Find the latitude of any place.  

Farmworkers come from all over to

Farmworkers come from all over to demand their rights, oftentimes losing sleep and sacrificing their limited time off of work.

face : , horrifically , conditions. But they are , and you can with them!

To many Mastodon users, I guess every other Mastodon user, the Fediverse is only Mastodon. To not few others, the Fediverse is Mastodon plus some stuff glued onto Mastodon. Or it's Mastodon and Threads. Either way, it's regularly perceived as nothing but a microblogging platform with a very limited character count and otherwise hardly any features beyond Twitter, features such as text formatting.
And, of course, your identity is always firmly tied to your account and thus one specific server instance. That's a fact. Allegedly.
Few people know how far it extends outward and away from Twitter clones and Twitter alternatives, much less what the Fediverse beyond Twitter clones and Twitter alternatives is like.
And it's way out there where Mike Macgirvin has been active since 2010. Five and a half years before Mastodon came out. Seven years before ActivityPub was first adopted, and even that was by one of Mike's creations.
The Fediverse is not defined by what's connected via ActivityPub, and especially, it is not defined by what's based on ActivityPub or what only uses ActivityPub. ActivityPub was officially established as a standard in 2018. It was first adopted in July, 2017, by Hubzilla, followed in September, 2017 by Mastodon which was entirely based on OStatus until then.
But the term "Fediverse" has first been used as early as 2012 which means that there was something back then that was decentralised and federated, even without ActivityPub. And that "something" already had features that partly went way beyond what Mastodon has today.
The oldest Fediverse project still in existence is Mike's , first released in July, 2010, then named Mistpark. A Facebook alternative. Not a Facebook clone like Mastodon tries to be a Twitter clone. A Facebook alternative that does a whole lot differently from Facebook, but better than Facebook, and that can also do a lot of things Facebook can't.
Friendica used to be based on its own DFRN protocol until 2023 AFAIK, but one of its killer features has always been that it speaks a whole lot of languages and connects to a whole lot of platforms, including OStatus and ActivityPub which it is based on today.
Friendica took over a few features from Facebook which are outright inconceivable in today's Twitter-clone-centred Fediverse. One is that it doesn't have Twitter's dichotomy of followers and followed. It has Facebook's concept of friends, connections that are always mutual, follower and followed at the same time, only that it doesn't refer to them as "friends" because, frankly, that term is stupid.
Another one is an actual conversation model, the same as Facebook and Tumblr and Reddit and all blogs out there. On Friendica, threads aren't loosely tied together from posts and more posts, nor do they rely on visible mentions. On Friendica, like on Facebook, on Tumblr, on Reddit and on blogs, each thread has exactly one post, the start post, and all replies are comments as opposed to posts.
This also changes a lot what you receive. Not just singular posts. Instead, you receive posts with their entire conversations, including comments from after you've received the post. Regardless of whether they mention you, regardless of whether you're connected to the commenter. In fact, on the other hand, you do not receive singular comments by your connections. All this may be unimaginable to those who only know Twitter and Mastodon, too.
But Friendica is still harmless to what Mike did later. In 2011, one issue of decentralised networks became apparent: If the instance you're on shuts down, you lose everything. And Friendica nodes often shut down, sometimes even without prior warning. People kept having to start over.
So Mike invented something to overcome this issue: nomadic identity. Not only did it make moving from one instance to another easier than anything else that exists even today, but even that's just a byproduct of the actual killer feature of nomadic identity: Your identity can reside on multiple instances at the same time, not as dumb copies, but as clones, as bidirectional, real-time, live, hot backups of each other.
This very idea sounds like absolute utopic science-fiction in 2024. But this, along with Mike's Zot protocol which was the first to make it real, came to exist as early as 2011. And it was in 2012 that Mike actually implemented it in software for the first time: a fork of his very own Friendica with its backend re-written against Zot in its entirety, first called Red, then renamed the Red Matrix.
It introduced something else that's completely and utterly unimaginable in most of today's Fediverse: an elaborate permissions system. One that did not rely on everything else out there having the same permissions system, much unlike what Mastodon keeps trying to do.
All kinds of interactions require separate permissions, such as:

