Find the latitude of any place.  

Google pixel's long exposure mode: een

what functions do Lemmy, Pixelfed, and others serve that Mastodon doesn't

For starters, Lemmy, the other Threadiverse projects and several other Fediverse server applications, e.g. Friendica and its descendants Hubzilla and (streams) have one technological advantage over Mastodon when it comes to discussions:
They have a proper concept of conversations. They distinguish between a start post and a reply or comment, and they make use of the "context" attribute on the latter to reference the start post of a thread. This makes it possible to tie discussion threads like in a forum or on Reddit together.
In addition, they always deliver all replies in a thread to all participants in the same thread. No mentions needed. This makes it possible for everyone to easily follow a discussion without having to rely on everyone mentioning everyone or keep looking up the start post at its source.
Mastodon doesn't do either. Mastodon mimics with all its shortcomings, and doesn't have any comparable functionality, and such functionality wouldn't be microblogging, so Mastodon doesn't have it either. Just like everything is the same kind of tweet on , everything is the same kind of toot on Mastodon, and it relies on mentions and an out-dated, deprecated OStatus tag that doesn't even exist in ActivityPub to tie directly related posts together.
Thus, meaningful discussions between more than two participants are easily possible on Lemmy, /kbin, Mbin, PieFed, Sublinks, Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) etc., but on Mastodon and the other "Twitter clones", they require the users jumping through hoops, if they work at all.
Also, discussion groups. Lemmy, /kbin, Mbin, PieFed, Sublinks, Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) etc. have had them since their respective inception. Mastodon doesn't because doesn't, and groups aren't microblogging. The Mastodon devs are said to be working on implementing groups, but I expect that to become a dirty hack that's incompatible with the rest of the Fediverse. In the meantime, Mastodon users need external, third-party solutions like Guppe, now-defunct Chirp or Friendica.
Mastodon users try to use Mastodon as the all-purpose Swiss army knife of the Fediverse. Mastodon itself tries to market itself as the perfect, fully-featured, one-size-fits-all jack-of-all-trades solution in the Fediverse that lets you do everything you want to do. At the same time, however, Mastodon tries to hold on to its idea of purist microblogging, and it has to struggle with the consequences of having done so all the time.
The only way the Mastodon folks can hope to push their agenda through is by:

I joined Lemmy and Pixelfed wanting to participate but the level of traffic seemed too low to generate the interaction I had hoped for. Did I look in the wrong places, or did I fail to notice the action, or did I look too early

Sadly, there are lots of Lemmy communities in which hardly anything happens. They've got hundreds of subscribers who, however, don't interact with the community. There's often only one user who occasionally posts stuff, but absolutely nobody ever replies to anything.
If you happen to be interested in a catalogue of Lemmy communities, try . Or if you're specifically looking for an active community, try .
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #Threadiverse #Lemmy #kbin #/kbin #Mbin #PieFed #Sublinks #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) tldr: In images from virtual worlds, never assume anything to be common knowledge and thus known to everyone.

Essentially, it's because 3-D virtual worlds are something that most people aren't familiar with. 3-D virtual worlds based on are even more obscure, so even fewer people are familiar with them.
There may be 50 people in the Fediverse who know OpenSim in general. Out of 10,000,000++. And any given place in any of these worlds may be familiar to two dozen or one dozen or even fewer, maybe actually only me.
If you post a run-of-the-mill cat photo, you can safely assume that there's next to nothing in the image that anyone isn't familiar with except maybe what the cat itself looks like. When I post an image from a 3-D virtual world, I have to assume that nobody knows anything about it.
But at the same time, I have to assume that there are at least a few people who are totally curious about these virtual worlds. This could be, for example, because until they came across my image post, they were completely unaware that any 3-D virtual worlds actually exist, what with "the Metaverse" apparently having been officially pronounced dead.
If they're blind or visually-impaired, they don't know what this particular virtual world looks like because nobody and no image description has told them what such a world looks like before. But they may want to know. Because see above.
There are many things that require me to write such long descriptions and explanations.
For example, it's good style to mention in an image description where the image was taken. But I can't just drop the name of a sim or of a place on a sim and assume that everyone knows what I'm talking about.
Black White Castle isn't New York City. People don't know what I mean if I write the picture is from Black White Castle. Even most OpenSim veterans wouldn't know because Black White Castle isn't Lbsa Plaza either, and seriously, would you know what Lbsa Plaza is without Googling
So if it's a place on a sim, I have to mention which sim it's on. Then I have to mention which grid the sim is in. Then I have to explain that this grid is a virtual world running on OpenSim.
People still wouldn't get it at this point because they don't know what OpenSim is, what a grid is and what a sim is.
So I have to explain what OpenSim is, what Second Life is because OpenSim largely uses the same technology, what a grid is and what a sim is.
No AI can do that. No AI can identify a place on an OpenSim-based sim, especially if it has only been launched a few days or a few hours ago, especially not with 100% accuracy, and then explain all of the above, just by examining an image from that place. And I'm not even talking about identifying and explaining the multi-layered pop culture reference behind both the design of the place and its name.
Or how about certain elements in the image
I could mention that there's a teleporter somewhere in the image. But this information is half-useless without an explanation what this teleporter is for and what it does. And blind and visually-impaired people don't know know what it looks like. How are they supposed to know what a teleporter looks like
Or I could mention that there's an OpenSimWorld beacon in the image because it's in a rather prominent place. What do you think, how many Fediverse users would know what I'm talking about How many know what an OpenSimWorld beacon is How many sighted users can identify an OpenSimWorld beacon when they see one in an image
Do you know what an OpenSimWorld beacon is Would you be willing to Google that, or would you be annoyed to have to Google such stuff in order to get my image and its description
Or would you prefer me to tell you And what do you think, would others prefer me to tell them over them having to Google everything they don't get
If you prefer being told over having to scrape all that information together yourself: I've explained and described an OpenSimWorld beacon before. In no fewer than 5,000 words. I also had to explain what OpenSimWorld is, that's why. It's these 5,000 words, or at least one hour of Googling, or not getting it.
And, of course, let's not forget the blind and the visually-impaired. Whenever I mention something in the image, they'll inquire, "Yeah, but what does it look like! What does this look like, what does that look like"
Not telling them what they don't know but want to know is ableist.
If I mention there's a sign or a poster somewhere in the image, they're likely to want to know what's on that sign or poster. If there's something written on it, they're likely to want to know what is written on it.
After all, it's pretty much mandatory to transcribe any and all text within the borders of an image. Verbatim, word by word, ideally including all spelling mistakes. There are no defined exceptions to this rule. That's why in some of my image descriptions the transcripts take up more characters combined than fit into Mastodon alt-text, let alone a vanilla Mastodon toot. I take this rule seriously.
Again, this is something that AI can't do on the same level as me. AI can't run OCR on text that's too small to be legible, so tiny that it's actually invisible or partly obscured. I can. Because I look at these bits of text in-world where I can move the camera as I please, including closer to the text or around obstacles that obscure it.
is an example of how I handle text in image descriptions.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #AI Nicht immer, und das wei ich aus ganz persnlicher Erfahrung.
Es kommt oft genug vor, da ich versuche, einen Post durch Zeichenzhlen per Copy-Paste in Mousepad auf unter 500 Zeichen zu bringen, um die Mastodon-Nutzer zu beschwichtigen, aber letztlich scheitere, weil ich dann wichtige Informationen streichen mte.
Manchmal wrde der eigentliche Post-Inhalt an sich schon passen. Aber mit den Hashtags, die ntig sind, um bei sensiblen oder schnell genervten Nutzern die Filter auszulsen, wird das Ganze dann doch noch lnger als 500 Zeichen.
Dann werfe ich einfach das Handtuch. Dann gibt's die "#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost"-Hashtags am Ende, bei deutschsprachigen Posts zustzlich "#LangerPost #CWLangerPost". Und wenn's kein Kommentar ist, also keine Antwort auf irgendwas, gibt's auch eine Zusammenfassung plus "CW: long (n characters)" und den anderen notwendigen Inhaltswarnungen im Summary.
Oft genug, so wie hier jetzt gerade, lt es sich ganz einfach nicht in 500 Zeichen minus ntige Hashtags so erklren, da Auenstehende es sofort einwandfrei verstehen.
Der Extremfall sind bei mir Bilderposts. Die kann ich berhaupt nicht mit 500 Zeichen und weniger minus ntige Hashtags machen.
Das liegt daran, da ich immer eine ausfhrliche, detaillierte Bildbeschreibung nebst Erklrungen und Transkriptionen smtlicher Textstcke im Bild liefere. Und die geht in den Post selbst und blht den gewaltig auf.
Die kann ich aus zwei Grnden nicht "wie jeder andere" in den Alt-Text tun. Zum einen: Sie ist zu lang. Mein Rekord liegt bei , und ich habe wirklich schon mal versuchsweise (Achtung, die Bildbeschreibung an sich ist technisch stark berholt). Zum anderen: Erklrungen gehren nicht in den Alt-Text, weil nicht jeder den Alt-Text aufrufen kann.
Also gibt's im Alt-Text nur

