is easy, and you'll be able to carry your friends and followers with you". This is only true of Mastodon and its derived platforms like GlitchSoc and Hometown. I don't think *any* other Fedi software lets you do this!

Sorry to say, but and with their blow Mastodon and all its forks out of the water when it comes to migrating your Fediverse ID. And Hubzilla or rather its predecessor has done so since as early as 2012, some four years before Mastodon was even made.
Both Hubzilla and (streams) don't keep your stuff on your account. They containerise it in a of which you can have multiple on the same account.
If you move, they actually relocate everything. Your entire post backlog, all your images, all your files, all your connections, both followers and followed (!), all your settings, all your filters, all your privacy groups, all you CalDAV calendars, all your CardDAV contacts etc. etc. Absolutely everything.
Then they go to all your Hubzilla and (streams) contacts and re-write their connections with you from your old ID to your new ID. On their channels. Your followers on Hubzilla and (streams) won't have to re-follow you.
Then both Hubzilla and (streams) remove your channel in your old location. You don't leave a dead channel behind.
If that was the only channel on that account, they even delete the account.
And I'm not even talking about the possibility of cloning your channel to another instance and having a live, real-time backup of it.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #NomadicIdentity
I think #Hubzilla would have been more cool and successful if it didn't had #ActivityPub app and was its own alternative Fediverse. I wonder if there probably are Hubzilla instances without it.

Well, Hubzilla is a direct descendant of Friendica. And Friendica's concept was and still is to federate with everything that moved and then some. StatusNet (which included early Mastodon and Pleroma, by the way), Diaspora*, Tumblr, Libertree, Twitter, e-mail, even Facebook for a few months, although that definitely required a Facebook account.
Hubzilla took a lot of that over. And Hubzilla was actually the first Fediverse project to adopt ActivityPub, even before its standardisation and two months before Mastodon.
But ActivityPub is actually optional both for the whole hub (on by default) and for each channel (off by default). So it's actually possible to run an entire Hubzilla hub with no ActivityPub at all.
Zap, a fork of Osada which itself was a slimmed-down fork of Hubzilla, had no ActivityPub at all in its early stages. Mike created it as a testbed for Zot6, and he expected Zot6 to be incompatible with non-nomadic protocols such as ActivityPub, so Zap only knew Zot6 and no other protocol, and Osada which lacked nomadic identity was to be used as a bridge between Zap and the rest of the Fediverse. Later on, Zot6 did become compatible with non-nomadic protocols, so Zap got ActivityPub support after all. And there was actually much rejoicing.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Hubzilla
Mastodon came after Hubzilla. Hubzilla was built on its own protocol and Hubzilla added the ActivityPub protocol long time back to connect to the whole Fediverse (not just Mastodon).

You know that, I know that, but there are not exactly few people on Mastodon who don't know that.
Even when they learn that the Fediverse is not only Mastodon, much to their surprise, they tend to believe that if Mastodon isn't the only Fediverse project, it must still have been the first. And everything that isn't Mastodon is either bolted onto Mastodon or an intruder.
Don't see what issues Mastodon users may have with it, as it has connected for ages.