Better yet, these permissions aren't granted to everyone all the same, but different sets of permissions can be granted to different subsets of my connections.
In 2015, the Red Matrix became which still exists today (I'm writing to you from it), and which is even more powerful. It is usually referred to as a "decentralised social CMS" because it's Facebook meets WordPress the blogging platform meets WordPress the CMS meets Google Cloud Services (and I'm not even kidding) meets some other stuff. If something truly is the Swiss army knife of the Fediverse, it's Hubzilla.
Hubzilla is still based on Zot6. It can optionally speak a whole lot other things like ActivityPub or diaspora*.
But 75% of all Fediverse users have never even heard of Hubzilla as a poll has revealed not long ago. This is "the vast fediverse that exist outside Mastodon" that Mike is speaking of.
Also part of this "vast fediverse" are those of Mike's later works that still exist today.
There is from 2021. What's in this repository is a more modern fork of a fork of three forks (of a fork) of a slimmed-down fork of Hubzilla. Mike intentionally gave it no name (again, I'm not kidding), no brand identity, almost no nodeinfo code and released it into the public domain right away, except for 3rd-party contributions which still have their own licenses. It's colloquially referred to as (streams).
It's back to Facebook-style social networking with the usual side of full-blown long-form blogging and also keeping Hubzilla's WebDAV, CalDAV and CardDAV server functionality, and it only speaks its own Nomad (a Zot successor), Hubzilla's Zot6 and ActivityPub, and the latter can still be turned off.
(streams) basically came as not only an alternative to Mastodon and many other Fediverse projects, but especially as an "anti-Mastodon" that'd provide people with all the features Mastodon should have but doesn't while not being as hard to get into as Hubzilla. Also, it was intended to be forked and used as a base for all kinds of other Fediverse creations while being impossible to legally turn into something proprietary and closed-source due to the mish-mash of licenses in 3rd-party components.
But even fewer people seen to know (streams) than Hubzilla. Even most Hubzilla users only know it from hearsay, and on Mastodon, it's even more obscure. There have never been more than seven public instances with at least partially open registration it's down to three plus two whose closure has been announced. All in all, (streams) which could have solved a whole lot of problems that plague Mastodon and its users probably has fewer than two dozen users now.
This is a problem because Mike has retired from Fediverse development. His rate of contribution has slowed down a whole lot, and he said that the streams repository is basically up for grabs, and so is his most recent creation, the still experimental from August which is (streams) without Zot6 and without Nomad, but with nomadic identity via ActivityPub.
From such a tiny user base, it's practically impossible to recruit new developers. And (streams) and Forte do need developers and maintainers, and they need devs and maintainers who know a thing or two about their philosophy and their technology. Other than knowing that they exist and knowing PHP, that is.
It isn't like the Fediverse doesn't have developers. But everyone just keeps creating new iOS apps for only Mastodon, new websites to help Mastodon users (often with questionable compatibility with anything that is not Mastodon or none at all), new Misskey or Firefish forks and new Reddit clones (because they've heard of neither Mbin nor PieFed, much less Sublinks).
Nobody seems to care for the really good far-out stuff far out there. That's because it's too far out there for anyone to even have heard about it. But even if it wasn't, I'm almost afraid it's too far out for a Fediverse that takes Mastodon for the ActivityPub reference implementation and the origin of it all to really comprehend.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Forte #FediverseDevelopers-billed-curlew Decentralised identity has been available for longer than Mastodon, let alone ActivityPub. Only that it is known as "" here.
It was first implemented by creator Mike Macgirvin in the Zot protocol in 2011 and in a Friendica fork named Red in 2012, later renamed into the Red Matrix, eventually reworked and renamed into in 2015.
Proof: This Hubzilla channel of mine actually simultaneously resides on two servers.
(Almost) everything that Mike has made afterwards, forks and forks of forks of Hubzilla, used to have or still have nomadic identity implemented.
His contains a fork of a fork... of Hubzilla that intentionally has no name, and that offers nomadic identity via the Nomad protocol with better compatibility with non-nomadic ActivityPub. In July, it had decentralised IDs as per (see also ) implemented, a first step by Mike to fully implement nomadic identity in ActivityPub.
, Mike's most recent fork from August, had all support for Nomad and Zot6 removed and only uses ActivityPub anymore while still offering nomadic identity. To my best knowledge, however, it has yet to be declared stable enough to be daily-driven, and it has no public instances.
Other than all this, a non-public development version of 's has nomadic identity via ActivityPub in development. I'm not sure whether FEP-ef61 is implemented in the release version yet. It's the only Fediverse project aiming to implement nomadic identity which Mike Macgirvin has nothing directly to do with.
The ultimate goal is to be able to clone a Fediverse identity across project borders. Only considering stable releases, it's currently only possible to clone Hubzilla channels within Hubzilla, using Zot6, or (streams) channels within (streams), using Nomad.
Unfortunately, Mike has officially retired from Fediverse development and only occasionally submits code to the streams repository and Forte anymore.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #DecentralizedIdentity #NomadicIdentity #ActivityPub #FEPef61 #Zot #Zot6 #Nomad #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Mitra Warum von auerhalb von Mastodon meistens keine Alt-Texte kommen CW: lang (fast 3.500 Zeichen), Fediverse-Meta, Fediverse-ber-Mastodon-hinaus-Meta, Alt-Text-Meta, Bildbeschreibungen-Meta Artikel ansehen Zusammenfassung ansehen
Na ja, die eine Sache dabei ist, da Alt-Text nur auf Mastodon ein groes Thema ist und berall sonst nicht. Das Fediverse lebt ja nicht bis in den hintersten Winkel die Mastodon-Kultur und ausschlielich die Mastodon-Kultur. Und das wird es auch nie, weil Mastodons Kultur den technischen Features im Rest des Fediverse widerspricht.
Nicht nur Newbies wissen nichts von Alt-Text. Wenn z. B. jemand 2011 auf diaspora* angefangen hat, 2013 nach Friendica gewechselt ist und seit 2019 auf Hubzilla ist, dann sind das 13 Jahre im Fediverse, lnger, als Mastodon berhaupt existiert. Aber es kann durchaus sein, da so jemand nie mit Mastodons Kultur in Berhrung gekommen ist.
Wenn er dann von einem Mastodon-Nutzer angeschnauzt wird, was er doch fr ein ableistisches Dreckschwein ist, da er keine Alt-Texte schreibt, dann wei er erstmal gar nicht, worum es eigentlich geht. Mit Recherche und Nachfragen ergibt sich dann das Bild von irgendeiner komischen Mastodon-Modeerscheinung. Und was von Mastodon kommt, mu man ja auf etwas, das lter ist als Mastodon (Hubzilla ist von 2015), nicht nachffen. Das ist dann die Reaktion.
Die andere Sache ist: Friendica und Hubzilla haben nicht so ein nettes Alt-Text-Eingabefeld wie Mastodon. Um da einen Alt-Text an ein Bild zu hngen, mu der Einbettungs-BBcode hndisch umgebaut werden. Zum Beispiel von
zrl= capture from the animated television series Fairly Oddparents, edited into an image macro. It shows a facial close-up of Mr Turner, lead character Timmy Turner's father. He is speaking in anger with his eyes squinted and directed to one side. The image has a large piece of text at the bottom which reads, Gargron./zmg/zrl