Ich denke mit Grausen daran, wie es wre, wenn in bestimmt 200 Hppchen in Mastodon-Gre zerschnipselt wrde, oder alternativ an den massiven Informationsverlust, wrden die Bildbeschreibungen komplett wegfallen.
#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #Bildbeschreibung #Bildbeschreibungen #BiBesch #BildbeschreibungenMeta
For images people add on their posts, the ideal would be a program that describes those images.

As long as it doesn't take the functionality of describing images yourself away.
I still vastly prefer to describe my own images myself. No AI will ever be able to do it nearly at the same level of detail, accuracy and informativity, seeing as how niche the topic is that my images show, and how much in these images has to be described and explained.
The result was underwhelming. So I can safely say I know know from personal experience what I'm writing about.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #AI
I don't think anybody expects you to alt text those. I don't think you even could.

You can't, but some want to, and I think there are even people who demand everyone describe these images.
I mean, technically, you can put the image description into the post text body if you've got enough room for it. But Mastodon doesn't have a preview, so you can't see which image Mastodon picks as the preview, if any, before you post, and you wouldn't know which image to describe in the first place. Other projects do have a preview, but that preview doesn't show what a post will look like on Mastodon.
In both cases, the only way to know is to send the post, check it (on Mastodon if you aren't there), see which image is the preview, write an image description for it and then edit the image description into the existing post. And even then you'll have fundamentalists who'll complain that there is no actual alt-text for the picture, even though you're like me, and you've gone out of your way and written a massive, detailed image description in the post itself.
So alt-text for automatically generated preview images is like flagging automatically generated preview images sensitive: science-fiction.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta Long
das gab es doch nie, eben weil Mastodon ja erst spter dazu zum Fediverse dazu kam.

Das wissen aber sehr viele Mastodon-User nicht, vor allem die Fundies. Die glauben, Gargron htte mit Mastodon auch das Fediverse erfunden, am besten sogar erst Anfang 2022.
Und wenn sie dann davon hren, da es auch noch was anderes gibt, glauben sie, das sei alles nachtrglich an Mastodon drangeschraubt worden, weil sie ja auch erst von Mastodon und dann von den anderen Sachen gehrt haben. Und sie wundern sich, warum "die" "das" anders gemacht haben als auf Mastodon.
Vor allem sehen sie alles, was nicht Mastodon ist, als Eindringlinge. Und sie htten gern das Fediverse zurck, wie es war, bevor diese Eindringlinge da waren, also nur mit Mastodon. Wenn sie lange genug dabei waren, dann glauben sie mglicherweise sogar, sie htten dieses Nur-Mastodon-Fediverse selbst noch miterlebt.
Ich glaube, bei vielen stt man auf taube Ohren, wenn man ihnen erzhlt, da das Fediverse acht Jahre lter ist als Mastodon, Friendica sechs Jahre und Hubzilla (na ja, Red) und das Wort "Fediverse" vier Jahre.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #NichtNurMastodon Es gibt leider auf Mastodon absolute Mimosen, die ihr Nur-Mastodon-nur-500-Zeichen-Fediverse wiederhaben wollen, weil alles, was davon abweicht, sie verstrt. Und die knnen unsereins tatschlich Reichweite kosten.
Ignoriert zu werden, weil man die 500-Zeichen-Marke berschreitet, ist dabei noch harmlos. Allerdings kostet das auch schon Reichweite, wenn jemand denselben Post mit demselben Inhalt geboostet htte, wenn er nicht zu lang gewesen wre.
Es gibt Leute, die blockieren sofort jeden, von dem sie einen Post mit mehr als 500 Zeichen sehen oder mit sonst irgendwas, was Mastodon nicht kann. Wenn so jemand der einzige Nutzer auf einer nicht so groen Instanz ist, der deine Posts empfngt, und dich dann blockiert, tauchen deine Posts nicht mehr in der fderierten Timeline der ganzen Instanz auf.
Ich wage zu behaupten, es gibt sogar Leute, die sich an die Mods ihrer Instanz wenden, damit die was gegen die "strenden" Posts machen. Und wenn da ein Mod so tickt wie sie oder ihren Usern jeden Gefallen tun und dabei am Fediverse jenseits von Mastodon null Interesse haben, dann bist du schneller instanzweit gesperrt, als du gucken kannst. Oder die ganze Instanz, wo du bist, wird gesperrt.
Ich habe ja tatschlich den Verdacht, da ich auf so manch einer Instanz gesperrt bin, weil ich nicht "mastodonmig" genug poste und mich nicht ausschlielich an die Mastodon-Kultur halte. Wenn ich mit einer Instanz ber meinen Main nicht interagieren kann, ber den Klon aber sehr wohl, erhrtet sich der Verdacht sogar noch.
Will sagen, es ist durchaus mglich, da einzelne Mastodon-Nutzer mit ihren Aktionen dafr sorgen, da ganz andere Mastodon-Nutzer dich nicht mehr wahrnehmen.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta
but this makes me wonder about how a more robust permissioning layer for posts and comments could work.

It already exists. Ask Mike Macgirvin who created in 2010, invented in 2011 and then created the precursor of in 2012 before turning it into Hubzilla proper in 2015. So all this actually happened before Mastodon.
Hubzilla has already got permission setting that'd blow your mind. There are 17 different settings, 12 of which are for things that aren't exclusive to Hubzilla, and they all have either seven or eight levels of access permission each. They're available for the whole channel and optionally also for "privacy groups" of connections.
They don't keep people from doing things, e.g. they don't grey out and deactivate the Send button on Mastodon or even Hubzilla itself if I don't allow someone to send me posts. But if they don't allow something, the server rejects it. So I'm not talking about filters that delete things.
Mike's current work, that contains a nameless, brandless but very powerful fork of a fork of a fork... of Hubzilla, goes even further in permissions.
You may want to read . Money quotes:
Permissions: If you haven't been given permission to speak, you aren't part of the conversation.  If you have not been granted permission to view a photo or video, you won't see it.
Audience: Your choices go far beyond public and not public. Yes, we have groups. We also have circles. You can also just select a dozen people right now and have a conversation only with them.
Rules: You make them.