Disturbingly long posts. Non-Mastodon users are banned for exceeding 500 characters once. And I'm pretty sure that Mastodon users try to have non-Mastodon users sanctioned by their admins for breaking this unwritten Fediverse rule.
Quote-posts. For Hubzilla users, it's called sharing, and it has been the equivalent to Mastodon's boosts since 2015 because Hubzilla can't boost. Not until Hubzilla 9 is out. For minorities on Mastodon, it's the exact same thing as the quote-tweets that were used on Twitter to harass them. And Hubzilla doesn't let them opt in, not even opt out. Hubzilla can quote-post anyone on Mastodon, always.
I'm not even sure if every last first-wave and second-wave Twitter refugee who got used to Mastodon 3 is used to seeing things on Mastodon that were absolutely impossible on Mastodon 3 such as text formatting.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon #HubzillaThis is interesting to watch.
The cat's out of the bag. Mike Macgirvin 's is in the news all over the Fediverse. Of course, you can't expect everyone in the Fediverse to know what nomadic identity is, so the explanation is that it's that stuff that Hubzilla does.
Which, in many cases, is the very first time that Mastodon users even read that name and learn about the existence of that project. I mean, I've seen a poll just yesterday, according to which three out of four Fediverse users have never heard of Hubzilla.
This, in turn, piques their interest. All of a sudden, lots of Mastodon users are curious about Hubzilla as it's said to be able to do things that Mastodon can't, but that they wish Mastodon could.
Some like who haven't used any other Fediverse projects than Mastodon so far actually , only to discover something probably absolutely unexpected: Hubzilla works and handles absolutely nothing like Mastodon. And that's not simply due to the formerly-default-and-now-only UI that's perpetually stuck in 2012.
They may actually wonder why Mike had the audacity to build something that's so much different from Mastodon instead of just aping Mastodon and slapping extra stuff on. And I guess they're even more surprised when you tell them that Hubzilla was made before Mastodon. Which means that there was a Fediverse before Mastodon.
It occurred to me only recently just how many ways Hubzilla has to completely blow Mastodon users' minds.
However, it isn't like people who have come from Twitter to Mastodon to Hubzilla over the last year and a half are all happy about how Hubzilla is different from Mastodon. Switching from Mastodon to Hubzilla takes more getting used to than switching from Twitter to Mastodon, especially if you expect Mastodon to be a standard that everything else has to follow.
There are, in fact, lots of things about Hubzilla that'll irritate people used to Mastodon to no end. The confusing difference between account and channel. The unusual conversation model that sends posts to other people than on Mastodon which doesn't have a conversation model. Separate editors for posts and comments. In fact, posts and comments being something different. ActivityPub not being on by default, and instead of having a simple opt-in switch in the settings, you have to "install" an "app" to be able to connect to Mastodon. No CW field (it's the summary field, but there's none for comments). No alt-text field. No distinction between followers and followed. Stuff in the settings not being where you'd expect it to be from your experience with Mastodon.
And I'm not even talking about the vast permission options yet. Or the filters which even I say need improvements. Or Hubzilla being unable to boost (shall be fixed with Hubzilla 9) and follow hashtags. Or people telling you that you have to type code manually if you want to have alt-text.
Even those who learn about Hubzilla without trying it are confused. Why is it so different Why does it have to be so different Why can't it be like Mastodon
In fact, it doesn't really occur rarely that Mastodon users consider almost everything in which Hubzilla differs from Mastodon a bug which they think can be fixed. It seems to be hard to imagine that what they take for a bug is part of Hubzilla's concept, and it has often been part of the concept since the early days of Mistpark back in 2010, almost six years before Mastodon came out.
I think over the next days and weeks, Hubzilla will increasingly be considered not only weirdly different, but disturbingly different. Along with that, more and more Mastodon users will become aware of the "atrocities" from a Mastodon point of view which Hubzilla users commit in the Fediverse, and which they justify with their different culture. Enormously long posts, text formatting, quotes, quote-posts, as if it's all the most normal thing in the world. Which, for Hubzilla users, it is.
In the near future, Mastodon will likely produce two more forms of drama. One is strong opposition against nomadic identity anywhere in the Fediverse, not so much because it's "un-Mastodon-like", but because it's expected to be used in malicious ways.
The other one is increasing opposition against Hubzilla itself and more and more calls for Fediblocking it in its entirety, along with all Mastodon or otherwise Fediverse instances that don't Fediblock all Hubzilla hubs. All because it's got that disturbing stuff like nomadic identity and huge posts well over 500 characters and quote-posts with no opt-out for anyone. And because more and more Mastodon users become aware of it.
I hope it won't happen, but I can't exclude it.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Hubzilla
It's true that Nomadic Identity is largely only implemented by Streams and Hubzilla at this time, which are PHP implementations of the Zot/Nomad protocol. Admittedly, it's a bit hard to find quality documentation on these. Paradoxically, the implementations are quite mature, and have been around for years at this point.