Auf Hubzilla ist das noch nicht mal dokumentiert da erfhrt man hchstens durch Hrensagen, wie das geht. Das heit, wenn es da keinen Alt-Text gibt, kann es auch daran liegen, da jemand nicht wei, da man auf Hubzilla berhaupt Alt-Texte eintragen kann, geschweige denn wie. Und auf Friendica ist das mglicherweise sogar verbuggt, was keiner meldet, weil es keiner nutzt.
(Fr die Akten: Ich beschreibe alle meine Bilder und erklre sie sogar. Und zwar seit mehr als einem Jahr so aufwendig und detailliert, da ich pro Bild je nach Bild auch mal von mehreren Stunden bis zu zwei Tage brauche, vorherige Planung nicht inbegriffen. Mein Problem ist eher, da es keine Mglichkeit gibt, im greren Rahmen mit anderen Fediverse-Nutzern zu diskutieren, wie Bildbeschreibungen in extremen Randsituationen am besten auszufhren sein sollten. Ich wrde auch gern berall, wo es ntig ist, CWs im Mastodon-Stil einsetzen, aber bei Kommentaren drfte das hier auf Hubzilla, wo es bei Kommentaren kein Eingabefeld dafr gibt, immer noch verbuggt sein siehe ganz oben.)
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #FediverseKultur #MastodonKultur #NichtNurMastodon #Friendica #Hubzilla #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #Bildbeschreibung #Bildbeschreibungen #BiBesch #BildbeschreibungenMeta #CWBildbeschreibungenMeta Little nitpick maybe from someone who takes image descriptions very seriously: I myself would never explain something in alt-text.
That'd mean that there's information exclusively only in the alt-text and neither in the post text nor in the image. Those who can't access alt-text, and there can be a lot of reasons for this, have no access to this extra information. For this reason, I always put explanations into the post itself.
But then again, I don't have a character limit to worry about whereas at least half the Fediverse has no more than 500 characters.
I also take content warnings seriously, and I try to cater to the needs of those who have automated reader-side generation of content warnings (Friendica users, Hubzilla users, (streams) users, Mastodon users who know that Mastodon 4.x has this feature see the many hashtags below) as well as those who rely on poster-supplied content warnings in the summary field (everyone else). I might irritate the latter because I still use the summary field for summaries as well.
It got to the point at which I've stopped posting images that could possibly trigger someone on Hubzilla and created two (streams) channels for them because Hubzilla can't make Mastodon blank out images, but (streams) can. I know that Mastodon 4.3 finally hides images behind CWs, but I think it'll be years until no instances run Mastodon older than 4.3 anymore.
I also feel like halfway into trouble because Hubzilla doesn't let me add Mastodon-style CWs to comments (= replies). It doesn't have a text field for them because that'd be akin to being able to hiding a blog comment behind a summary. And the summary/summary BBcode tags work on (streams) when going out via ActivityPub, but not on Hubzilla.
Some may say I overdo content warnings, and I overdo image descriptions even more. But without enough feedback, I prefer to err on the "too much" side.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #CW #CWs #CWMeta #ContentWarning #ContentWarnings #ContentWarningMeta #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams)