In short:
For Mastodon users, it's a science-fiction Fediverse utopia.
On (streams), it's reality, available right now.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Consent #Permissions #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) Sorry to say, but at least this suggestion can have out-right horrible consequences:
  • Include an additional opt-in mechanism for your service if it's not just a search engine or profile discovery (or something very close to them)

Most people will think of the Bridgy Fed bridge to Bluesky.
What I'm thinking of, however, is a suggestion on Mastodon's GitHub repository to add quote-posts to Mastodon, but with mandatory opt-in per account which, if off, shall make it technically impossible for anyone in the Fediverse to quote-post someone's posts. This included instances being Fediblocked if they don't respect this opt-in.
As it looks like, Mastodon is currently working on implementing it.
The suggestion was clearly made by someone who didn't know how the Fediverse works, and who didn't know that the Fediverse is more than just Mastodon, much less that many Fediverse projects had quote-posts readily available at that point. Some of them had had them for longer than Mastodon has even been around.
None of them have an opt-in for quote-posts. Such an opt-in following the ActivityPub standard has been speculated, but whether it'd actually work is unknown because nothing has ever implemented it. That's partly because most of them aren't important refuges for Twitter users who have been harassed using quote-tweets and partly because none of the two existing implementations of quote-posts are ActivityPub standards themselves.
This also means that anyone on Pleroma, Akkoma, Misskey, Firefish, Iceshrimp, Sharkey, Catodon, Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) etc. etc. can happily quote-post not only each other, but also anyone on Mastodon with zero resistance.
The combination of Mastodon introducing its own home-brew, non-standard, proprietary quote-post implementation and its own home-brew, non-standard, proprietary opt-in implementation (when was the last time Mastodon built something on top of ActivityPub) and making it mandatory for the whole Fediverse, or else Fediblock, would have devastating consequences.
Most likely, there won't be any documentation on how this opt-in works because it's an original non-standard Mastodon design. So in order to comply with it, Pleroma, Akkoma, Misskey, Firefish, Iceshrimp, Sharkey, Catodon, Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) etc. etc., all the projects that can quote-post already now, will have to reverse-engineer it to be able to implement it.
Both will take time. But they can't start reverse-engineering it until it's finalised. However, it's finalised when it's being rolled out to running instances. And the mandatory opt-in compliance rule (or else Fediblock) will be effective from that very moment.
So when Mastodon rolls out this feature and the rule along with it, every last instance of Pleroma, Akkoma, Misskey, Firefish, Iceshrimp, Sharkey, Catodon, Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) etc. etc. will still be able to quote-post anything on Mastodon because the projects wouldn't have had a chance to implement compliance with Mastodon's opt-in.
Thus, according to the rule, every last instance of Pleroma, Akkoma, Misskey, Firefish, Iceshrimp, Sharkey, Catodon, Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) etc. etc. would have to be Fediblocked Mastodon-wide for not respecting Mastodon's quote-post opt-in because they're unable to do so.
In this light, these two lines are even more important:
  • Get broad feedback before launching and listen to it
    Honor existing opt-in and opt-out mechanisms

In Mastodon's case, this means:
Alas, I can't see this happen, seeing as Mastodon gGmbH seems to aim for a "being the Fediverse" duumvirate together with Meta Platforms, Inc.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Consent #OptIn Good luck making a standard for something that isn't even all the same all over the Fediverse.
Take replies as an example. Mastodon mimics Twitter. All posts are technically the same, whether they're replies or not. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever for Mastodon to name replies something else than start/stand-alone posts.
On the other hand, there are many projects that have a concept of conversations. Threads aren't made up of posts and more posts, but of one posts and many of something different. So a reply is something vastly different from a start/stand-alone post and handled differently. Separate entry fields. Fewer features. Replies have a different set of recipients than start/stand-alone posts. Or you don't even own your reply to someone's post because that someone does.
This is the case for nodeBB, at least partially. It has been the case for Friendica since its inception almost 14 years ago when it was still named Mistpark. It has been the case for Hubzilla since its inception almost 12 years ago when it was still Red. It was and is the case for everything that came after Hubzilla, including (streams). It's the case for everything that mimics Reddit, i.e. Lemmy, /kbin, Mbin, PieFed, Sublinks etc. It's the case for Plume as well as the WordPress plug-in. And so forth.
In all these cases, it's counter-productive to use the exact same term for start/stand-alone posts and for replies.
On the other hand, the same term is used for different things on different projects which leads to confusion. On Mastodon, "community" is an unofficial word for loose gatherings of users who have something in common. On Lemmy, it means the same as a subreddit, basically a forum. On (streams), it means a server instance.
Like Hubzilla, (streams) can't use "instance" for server instances because an "instance" refers to an instance of a cloned channel. Speaking of which, for almost 12 years again, Hubzilla has been using "channel" for a kind of identity container that's unique to these two and completely alien to pretty much the whole non-nomadic rest of the Fediverse. So "channel" may refer to other things elsewhere.
If you really aim to create a common language for the whole Fediverse and make it pretty much mandatory, you'll have to get the developers of all projects (or "projects" because (streams) isn't one) on board. Otherwise they'll be overruled by a committee that has no idea what they're even doing.
For example, if both Mario Vavti (Hubzilla) and Mike Macgirvin (streams repository) are left out, and nobody in the committee has ever heard of Hubzilla and (streams) and their channel concept and nomadic identity, Hubzilla and (streams) will be forced to rename all kinds of unique features while not even having any words to name them anymore because they're all officially redefined otherwise, because the common Fediverse language was defined with complete disregard for nomadic identity.
Also, I expect two things to happen. One, everyone wants to keep their own language. Some may argue that it sets them apart from others which is the reason for Lemmy communities vs /kbin magazines. Others may argue for how long they've been using certain terms, especially Friendica, and they don't want these terms taken away by "intruders". Others again may just be stubborn and, in turn, try to push their language onto everyone else. The latter I can see happen with Mastodon whose representatives will argue that Mastodon is twice as big as everything else combined, maybe even in combination with fake news propaganda that Mastodon was here first.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #TerminologyThis sounds like good advice...
If you're posting a video clip or an audio clip attached to a post, remember to include a text description which describes the sound. This is important so that the video or audio is accessible to deaf people.
Also, if it's a video, it's important to describe both the sound and the visuals so that it's accessible to everyone.
Text descriptions for audio and video are added just like text descriptions for images (exact steps vary depending on which app you use).