Yes, nomadic identity was created along with the Zot protocol as early as 2011. Zot was first implemented on the Red Matrix which is based on a Friendica fork, which had its 1.0 release in 2013, and which was renamed into Hubzilla and repositioned with a different set of features in 2015. So all this happened before Mastodon was released.
Nomadic identity has been in daily, stable use for over a decade.
Like Friendica's DFRN before, Zot was never meant to be an officially standardised protocol like ActivityPub that other, completely different and independent server applications could use. Zot and Hubzilla have always been firmly tied to one another. Zot is not nearly as vague as ActivityPub. And Zot not only covers nomadic identity, but also Hubzilla's permission system which exceeds even a Mastodon user's wildest imagination by magnitudes.
Over the years, Mike advanced Zot further and further, often requiring new forks to test Zot. In 2018, two different Osadas and Zap became the testbeds for Zot6 which Hubzilla would later be upgraded to, and short-lived Zap even saw stable releases. In 2020, another Osada and two more projects which resurrected the names Mistpark and Redmatrix were the testbeds for Zot8 which was so advanced that it had become impossible or at least unfeasable to upgrade Hubzilla to it.
Roadhouse from early 2021, a fork of the third Osada, Redmatrix 2020 and/or Mistpark 2020 (they had the same code base), was either the last application on Zot8 or the first one on what would have been Zot11, but what was so advanced that it had become incompatible with Zot6. Therefore, it was renamed Nomad. And it became the base protocol for the nameless, brandless server application in the Streams repository which Mike is currently maintaining and constantly advancing. And current Nomad would be Zot12 if it was still Zot.
The reason why nomadic identity has only ever been implemented in PHP is because the only one who has ever built server applications with nomadic identity was Mike Macgirvin who also created the protocols behind them. And being built in PHP, everything that Mike has ever created from 2010's Mistpark to 2021's (streams) can be installed on a run-of-the-mill LAMP stack without having to fumble around with stuff like Ruby on Rails.
If you come from a "Fediverse = ActivityPub" background, all this may seem strange. But it was the only way for nomadic identity, Zot, Nomad and their implementations to advance to such power so quickly. Mike is still the sole keeper and maintainer of Nomad and its only implementation. This means that nobody else can meddle with it, and Nomad and (streams) are perfectly matched to each other. Thus, (streams) is probably the most quickly advancing Fediverse project currently.
That said, it is not a fully closed ecosystem. However, the idea behind developing stuff for Nomad is vastly different from the idea behind developing stuff for ActivityPub.
If you want to make something for ActivityPub, you usually sit down and start from scratch, from completely zero, except for the ActivityPub spec.
If you want to make something for Nomad, the recommended ways involve (streams). See, unlike Mastodon, (streams), just like Hubzilla, is not an enclosed monolith. It's modular. It can be expanded. And, in fact, both come with official add-ons right away. ActivityPub support itself is an add-on. A big difference is that Hubzilla comes with more add-ons whereas (streams) is slimmed down in this regard to make development easier. But it's possible to add third-party add-on repositories to server installations of both.
So if you want to make something for Nomad, you start with (streams). No need to start from scratch.
Either you simply develop add-ons for (streams) and offer them in a third-party repository that can be added to (streams) instances. Or you could soft-fork (streams), its core is in the public domain, add your stuff, slap a name on it and offer it as a new project.
I myself wouldn't recommend a hard fork, though, seeing as how rapidly (streams) is evolving and improving.
Sure, it'd be possible to develop something against Zot6 or Nomad completely from scratch. But if you build against Zot6 to stay compatible with Hubzilla, you're at Mario Vavti's mercy because he is the main dev of Hubzilla and therefore the keeper of Zot6 now, although I guess he doesn't change much about the protocol anymore.
And if you build against Nomad, you're at Mike's mercy, and Mike keeps advancing Nomad constantly and (streams) along with it. Also, if you build against Nomad, you must go multi-protocol because Hubzilla doesn't understand Nomad, so you also have to implement Zot6.
Standardising Nomad and handing it over to a W3C commission so it's no longer in the hands of one individual would be the worst that could possibly happen to it. Such a commission would water it down and remove stuff that they deem unnecessary. And Mike, no longer in control over Nomad, would have to play along and water (streams) down.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Zot #Zot6 #Nomad #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #NomadicIdentity
Leute, die sich zu fein sind CWs zu setzen, setzen Hashtags Neee.