Dolphins In Depth: Dolphins need to be relevant in December to avoid another reset

However. Ich wnsche mir mehr Hinweise darauf, bei welchen Systemen im fediverse die Migration von Accounts untersttzt wird und funktioniert.
Wer schon einmal wechselte weiss was ich meine.
Zuviel Blauugigkeit was geht und die Dokus dazu klren kaum auf .

Kompletten Umzug mit allem Drum und Dran, also
gibt's eh nur innerhalb von Hubzilla und innerhalb von (streams). Das Wunder der nomadischen Identitt, das aber ein bichen sehr dadurch gehemmt wird, da Hubzillas Zot6 und (streams)' Nomad zueinander kaum mehr kompatibel sind. Das heit, mit hndischem Export und Import kann man auch von Hubzilla nach (streams) ziehen, aber nicht umgekehrt.
Selbst nomadische Identitt hat natrlich ihre Grenzen. Wenn ich innerhalb von Hubzilla umziehe, werden meine Follower-Kontakte auf Instanzen, die ihrerseits nomadische Identitt kennen, automagisch auf meine neue ID umgeschrieben. Also bei meinen Hubzilla- und (streams)-Kontakten. Aber eben nur da und nicht z. B. auf Mastodon, das nomadische Identitt nicht kennt.
Nomadische Identitt via ActivityPub ist ein Konzept, aber eins in einem sehr frhen Entwicklungsstadium, und es steht im Grunde nur Entwicklern zur Verfgung. Geplant ist eigentlich irgendwann mal die nomadische Vernetzung aller Fediverse-Projekte, so da man zwischen allen umziehen und klonen knnte. Aber der Entwickler, der die Sache am ehesten vorangetrieben hat, ist seit Ende August im Fediverse-Entwicklungs-Ruhestand. Und selbst wenn das mal stabil ausentwickelt sein sollte: Bis Mastodon das implementiert, friert die Hlle zu.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #NomadischeIdentitt