...but in my case, this would go out of hand. So much that I've completely discarded the idea of posting in-world videos.
I'm someone who has taken most of a day to describe three still images in a post in which take over an hour to read. No, you haven't misread any of this. And
Of course, if I were to describe a video, I'd have to go as much into details. However, there'd be a whole lot more to describe.
The video would constantly change. It would show much much more than a still image. There'd be audio that'd require detailed description instead of just name-dropping. All of it. Yes, including panning position. Movements of my avatar would have to be described. Movements of the camera around my avatar as well as independently from my avatar would have to be described. All movements would of course require distances, angles, speeds and changes of speed
The description would require a time code: Everything that happens would have to be mentioned including when exactly it happens, and since things might happen quickly or in quick succession, I'm talking about at least tenths of seconds.
Ten minutes of in-world video would take me weeks to describe, and the description would be the length of a novel and take a whole day to read.
Mastodon users would never see the post with the video because, as far as I know, Mastodon automatically rejects all external posts that exceed 100,000 characters, and I'm talking about millions of characters here. I don't even know if Hubzilla would let me post that much, and Hubzilla doesn't have any character limits except for what the Web server can handle.
Nobody would ever read this, so the whole effort would be in vain. But anything less than this would be critically lacking.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #MediaDescription #MediaDescriptions #VideoDescription #VideoDescriptions #A11y #Accessibility I know the threads you're referring to. Not only have I posted in both, but I've checked some of the profiles of the staunchest "Keep the Fediverse only Mastodon" protesters who clearly gave the impression of not knowing that the Fediverse is more than Mastodon, let alone more than ActivityPub.
Some joined in late October or in November 2022. Second Twitter migration wave.
So no, we aren't talking about the furries who have escaped Twitter in 2018 and made #awoo one of the most popular hashtags on Mastodon.
Had I mentioned all participants in the threads in my posts to give Mastodon just a little bit of Hubzilla's conversation model (remember, you can't follow threads on Mastodon, and Mastodon doesn't tell you about unread comments on posts you've already received), I think I might have caused a mass brick-shitting event by teaching many, many more Mastodon users that the Fediverse is not only more than Mastodon, but more than ActivityPub, and that I was literally writing to them via a Zot6-to-ActivityPub bridge right then.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon Not everyone on Mastodon welcomes the rest of the Fediverse with open arms when they learn about it.
I mean, keep in mind that almost everyone who came over from Twitter to Mastodon in the last two years was not told that the Fediverse is more than just Mastodon. So they came here with the belief that Mastodon = the Fediverse and the Fediverse = Mastodon, and nothing can "ruin this paradise" for them. And a paradise it was to them, compared to even pre-Musk Twitter but more so to Musk's Twitter.
They settled into Mastodon nicely. They got used to Mastodon. All while not even expecting there to be more to the Fediverse than just Mastodon.
Some eventually learned the truth.
It may have been because they've clearly used "Fediverse" and "Mastodon" synonymously or implied or out-right claimed that certain features that Mastodon lacks aren't available in the Fediverse at all or something like that. And some reply guy from Friendica came along and told them there's more to the Fediverse than just Mastodon.
It may have been because they themselves found a post in their personal timeline that did stuff that's completely impossible on vanilla Mastodon. 500 characters. Or text formatting. Or a quote. Whatever. Maybe it simply got washed up in their timeline because one of their followers had boosted it. And they asked the poster, "Like, WTF is this witchcraft! How do yo even DO this on Mastodon" And the poster told them, "I'm not on Mastodon, I'm on Hubzilla, Hubzilla is not Mastodon, it isn't a Mastodon instance, it isn't even a Mastodon fork, it's independendent from Mastodon, but it's connected to Mastodon, yada yada yada."
Their reaction might have been, "There's more to the Fediverse than just Mastodon And whatever is out there can do all that cool stuff that I've been wanting to do so long Intriging! Tell me more!" Plus an instant follow request. Their first non-Mastodon connection.
But their reaction might just as well have been, "WTF! Nope! This is absolutely disturbing! I don't want ANY of this in the Fediverse! It was so nice and friendly and cosy with only Mastodon, and now there are these intruders! Make them go away!"
I'm not even kidding: I know someone whom a Mastodon user has blocked because he's on Friendica and not on Mastodon. To her, the Fediverse equalled Mastodon, full stop. To her, he was an evil black-hat hacker who used this evil black-hat hacker tool named Friendica to hack himself into her Mastodon.
I've recently learned that there are actually people who came over from Twitter to Mastodon around the time when Musk bought Twitter, and who definitely still believe the Fediverse is only Mastodon. And they've done so for almost a year and a half. They will shit bricks when they learn the truth.
Also, there are people who want certain features purged from the whole of the Fediverse.
First and foremost, posts with over 500 characters. It's often those who still use the official Mastodon app that can't fold long posts in whom long posts disturb, but not only them.
I've once run a poll on whether or not to CW posts with over 500 characters, and if so, how. One option was a total, Fediverse-wide ban on posts over 500 characters. One user actually voted for that. That's proof enough that this attitude is cold, hard reality.
Then there's text formatting. Or quote-posts remember that quote-tweets are used on to harass members of minorities, and they've often escapted to Mastodon because it doesn't have quote-toots. Or quotes in general.
All stuff that vanilla Mastodon can't do. At least not out of the box without some fancy, non-standard 3rd party mobile app work for quote-toots. So it's all stuff that some people want purged from the whole Fediverse.
If someone from Mastodon came to you and told you to stop posting over 500 characters or writing in bold type or italics, would you as an Akkoma user do so In everything you'll ever post If I guessed not, would I be correct
See, Mastodon users can't convince users of Akkoma or Firefish or Sharkey or Friendica or Hubzilla to make use of features that Mastodon doesn't have. They can't force them either. There's no way for Mastodon users to have these features removed from those other projects either.
So the only remaining way to get rid of these features at least on these Mastodon users' home instances is by blocking everything from which posts with these features come.
But how should this blocking be done Instance by instance That's a game of whack-a-mole. For each instance you block, you discover two more instances. And new instances are being launched all the time. User by user That's even more tedious and even more of a game of whack-a-mole.
And this is the reason why this has never been attempted, much less actually carried out yet.
I mean, those who are used to being on non-Mastodon Fediverse projects like Akkoma or Misskey or Friendica or Hubzilla are also used to having thousands of characters to play with and all kinds of text formatting and bullet-point lists and quotes and quote-posts, sometimes even things like headlines or images embedded in posts.
It's only natural for them not to understand how those feel who only know Mastodon. But I've read enough Mastodon toots that I think I'm able to understand how they feel. And not exactly rarely, posts that do stuff impossible on Mastodon and/or clash with Mastodon's culture (which requires e.g. content warnings in the summary field, regardless of whether whatever you use has a better solution than that) make them feel disturbed.
That said, I'd say that right now the number of Mastodon users who actually demand everything that isn't Mastodon be Fediblocked is rather small. But make it possible, and tell them that it's possible, and more users will demand it.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon #Defederation #DefederationMeta
Was ist hubzilla, pixelfeed friendica Keine Ahnung. Wenn's wichtig wird, werd ich's mir ansehen

Das wird noch frh genug wichtig.
Beispielsweise, wenn du dich wunderst, wie zum Geier ich ber 500 Zeichen posten kann. Oder fett oder kursiv oder unterstrichen oder oder Code oder so. Wo Mastodon das doch nicht kann.
Oder wenn du "im Fediverse", also auf Mastodon, unbedingt irgendein bestimmtes Feature haben willst. Und dann kommt ein Nicht-Mastodon-Nutzer an und zhlt lauter Fediverse-Projekte auf, die das schon lange haben.
Oder wenn du dich wunderst, warum ich all die Hashtags hier drunter habe. Und ich dir sage, die sind dafr da, Filter auszulsen, auch solche, die CWs generieren. Und du mich dann fragst, wieso ich nicht einfach eine CW schreibe. Und ich dir sage, da das hier auf Hubzilla bei Antworten nicht geht, und dann anfange zu erklren, da das hier eine ganz andere Struktur hat, weil Hubzilla weder ein Twitter- noch ein Mastodon-Klon ist. Und da im brigen leserseitig automatisierte CWs Teil der Hubzilla-Kultur sind, CWs im Summary-Feld dagegen nicht.
Oder wenn du dich berhaupt an irgendwas strst, was irgendein Fediverse-Projekt macht, was Mastodon so nicht macht. Und dich und in die Runde fragst, wieso nicht einfach alle das so machen wie Mastodon. Und dann kommt ein Friendica-Nutzer und sagt, Friendica macht das schon sechs Jahre lnger also, als es Mastodon berhaupt gibt.
Die Hnde auf die Ohren zu pressen und zu singen: "Lalalala, das Fediverse ist nur Mastodon, ich will von dem anderen Kram nix hren", fhrt zu nichts.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #NichtNurMastodon

Google pixel's long exposure mode: een revolutie in smartphone fotografie Pixel Exposure Fotografie Fotografie Camera