Vielleicht nicht auf Mastodon. Aber das Fediverse ist nicht nur Mastodon. Und das Fediverse ist auch nicht nur Mastodon und Zeug, das Mastodon nachfft.
Ich erklr's dir mal. Aber Achtung: Das wird jetzt brutal lang. Und nein, ich werde das nicht in 500-Zeichen-Hppchen zerschnipseln. Falls du diagonal lesen willst: Das Wesentliche ist fett gesetzt.
Friendica ist absolut nicht wie Mastodon. Hubzilla ist indirekt ein Friendica-Fork und ist auch nicht wie Mastodon. (streams) ist indirekt ein Hubzilla-Fork und ist auch nicht wie Mastodon.
Friendica setzt seit 2010 auf vollautomatisch fr jeden Leser individuell per Textfilter generierte CWs. Das ist fast sechs Jahre lnger, als es Mastodon berhaupt gibt. Hubzilla tat das auch schon immer, und auch Hubzilla ist lter als Mastodon. Auch (streams) tut das.
Alle drei haben nicht nur diese vollautomatischen CWs und haben diese bombenfest als Teil ihrer Kultur, so wie Mastodon das CW-Feld bombenfest als Teil seiner Kultur hat. Nein, keins von den dreien hat berhaupt ein mastodonmiges CW-Feld.
Was auf Mastodon eine CW ist, ist auf allen dreien immer noch das, was es war, bevor Mastodon es zweckentfremdet hat: ein Summary. Eine Zusammenfassung.
Hubzilla und (streams) haben also statt eines CW-Feldes ein Summary-Feld. Das funktioniert genauso, da steht aber nicht CW drauf, sondern Summary. Viele wissen nicht mal, da das Mastodons CW ist.
Und: Hubzilla und (streams) haben das Summary-Feld, also quasi Mastodons CW-Feld, nur fr Posts, die keine Antworten sind. Die sind ja keine twittermigen Microbloggingdienste mit einem Eingabefeld fr alles. Die sind eher aufgebaut wie Blogs mit einem Eingabefeld fr Posts, mit dem man nicht antworten kann, und separaten Eingabefeldern unter jedem Post fr Kommentare.
Zusammenfassungen fr Blogkommentare sind aber Kokolores, das macht keiner. Folglich gibt's fr Kommentare kein Summary-Feld. Folglich kann man auf Hubzilla und (streams) keine Mastodon-CWs auf Antworten setzen. Es ist ganz einfach technisch nicht mglich, weil es die dafr ntigen Mittel gar nicht gibt, weil die aus Hubzillas Sicht berhaupt keinen Sinn ergeben wrden.
Friendica, das lteste von den dreien, ist noch extremer: Da gibt es berhaupt kein solches Feld. Nicht fr Posts, nicht fr Kommentare, gar nicht.
Friendica macht das mit BBcode-Tags. Friendica, Hubzilla und (streams) nutzen ja BBcode auch fr so Sachen wie Textformatierung, Listen, Tabellen, eingebettete Bilder usw. Und Friendica nutzt das auch fr Zusammenfassungen.
Der Vorteil ist: Das geht auch in Kommentaren. Der Nachteil: Da das berhaupt geht, wird nur aus der Nutzerhilfe ersichtlich. Und es ist auch wieder nicht allen klar, da Friendicas abstract/abstract oder abstract=apub/abstract = Mastodons CW ist.
Was wieder allen dreien gemein ist: Deren Nutzer finden die Idee, das Summary komplett fr posterseitige, also allen aufgezwungene CWs zu mibrauchen, kompletten Humbug. Sie haben ja seit 2010 etwas fr CWs, was tausendmal besser ist: NSFW. Das generiert CWs nmlich vollautomatisch. Auf der Leserseite. Und zwar zum einen nur optional und zum anderen individuell fr jeden Nutzer.
Und dann kam sechs Jahre spter dieses Mastodon daher, erfand das Rad neu, ignorierte alles, aber auch wirklich alles, was es schon gab - auch wenn es sich sofort mit Friendica und Hubzilla verband -, und versucht seitdem allein durch seine zahlenmige Dominanz im Fediverse, allen anderen Projekten seinen Non-Standard-Bldsinn aufzuzwingen. Auch weil 99% der Mastodon-Nutzer zu wissen glauben, da Mastodon die Referenzimplementation von ActivityPub sei.
Ausserdem will ich es nicht nicht lesen, ich will nur wissen, ob ich jetzt oder spter draufklicke.