Pipeline release! nf-core/scnanoseq v1.0.0 - nf-core/scnanoseq v1.0.0 - Titanium Toad!

Please see the changelog:

-read-sequencing -seq -cell

How Long Have You Been Bally

Bei unsereins kommt ja noch etwas erschwerend hinzu: Friendica und Hubzilla haben keine Trennung in Folgende und Gefolgte. Das ist hier wie auf Facebook alles eins zusammen. Es gibt eigentlich nur beidseitige Verbindungen.
Will sagen, wenn einem jemand von Mastodon folgen will, dann geht das nur in Form einer beidseitigen Verbindung, also Zurckfolgen. Und so "folgt" man irgendwann haufenweise Leuten, die eigentlich gar nichts Interessantes zu posten haben und einen eigentlich nur zumllen, nur damit die einem folgen knnen.
Was soll man da machen Sich zumllen lassen Verbindung wieder lschen Dann knnen sie einem nicht mehr folgen, und sie merken das. Blockieren Dann knnen sie einem auch nicht mehr folgen, und sie merken das. Stummschalten Dann knnen sie einem berhaupt nichts mehr schicken, auch keine Kommentare oder DMs.
Da bin ich froh ber Hubzillas Berechtigungseinstellungen. Da kann ich nur denjenigen erlauben, mir ihre Posts zu schicken, von denen ich Posts sehen will. Kommentare und DMs werden separat geregelt. Dazu habe ich dann auch noch Filter pro Kontakt. Die einzigen, die das merken, sind die, die Zustellungsberichte haben. Mastodon hat die nicht.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla #BerechtigungenMastodon is increasingly moving from #NoAltTextNoBoost to #CrappyAltTextNoBoost, and I can see it move further to #NotEnoughAltTextNoBoost.
It is moving from only ostracising people for not providing image descriptions past ostracising people for providing useless image descriptions towards ostracising people for providing AI-generated image descriptions because they're at least partially wrong. The next victims may be people whose image descriptions leave out elements in the image which others may deem necessary to describe.
As quality requirements for image descriptions are being raised, I can't possibly lower the quality of my own image descriptions. If anything, I'll continue to upgrade my own image descriptions to stay ahead.
This is also why I'm worried about moving the long descriptions from the post text body into linked external documents. Not having certain descriptions and any explanations anywhere in the post anymore may backfire, and the external documents themselves may not be accessible and inclusive after all.
Interestingly, this is not congruent with what I read from actually non-sighted people. They don't even seem to care for accuracy which they can't verify anyway as long as the image description is funny and/or whimsical. Since it seems to be exactly that what AI delivers, it's no wonder that many blind people prefer image descriptions from BeMyAI over image descriptions from human experts.
I think I'll keep on writing my monster descriptions, two for each original image. If any of you who aren't sighted don't like them for not being whimsical enough, feel free to ignore the hours or days of work I've put into them, fire up your AI and have your own image description generated.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon #MastodonPolice #FediPolice #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #Blind #VisuallyImpaired #A11y #Accessibility #AI #AIVsHuman #HumanVsAI Add your location to a Google Map Embrace-Extend-Extinguish.
Embrace = they join the Fediverse.
Extend = they introduce stuff that's non-standard and not really compatible with what already exists. Everything else has to adopt that non-standard stuff or risk becoming incompatible. Since they're one of the biggest players or the biggest player, they can get away with it.
Threads has yet to do this. Mastodon has been doing it all the time.
Extinguish = They decide they don't care for interoperability anymore. They become incompatible with everything else. As big as they are, they get away with it. But they basically kill everything else off because all that "everything else" can hardly survive without being connected to that one big player.
Mastodon has more power to do this than Threads because Threads is a late addition to the Fediverse, Threads isn't even really welcome in the Fediverse, only a tiny fraction of Threads even federates, and I guess that to more people than not, Mastodon is the Fediverse.
(Public reply because the original post is public. I'm on Hubzilla and not on Mastodon, and on Hubzilla, all replies always have the exact same permissions as the original post. Permission changes within a thread are not supported.)
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #EEE #EmbraceExtendExtinguish