I've actually done that.
I've had write an image description for a picture that I had previously described myself.
Me: ca. 8 hours, 25,271 characters, quite informative and explanatory, albeit not perfect.
LLaVA: ca. 5 seconds, 558 characters, uninformative, vague, partly completely wrong.
The comparison with both descriptions can be found . My analysis of the comparison can be found .
Verdict: When it comes to properly describing OpenSim pictures in a way that helps everyone understand the pictures, AI is completely useless.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #AI #LLaVAIt's been over two months since the last time I've posted an image and even longer since the last time I've posted a meme.
Maybe I should do it again. But ever since I've started taking image descriptions seriously, each image or meme post has become a project that might take up most of the day.
It's hard enough already to find something that's interesting to show while not impossible to describe.
And I guess there are fewer users all across the Fediverse who appreciate my image descriptions than Mastodon users who block me for posting tens of thousands of characters at once because my image descriptions are so long. That's also because Misskey and the Forkeys reject all posts with a five-digit character count, so nobody there even receives my image posts, but not only.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta In einem anderen Kommentar hast du geschrieben, da du Mastodon blicherweise auf einem Smartphone nutzt.
Ich gehe mal davon aus, da du die offizielle App nutzt, also die, die wirklich "Mastodon" heit.
Vorweg: Das ist so ziemlich die schlechteste Mastodon-App, die es berhaupt gibt. Sorry, ist hart, aber ist so. Die ist nur eine Verlegenheitslsung, damit es berhaupt eine App gibt, die a) offiziell ist und b) "Mastodon" heit fr all diejenigen, die mit Mastodon anfangen, indem sie sich Mastodon auf dem Handy installieren, und die sich das anders nicht vorstellen knnen.
Zu deinem Problem: Die Zeichenlnge, ab der eine Smartphone-App einen Beitrag einklappt, wird nicht festgelegt vom Admin der Instanz, auf der du bist. Auch nicht vom Admin der Instanz, von der der Beitrag kommt. Sondern die ist idealerweise in der App einstellbar. Oder die ist in der App hartgecodet, also nicht einstellbar. Instanzen und deren Admins haben darauf genau null Einflu.
Die offizielle App klappt lngere Beitrge brigens berhaupt nicht ein. Das kann die gar nicht. Die ist dafr gebaut, da das Fediverse nur aus Standard-Vanilla-Mastodon mit 500-Zeichen-Begrenzung besteht. Da kannst du von anbetteln, da kannst du Mark Nowiasz von (da bin ich) anbetteln, die knnen da nichts drehen, da mein Kommentar hier auf deiner Installation dieser vllig murksigen App eingeklappt wird. Die haben darauf keinen Einflu. Wirklich nicht.
brigens: Der "Standard-Leser" im Fediverse ist auf Mastodon, ja, und hat auch ein Smartphone, nmlich ein iPhone. Der hat aber auch die offizielle App zugunsten von Mona oder IceCubes in den Wind geschossen.
Wenn du also willst, da lange Posts eingeklappt werden, dann solltest du auf eine andere App umsteigen und dich dran gewhnen, da die App fr Mastodon nicht "Mastodon" heit.
Gre von Hubzilla (Zeichenlimit: praktisch unendlich, genau wie auf Friendica, wo ist).
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta I usually don't even take an image when I don't know how to describe it properly.
Still, it tends to happen that I get stuck on the description of some detail for way too long. I mean, I want to use the right terms and words and then explain them afterwards.
And your problem is the very reason why I avoid having buildings in my images. Having to describe four pictures of galaxies for a series of three images was tough enough for me to skip them and postpone them until most of the rest was described. And identifying all four galaxies wasn't even the hardest part, but it took me a while.
The last time I posted an image, I took an urban setting into consideration. But then I realised that I'd spend an eternity describing all the buildings in the image, including researching architectural features and their names. And so I went somewhere that was easier to describe. Granted, I discovered I still had to describe a motel building, but that building was fairly simple.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta I've been putting all hashtags at the end of the post for quite a while now. I'm doing so because in-line hashtags are spelled out as such by screen readers. The only exception is when I write about one or multiple specific hashtags.
I myself don't have to worry about my local character limit because I don't have any. However, it often happens that the hashtags I add inflate a post or a comment to beyond 500 characters, and I have to add the filter-triggering hashtags #Long, #LongPost, #CWLong and #CWLongPost and, if it's a post as opposed to a comment, a content warning that includes the number of characters ("CW: long (996 characters)"). Not exactly few Mastodon users are easily irritated when they come across posts with over 500 characters, that's why I take these measures.
In a list at the end, I usually put one per line.

FYI: Mastodon can only generate that hashtag line underneath a post if all hashtags are in one line, the last line.
#Hashtag #Hashtags
One thing that's been bugging me about the #fediverse is being tied to an instance URL the way you're tied into an email address.

Not the whole Fediverse, fortunately.
, which is where I am, introduced a concept called . And it did so in 2012, four years before Mastodon was made.
Nomadic identity relies on identity containers known as . Your posts, your followers, your followed, your images, your files, your settings, your everything is in one of these instead of directly on your account. Everything but login credentials. Your account is only for you to be allowed to access your channel on a server.
For one, nomadic identity makes moving servers a whole lot more convenient. You create a new account on another server, then you let nomadic identity mirror your container to that server. If you only want to move, nomadic identity afterwards deletes the instance of that mirror on the old server and, if you don't have another channel there, the whole account along with it.
Beyond that, nomadic identity can clone your channel to another server and keep the clone. It isn't another dead, dumb copy, but a live, real-time, bidirectional hot backup of your channel that you can use just like the main instance of your channel. And at least for projects that understand nomadic identity, all instances of a channel have the same ID, namely that of the main instance, and they present themselves as one and the same channel with one and the same ID.
Trusting your followers to re-follow you when you move servers is not the way.

For connections on other servers that know nomadic identity, this isn't even necessary because their connections will automatically be re-written if you either move or declare one of your clones the new main instance.
Connections non non-nomadic projects, e.g. Mastodon, aren't automatically re-written. They'll manually have to re-follow you if you move. If you clone, it's a matter of dispute if users of e.g. Mastodon should only follow one instance of the channel or all of them.
Is the solution a new type of domain registrar for social media usernames