Genau das kann NSFW seit 2010. Genau dafr ist es da. Und genau das knnen seit letztem Jahr auch die Filter von Mastodon.
Hier auf Hubzilla geht NSFW so: Du hast im Prinzip nicht mehr als ein Textfeld, wo du Schlsselwrter und Hashtags eintragen kannst, die dich stren. Standardmig eingetragen sind "nsfw" und "contentwarning". Das ist alles, was es an Einstellungen gibt.
Standardmig ist es berhaupt nicht aktiviert bzw. "installiert", wie es hier heit. Standardmig wird also gar nichts gefiltert. NSFW ist hier auf Hubzilla eine "App", die erst auf deinem Kanal (= Account auf Mastodon) "installiert" werden mu. Aber dann ist es sofort scharfgeschaltet.
Wenn jetzt in einem Post "NSFW" oder "nsfw" steht, entdeckt NSFW das vollautomatisch. Dann versteckt es den kompletten Post hinter einem gelben Rechteck, auf dem "nsfw - ansehen" steht. Und zwar wirklich den ganzen Post inklusive Hashtags und sogar inklusive allen Bildern.
Wenn du das gelbe Rechteck klickst, siehst du den Post.
Oder sagen wir, du willst nichts ber deutsche Politik lesen. Dann gehst du zur NSFW-App und trgst in der Wortliste "depol" ein. Jeder Post, jeder Kommentar, jede DM mit "depol" oder "DEpol" oder "#depol" drin wird dann komplett hinter einem gelben Rechteck mit "depol - ansehen" verborgen.
Das heit, Hubzilla sagt dir sogar vollautomatisch, wovor es dich warnt. Natrlich nur, wenn es etwas Entsprechendes in einem Post oder Kommentar oder einer DM findet. Da ist es abhngig von der Kooperation derer, die die Posts, Kommentare und DMs schreiben. Dann aber definitiv.
Auf Friendica und (streams) ist es ziemlich genauso.
Der einzige wirkliche Nachteil ist, da NSFW so simpel ist, da es keine Worterkennung hat. Es springt also immer auf Wortbestandteile an. Das heit, wenn du "trump" in der Wortliste hast, springt NSFW auch auf "trumpet" und "Strumpf" an. Aber vielleicht kann ich da zumindest auf Hubzilla noch eine Verbesserung durchsetzen.
Aber ein Hashtag "#depol" unter einen Post zu setzen, ist ein geringerer Aufwand, als "CW: depol" ins Summary bzw. ins CW-Feld zu schreiben.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #CW #CWs #ContentWarning #ContentWarnings #CWMeta #ContentWarningMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #NichtNurMastodonI've updated the in my Ruth2 and Roth2 wiki.
Some changes:

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #RuthAndRoth #Ruth2 #VirtualClothing #VirtualFashion
You say some interesting things. As if the account and the microblogging stream originating from the account are separate entities.

They are.
The channel is a container which contains your Fediverse identity with everything attached to it. Posts, connections, settings, files and such.
The account is only there for you to be able to log onto a server on which your channel resides and access your channel.
I see. That's a revolution.

That "revolution" is from 2012 when Mike Macgirvin took his own Friendica, forked it into Friendica Red and then re-wrote the whole thing against his new Zot protocol to support nomadic identity, thus creating Red, later known as the Red Matrix.
Hubzilla itself was renamed from the Red Matrix in 2015.
For comparison: Mastodon is from 2016, exactly ten months after the Red Matrix was renamed Hubzilla.
The Fediverse has had channels and nomadic identity in daily, productive, stable use for longer than Mastodon has been around.
Does that make the concept of sub-accounts unnecessary

Yes. Also because nobody can tell which channels are on which account (except the admin who has to dive into the SQL database to figure that out). So you can have lots of secret identities.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #NomadicIdentity

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