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So you think AI is always better at describing and even explaining any image out there than any human, including insiders and experts on the very topic shown in the image 100% accurately And at a higher level of detail than said humans
Well, .
I'd like to see AI identify the place shown in the image as the central crossing at BlackWhite Castle and identify BlackWhite Castle as a standard-region-sized sim on Pangea Grid, a virtual world or so-called "grid" based on OpenSimulator.
I'd like to see AI explain the above, all the way down to a level that can easily be understood by someone who has only got a rough idea about what virtual worlds are.
I'd like to see AI correctly mention the pop-cultural links from this sim to German Edgar Wallace films and Frhstyxradio that are obvious to me.
I'd like to see AI correctly identify the avatar in the middle. By name. And know that identifying the avatar is appropriate in this context.
I'd like to see AI know and tell the real reason why the avatar is only shown from behind.
I'd like to see AI recognise that the image was not edited into monochrome, but it's actually both the avatar and the entire sim with everything on and around it that's monochrome.
I'd like to see AI transcribe text that's unreadable in the image. 100% accurately verbatim, letter by letter.
I'd like to see AI identify the object to the right and explain its origin, its purpose and its functionality in detail.
I'd like to see AI discover and mention the castle in the background.
I'd like to see AI accurately figure out whether it's necessary to explain any of the above to the expected audience and, if correctly deemed necessary, do so. And explain the explanations if correctly deemed necessary.
I'd like to see AI know and correctly mention which direction the camera is facing.
Finally, I'd like to see AI automatically generate two image descriptions, a full and detailed one with all explanations and a shorter one that can fit into 1,500 characters minus the number of characters necessary to mention the full description and explain its location.
, I did all of the above. And more.
In fact, if AI is supposed to be better than me, I expect it to identify all trees in the image, not only the mountain pines, to give an even more detailed description of the motel advertisement and to give a much more detailed description of the map, including verbatim transcripts of all text on it and accurate information on what place is shown on the map in the first place.
If AI is supposed to be better than me, I expect it to

All, by the way, fully automatically with no human intervention except for maybe a simple prompt to describe the image for a certain Fediverse project.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #A11y #Accessibility #AI #AIVsHuman #HumanVsAIAllegedly, a "good" advice for image descriptions is always to describe images like you'd describe them to someone on a landline phone.
Sorry, but that's non-sense. At least for anything that goes significantly beyond a real-life cat photo.
If you describe an image through a phone, you describe it to one person. Usually a person whom you know, so you've at least got a rough idea on what they need described. Even more importantly, you can ask that person what they want to know about the image if you don't know. And you get a reply.
If you describe an image for a public Fediverse post, you describe it to millions of Fediverse users and billions of Web users. You can't know what they all want, nor can you generalise what they all want. And you can't even ask one of them what they need described before or while describing, much less all of them. In fact, you can't ask at all. And yet, you have to cater to everyone's needs the same and throw no-one under a bus.
If I see a realistic chance that someone might be interested in some detail in one of my images, I will describe it. It won't be in the shorter description in the alt-text instead, it will be in the long description which I've always put directly into the post so far, but whose placement I'm currently reconsidering. If something is unfamiliar enough to enough people that it requires an explanation, I will explain it in the long description.
Right now, only meme posts are an exception. They don't need as much of a visual description as long as I stick to the template, and a poll has revealed that people do prefer externally linked third-party explanations over my own ones blowing the character count of the post out of proportion. This is the one time that I can safely assume that I actually know what most people want.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #Inclusion #A11y #Accessibility

Pipeline release! nf-core/mag v3.1.0 - mag 3.1.0 - Pink Panda!