No, the solution is
This won't happen. Point one will, but point three definitely won't.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #AccountMigration #NomadicIdentity
Threads overrunning the Fediverse, pushing its culture and its limitations upon the rest of the Fediverse, forcing the rest of the Fediverse to adopt its own proprietary and non-standard stuff to stay compatible and trying to "be the Fediverse":
Mastodon overrunning the Fediverse, pushing its culture and its limitations upon the rest of the Fediverse and forcing the rest of the Fediverse to adopt its own proprietary and non-standard stuff to stay compatible and trying to "be the Fediverse":
Of course, none of those who recognise this hypocrisy as such are on Mastodon themselves and not on Threads either.
Oh, and by the way: No, Mastodon wasn't here first. It wasn't even the first project to support ActivityPub.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Threads #Mastodon #EEE #EmbraceExtendExtinguish #Hypocrisy Friendica and its several descendants, including Hubzilla and (streams), have been fully themeable since their respective inceptions. It just takes someone to create and maintain themes.
Early Friendica didn't go that far with its themes, but I remember that it came with themes that mimicked Diaspora* or Facebook.
When Hubzilla was still fairly new, it came with a bunch of themes to choose from, too. Unfortunately, it was too much of an effort to keep all these themes up-to-date with the backend. Only Redbasic was maintained, and the other themes were marked as outdated and no longer fully compatible with then-current Hubzilla until they were thrown out entirely. In the meantime, Redbasic doesn't look any different today than it looked a dozen years ago when Hubzilla was still named Red.
Hubzilla's UI in particular can be redesigned in such ways that you won't even notice that you're on a federated social network instance anymore, much less that it's Hubzilla underneath. However, there is no documentation on how Hubzilla themes work, other than the source codes of Redbasic and the old themes if you can still find them.
Scott M. Stolz is working on all-new themes for Hubzilla, and so is who is making specialised UIs for specific purposes, e.g. for Hubzilla channels that mostly serve as blogs. Both basically have to reverse-engineer Hubzilla's theming with a lot of trial and error. But Scott said he'll write a how-to once he's done with his themes.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla #Themes Fair warning ahead: This is going to be LONG.
It often occurs that I add a whole lot of hashtags to a post. I started putting them all at the end of the post unless I'm explicitly talking about a hashtag that I also need as an actual hashtag, but still.
Only about half the hashtags I use are only for discoverability. Many serve a different purpose, namely to trigger filters, including CW-generating filters.
See, on Hubzilla where I am, sensitive people have their CWs individually automatically generated. Not only does this feature pre-date Mastodon's CW filters, it pre-dates Mastodon itself by several years. So it's part of our culture.
But the best CW generator doesn't work if the posts, comments and DMs that need to be CW'd don't contain the appropriate keywords. And I add them as hashtags to reduce the risk of false positives.
And I post a lot of stuff that people don't want to read.
So I add the hashtags #Long, #LongPost, #CWLong and #CWLongPost whenever a post or a comment exceeds 500 characters (raw count, not Mastodon count) so people can at least get rid of my long posts. It's obvious that two are only for filtering and one is partially for filtering.
Whenever I write about the Fediverse, I add the hashtags #FediMeta, #FediverseMeta, #CWFediMeta and #CWFediverseMeta because some people don't want to read anything concerning the Fediverse, even less if it's about the Fediverse outside Mastodon.
When I write about hashtags, I add #Hashtag and #Hashtags for discoverability and #HashtagMeta and #CWHashtagMeta as a warning/filter trigger because I guess there are people who are fed up with reading about hashtags.
I've got plenty of other topics with accompanying filter/CW-triggering hashtags, including but not limited to alt-text/image descriptions and content warnings themselves. Unfortunately, that doesn't work for my use-case.
The pictures I post are practically always about a topic that requires extensive, detailed descriptions and explanations.
That's because on the one hand, it's extremely niche. I can't get away with taking anything in my images for known or even familiar because the images aren't even from our real world. On the other hand, there may always be people, sighted, blind, visually-impaired, who are very curious about this topic, and who want to know as much as they can about it, but who know next to nothing.
And so I have to go the opposite direction. Rather than describing the image by looking at the image, much less describing the image by trying to remember what it looks like, I describe the image by looking at the real deal, by looking at the original of what the image shows.
This lets me move my point of view around. I can close up on details, and I can look behind obstacles. This also makes it possible for me to give a full, verbatim transcript of all text within the borders of an image, even if it's so tiny in the image that it's illegible or out-right invisible, even if it's partly or mostly covered by something, even if it's only partly within the borders of the image.
In fact, I'm constantly improving my description style. It sometimes occurs that I consider my most recent description out-dated after only a few days.
Such long descriptions don't fit into alt-text anymore. They do where I am, but it's impossible to read them in their entirety above a certain length, and Mastodon, Misskey and all their forks will cut them off at the 1,500-character mark. This is one of the reasons why the full, detailed description always goes into the post text body.
In order to satisfy those who absolutely demand there be an image description in the alt-text, I write an additional, brief, purely visual image description for the alt-text and, in addition to that, mention that the post text contains a more detailed and explanatory image description.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta Hast du schon von gehrt
Das mit den drei Wellen ist ein im Oktober 2021 entstandener Fork eines Forks eines Forks... von Hubzilla, und Hubzilla und jeder dieser Forks in der Kette ist vom selben Entwickler, Mike Macgirvin ,
Offiziell, mit voller Absicht des Entwicklers und aus fr ihn guten Grnden hat es als einziges Fediverse-Projekt keinen Namen, kein Logo, keine Markenidentitt. Und es ist auch kein Projekt.
Es ist zu finden im . Das Repository mute zwingend irgendeinen Namen und irgendein Logo haben. Inoffiziell wird also gern das Logo des Repository verwendet, und die ganze Serveranwendung wird ebenso inoffiziell "(streams)" genannt, also mit den Klammern.
Auf den ganzen Fediverse-Websites mit Instanzlisten und Statistiken (FediDB, Fediverse Observer etc.) ist es nicht zu finden. Mike hat bei (streams) nmlich auch mit voller Absicht die Funktion ausgebaut, Statistiken zu bermitteln.
Auerdem ist es unmglich, (streams)-Instanzen per Crawler automatisch zu finden. Sie haben ja keinen einheitlichen Instanztyp. Mastodon-Instanzen haben als Instanztyp ja immer "mastodon", Hubzilla-Hubs immer "hubzilla", aber (streams)-Instanzen knnen alles Mgliche und Unmgliche haben. Das kann da frei eingegeben werden, und standardmig ist berhaupt nichts eingetragen, und der Instanztyp ist dann das erste Wort des Instanznamen. Damit kann man aber keine automatisierten Instanzlisten fllen, also gibt's keine Instanzlisten.
Grundlegend ist es ganz hnlich wie Hubzilla. Es ist Hubzilla noch hnlicher, als Hubzilla Friendica ist, von dem es ein Fork (eines Forks) ist und das auch von Mike kommt.
Es hat Konversationen, in denen zwischen Post und Kommentar unterschieden wird. Es hat Kanle, wenn man will, mehrere pro Account. Es hat nomadische Identitt. Es hat keine Zeichenlimits. Es hat weitreichende Einstellungen, wer was darf, die sogar noch weiter gehen als die auf Hubzilla. Es hat einen "Cloud-Datenspeicher" mit WebDAV, es hat je einen optionalen CalDAV- und CardDAV-Server. Es hat "komisch" aussehende Erwhnungen, also statt .
Und vor allem: Es handhabt sich vllig anders als Mastodon, es untersttzt auch nicht die Mastodon-API, es funktioniert also nicht mit Mastodon-Apps, und es hat auch nie die Mastodon-Kultur bernommen.
Es hat einiges an Extras von Hubzilla nicht mehr. Keine Artikel, keine Wikis, keine Webpages, kein vollwertiger Kalender, also auch kein grafisches Frontend fr die CalDAV-Kalender, und an Protokollen untersttzt es nur sein eigenes Nomad, Zot6 von Hubzilla und ActivityPub, aber z. B. nicht mehr Diaspora*.
Dafr hat es eine bessere Einbindung von ActivityPub, das nun auch in neuen Kanlen standardmig an ist, und eben eine noch ausgefuchstere Rechteverwaltung.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) What's even worse is that just about everyone who joined the Fediverse in the last two years did so with the belief that the Fediverse is Mastodon, i.e. the Fediverse is nothing more than micro-blogging with a maximum of 500 characters.
Many more still believe so than you may think. And I'm not talking about total newbies, but even about second-wave Twitter refugees who came here right after Musk had bought the birdsite.
For others, the first encounter with an over-500-character post was not only completely unexpected, catching them entirely off-guard, but utterly shocking and disturbing.
Now they want their nice, friendly, cosy, fluffy, comfy Fediverse back that's only vanilla Mastodon.
A few actually want a total, absolute, Fediverse-wide ban on posts over 500 characters. Others are looking for technical means that block any and all posts with over 500 characters server-side, and I think they aren't limited to those still stuck on the official phone app that doesn't fold longer posts in because it was built not only against only Mastodon, but against Mastodon being the only Fediverse project.
As long as they don't get that, they complain and mute or out-right block anyone from whom they spot a post with over 500 characters in their federated timeline. And I guess they're so numerous after all that this behaviour cuts deep into the range of everyone who isn't on vanilla Mastodon.
This exactly is why I always add the hashtags #Long, #LongPost, #CWLong and #CWLongPost to everything that goes out of here that exceeds 500 characters. Raw count in a text editor, not fancy Mastodon way of counting. And if it's a post as opposed to a comment, I also add a Mastodon-style CW like "CW: long (5,204 characters)" although Hubzilla a) doesn't have Mastodon-style CWs in the summary field as part of its culture and b) has something much better instead.
Still, hardly anyone reads these posts.
It really seems like the only way to get my posts significant exposure on Mastodon is by actually staying below 500. Considering the amount of hashtags I need for my posts to both be discoverable and trigger filters, and considering that I didn't come from 140/280 characters to 500 characters, but I'm used to not having a character limit, it's a struggle. I often end up giving up, exceeding 500 characters and pulling all long post warning stops because that's easier for me.
It doesn't help that everyone who joins Mastodon believes that Eugen Rochko has invented the Fediverse. Bonus points for Rochko having invented both Mastodon and the Fediverse in 2022 as a reaction upon Musk's announcement to buy out Twitter. If they haven't heard of it any earlier, it probably hasn't existed any earlier.
When they're wondering what kind of witchcraft you're pulling off with your impossibly long post, not to mention stuff like bold type or italics or a bullet-point list, and you've managed to get into their heads that you are, in fact, not on Mastodon, they still think that whatever you're on was bolted onto Mastodon by someone.
Even if you manage to convince them that, no, what you're using is being developed entirely independently from Mastodon, they still think it was made after Mastodon. And they wonder why it deviates so much from Mastodon instead of mimicking it. Or why it exists at all if there's already Mastodon.
However, this also means that they see everything in the Fediverse that isn't Mastodon as an intruder in Mastodon's Fediverse because, of course, Mastodon was here first. And everything that isn't Mastodon has to conform to Mastodon's unwritten rules and adopt Mastodon's culture. In fact, if something isn't Mastodon, it isn't allowed to have its own culture if that culture differs from Mastodon's.
This also means that nothing that isn't Mastodon is allowed to make use of any features that Mastodon itself doesn't have because they disturb some Mastodonians.
Of course, at this point, you could and actually should tell them the truth.
Rochko did, in fact, not invent the Fediverse. Because when Mastodon was launched, the Fediverse had already existed for about eight years. Without Rochko's doing.
When Mastodon was launched, it immediately connected itself to StatusNet, Friendica, Hubzilla and Pleroma. The last three of these are actually still around, still part of the Fediverse, and Mastodon is still connected to them.
So, you should ask them, why do you think Friendica would accept to throw six years more worth of culture than Mastodon has and 80% of its features out of the window and start behaving like a Mastodon clone
If they don't block you on the spot for not unconditionally surrendering to the new Mastodon overlords, you could try to compare the pre-Mastodon Fediverse projects to Native Americans and Mastodon to white European colonists.
Oh, and by the way: Before Mastodon, character limits in general were an exception rather than the standard, especially if Diaspora* is taken into account.
#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #NotOnlyMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse #FediverseIsNotMastodon #CharacterCount #CharacterLimit #CharacterLimits #500Characters
I see your point I just wondered if there was a global fedi view

This is impossible.
It is technologically impossible for anything to always see exactly 100% of the Fediverse, much less in real-time.
Whatever it'd be, it would have to know all instances of all Fediverse projects. Literally all of them. 100%. No exception.
When an admin spins up a brand-spanking-new (streams) installation for the first time, this something would have to know immediately and start monitoring that server immediately. Even though that server doesn't have any connections yet.
How do you think should this something know right away when a new instance of any kind of Fediverse server starts up for the first time
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse And as I've said as well, what counts as the Fediverse now has had "quote-tweets" since as early as 2010. And I've never heard of anyone ever having been harassed with them.
By the way: Not sure about the *key implementation, but the way Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) have quote-posts implemented, they notify you when quote-posting you. I know, I've tried. Not even does that.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #QuotePost #QuotePosts #QuoteBoost #QuoteBoosts #QuoteTweet #QuoteTweets #QuotedShares #QuotePostDebate Self-quote from that long post you should have been notified about:
It's because quoted posts = quote-tweets as used on Twitter to harass BIPoC and members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. People who, for this very same reason, harassment, have escaped from Twitter to Mastodon which doesn't have quote-tweets and therefore counts as a safe haven.
They don't want quote-tweets on Mastodon out of fear of being harassed on Mastodon just the same as they were harassed on Twitter.

So it's gays and lesbians and trans people and Black people etc. who've been harassed to the bone by right-wing nutters on Twitter, using quote-tweets. And they don't want the same shit to happen to them on Mastodon again.
And they think they're only safe if Mastodon doesn't have quote-tweets.
Sorry, still over 500 characters.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Twitter #Mastodon #Harassment #CWHarassment #QuotePost #QuotePosts #QuoteBoost #QuoteBoosts #QuoteTweet #QuoteTweets #QuotedShares #QuotePostDebate Your posts are available on because someone on seems to be following you. Or following someone who has received posts from you by having them boosted to them.
But just because your posts are on, doesn't mean that this automatically created a full-blown, unified user account on for you.
If the Fediverse worked that way, you'd have one gigantic unified user account on tens of thousands of instances of over 100 Fediverse projects, all automatically created.
And there would be no actually small instances of anything because even private instances would automatically have thousands upon thousands of user accounts, all belonging to users whose posts ended up washed up on those instances.
Like, just by me manually importing this post of you, you'd automatically gain a Hubzilla account plus one Hubzilla channel on and another Hubzilla account with a clone of the self-same Hubzilla channel on Congrats, you could now create and edit your own wikis and simple websites, and you'd have a WebDAV cloud storage, a CalDAV server and a CardDAV server, all with a real-time, hot backup.
So if you want to use Lemmy, you actually have to register a new, fully separate account with a new, fully separate identity, even if it's under the same name.
An actual Lemmy account would not have an in its URL. is not a Lemmy account it's just how Lemmy displays your Mastodon account to show Lemmy users on Lemmy itself whom your posts come from.
doesn't take you to an actual Mastodon account either, or does it Spoiler: I don't even have a Mastodon account under this identity.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse It's because quoted posts = quote-tweets as used on Twitter to harass BIPoC and members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. People who, for this very same reason, harassment, have escaped from Twitter to Mastodon which doesn't have quote-tweets and therefore counts as a safe haven.
They don't want quote-tweets on Mastodon out of fear of being harassed on Mastodon just the same as they were harassed on Twitter.
Little do they know that not only some 3rd party Mastodon apps can quote-post, but almost every *blogging project in the Fediverse that isn't Mastodon or a Mastodon fork can quote-post any Mastodon toot with next to zero resistance. And some of them could before Mastodon was even made.
And yet, I've never heard of a BIPoC on Mastodon having been harassed by a Misskey or Friendica user by means of quote-posting.
That is, little do they probably even know that the Fediverse is not only Mastodon in the first place. So they're blissfully unaware that they can be quote-posted already now, just like they're blissfully unaware of the impact that enforcing a mandatory opt-in will have, namely the total defederation of dozens of entire Fediverse projects from Mastodon.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Twitter #Mastodon #Harassment #CWHarassment #QuotePost #QuotePosts #QuoteBoost #QuoteBoosts #QuoteTweet #QuoteTweets #QuotedShares #QuotePostDebate Da mte sich technisch ein bichen und kulturell gerade auf Mastodon sehr, sehr viel ndern.
Technisch mte Mastodon das Summary-Feld (wieder) als Summary-Feld bezeichnen und aufhren, "CW" dranzuschreiben. Damit knnten sie ein bichen die Leute davon wegdrngen, da CWs reinzuschreiben, die sie dann allen Lesern aufzwingen.
Dazu mte es einen leichteren, schnelleren Zugang zu Filtern und das Filtern von Schlsselwrtern und Hashtags mit quasi einem Klick oder zwei geben. Ich meine, es gibt Leute, die schon lnger auf Mastodon sind und bis heute nicht wissen, wie man Filter anlegt, weil das tief in der Konfiguration verbuddelt ist und aus Mastodons Timeline-UI nicht hervorgeht, da Mastodon berhaupt Filter hat. Das wrde Filter mehr ins Bewutsein der Leute bringen und attraktiver machen.
Schwieriger wird es, Mastodons Kultur dahingehend zu ndern. Die Nutzer mten bergehen von CWs im Summary-Feld zu Schlsselwrtern und Hashtags, die gezielt Filter auslsen. Der Aufwand wre auch nicht grer, und auf Mastodon wrde das auch nicht signifikant mehr Zeichen verbrauchen, weil CWs jetzt auch schon von den 500 Zeichen abgehen.
Erstens wre das aber abstrakter und schwerer zu begreifen. Zweitens sind Filter gerade fr die "Ich hab doch keine Ahnung von Technik"-Fraktion ein erheblicher Mehraufwand, den ihnen niemand abnehmen wird. Selbst wenn du ihnen per YouTube-Video zeigst, wie das geht, reien sie womglich immer noch die Hnde in die Luft und schreien, da sie das nicht knnen. Drittens sind CWs bombenfester Teil der Mastodon-Kultur, Filter dagegen eher nicht und Filter, die CWs auslsen, schon mal erst recht nicht, weil es die im Oktober 2022 noch nicht gab. Und viertens mte die Mastodon-Community, insbesondere die Twitter-Flchtlinge der zweiten und dritten Welle, sich eingestehen und zugeben, da sie die ganze Zeit was falsch gemacht haben.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon #CW #CWs #ContentWarning #ContentWarnings #ContentWarningMeta Absolute, total, 100% water-tight protection on Mastodon from anything related to Threads is technically impossible. Sorry, but that's what it is.
Someone could theoretically boost a post from Threads onto my channel stream. I could share (= quote-tweet = quote-toot = quote-post = quote-boost) a dumb copy of that post. I won't, but in theory, I could, and so could many others on non-Mastodon Fediverse instances. And since I've got connections on, it'll appear on your federated timeline.
Unless you gain the ability to see the source code of a post plus the ability to filter posts by their source code rather than by what's actually shown in your timelines, you're powerless against that.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Threads

7 people fined $400 a day for refusing LTC transfers: Ontario government
Seven people in Ontario have been fined for refusing transfers from a hospital to a long-term care home not of their choosing.
-termCare -TermCare

7 people fined $400 a day for refusing LTC transfers: Ontario government
Seven people in Ontario have been fined for refusing transfers from a hospital to a long-term care home not of their choosing.
-termCare -TermCare

7 people fined $400 a day for refusing LTC transfers: Ontario government
Seven people in Ontario have been fined for refusing transfers from a hospital to a long-term care home not of their choosing.
-termCare -TermCare

7 people fined $400 a day for refusing LTC transfers: Ontario government
Seven people in Ontario have been fined for refusing transfers from a hospital to a long-term care home not of their choosing.
-termCare -TermCare

7 people fined $400 a day for refusing LTC transfers: Ontario government
Seven people in Ontario have been fined for refusing transfers from a hospital to a long-term care home not of their choosing.
-termCare -TermCare

Okay, das wird jetzt alles extrem berraschend sein. Und das wird seeeehr viel Text. Und du wirst dir sehr oft verwundert die Augen reiben.
Aber erstmal die Basics:
Das ist kein Trt. Das kam nmlich nicht von Mastodon. Du hast es auf Mastodon gelesen, aber es kam nicht von Mastodon. Das hier, was du gerade liest, brigens auch nicht.
Nein, wirklich nicht.
Das Fediverse ist nicht nur Mastodon. Mastodon ist nicht das einzige Projekt im Fediverse.
Das Fediverse ist ein Netzwerk, in dem zigtausende Server vereint sind, auf denen weit ber 100 verschiedene Projekte laufen, die alle miteinander verbunden sind und alle miteinander interagieren und kommunizieren, obwohl sie alle mehr oder weniger unabhngig voneinander entwickelt werden. Mastodon ist nur eins davon.
Und ja, das ist vollkommen normal. Das ist und war immer das Konzept des Fediverse.
Denn, wichtig zum Verstndnis: Das Fediverse fing nicht mit Mastodon an. Mastodon ist von 2016 (und nicht etwa von 2022 und als Reaktion auf Musks Ankndigung der Twitter-bernahme entwickelt worden, falls du das geglaubt haben solltest). Der Begriff "Fediverse" ist aber von 2012. Der lteste Dienst, der heute noch auf eine Art Teil des Fediverse ist, war StatusNet von 2008, heute Teil von GNU social.
Das heit eben auch: Das Fediverse besteht nicht aus Mastodon und Diensten, die sich dann mit Mastodon verbunden haben. Denn als Mastodon gestartet wurde, war es nicht allein. Es hat sich in dem Augenblick, wo es gestartet wurde, mit StatusNet, (von 2010), (technisch von 2012, namentlich von 2015) und (auch von 2016, aber meines Wissens dreieinhalb Wochen lter als Mastodon) verbunden.
() ist nicht auf Mastodon. Er ist auf Friendica. Und ich bin brigens auf Hubzilla. Und du bist auf Mastodon. Trotzdem knnen wir miteinander kommunizieren.
Last but not least: Was es sonst noch so im Fediverse gibt, ist auch nicht alles wie Mastodon, nur mit anderem Namen und mit anderem Aussehen. Teilweise sind die Features drastisch unterschiedlich. Es gibt nicht nur Projekte wie Twitter (Mastodon, Glitch, Hometown, Pleroma, Akkoma, Misskey, Firefish, Iceshrimp, Sharkey, Catodon usw. usw.), sondern auch Projekte wie Instagram (Pixelfed), wie YouTube (PeerTube), wie Twitch (Owncast), wie Reddit (Lemmy, /kbin, Mbin, PieFed, Sublinks), wie Medium (WriteFreely, Plume) usw.
Und selbst die, die im weitesten Sinne Microblogging knnen, knnen Sachen, die auf Mastodon gerade fr Neulinge komplett unvorstellbar sind. Mastodon ist so ziemlich das einzige Projekt, das Text nicht formatieren kann. Es ist so ziemlich das einzige Projekt, das keine "Quote-Tweets" kann. Es ist so ziemlich das einzige Projekt, das auch nicht zitieren kann. Es ist auch das definitiv einzige Projekt mit einem Zeichenlimit unter 3000.
Deswegen ist das hier auch so lang: Hubzilla hat berhaupt kein Zeichenlimit. Hat es nie gehabt. Es wurde mal von Friendica geforkt, und Friendica hat auch keins.
Mastodon kann zwar all das, was ich hier aufgefhrt habe, anzeigen. Jedenfalls mit ein paar Abstrichen bei der Textformatierung. Aber man kann nichts davon auf Mastodon selbst erzeugen. Und es gibt auf Mastodon bei all dem, was ich hier aufgefhrt habe, mehr oder weniger starken Widerstand dagegen, da es eingefhrt wird, besonders bei "Quote-Tweets", die auf Twitter als Waffe gegen Minderheiten eingesetzt werden.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #NichtNurMastodon

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