Please see the changelog:

-read-sequencing -sequencing

To put it bluntly, Solid is Tim Berners-Lee's attempt at re-inventing wheels named Hubzilla and nomadic identity.
Unlike Solid, Hubzilla is neither a vague concept, nor is it in its earliest alpha stages of development. Hubzilla was launched as early as 2015, it has just released version 9.4.1. It is based on something called the Red Matrix from 2012. The idea of nomadic identity itself is from 2011. So it's a tried-and-true solution and well-established. Not to mention that all this was created by a protocol developer, Mike Macgirvin .
When Tim Berners-Lee invented Solid, he didn't know about the Red Matrix or Hubzilla or the concept of nomadic identity because none of that stuff had been advertised anywhere.
He has learned about Hubzilla and nomadic identity in the meantime. But now it's too late to stop, abandon Solid and support Hubzilla and its successors instead. So he keeps pushing Solid forward, knowing pretty well that he's directly competing against Hubzilla and its successors, the streams repository from 2021 and Forte which was created in July.
Truth be told, Solid can't hold a candle to Hubzilla and its successors. Hubzilla and (streams) are both still based on protocols of their own while also being able to communicate through ActivityPub optionally. But on (streams), nomadic identity via ActivityPub seems to be already implemented. And Forte only uses ActivityPub anymore while still being fully nomadic.
And so it can only survive by advertising it to the general public before they learn about Mike Macgirvin's creations. And about 75% of the Fediverse has never even heard of the name "Hubzilla", including many developers. The successors are even more obscure.
Unfortunately, Mike Macgirvin officially retired from Fediverse development on August 31st. While he is still occasionally submitting code to both the streams repository and Forte, the times when he worked on them just about everyday are over. And unlike Hubzilla which has been passed on to the community in 2018, the streams repository is struggling to find new main maintainers, Forte even more so because it doesn't have any users yet AFAIK.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Solid #RedMatrix #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Forte #NomadicIdentity It's in maintenance mode, .
I believe so. Last I heard someone inherited the code base and its repo, without necessarily wanting to, and recently shut it down (IIRC). Meanwhile the old flagship instance and domain firefish dot social has been dead a long time.

Yup. Kainoa, original developer of Firefish, dropped the project into 's lap, but none of the official servers.

Calckey died when Kainoa turned it into Firefish.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Calckey #Firefish

Pipeline release! nf-core/taxprofiler v1.2.0 - v1.2.0 - Bouncy Basenji 2024-10-03!

Please see the changelog:

-reads -classification -profiling

Da zuviele Radfahrer da drauen gleichgltige, ignorante Arschlcher sind, die das Fahrrad nur als "mechanische Gehhilfe" sehen, fr die keine Verkehrsregeln gelten, weil fr Fugnger ja auch keine gelten. Und Regeln fr ein gutes Miteinander schon mal erst recht nicht.
Klingeln mu man ja angeblich nur, wenn man gar nicht durchkommt, damit die Fugnger, die vor einem laufen, zur Seite gehen. Also: Wenn man durchkommt ohne Klingeln, dann klingelt man nicht, weil man keinen Bock drauf hat. Auch wenn man bei ber 30 km/h mit dem Lenkerende zwei Zentimeter neben einem Fugnger vorbeirauscht.
Eine Glocke kostet auerdem nur Geld und ist Mehrgewicht. Und ein Fahrrad im Wettbewerbstrimm, also bis auf Bremsen ohne jegliches Anbauteil, das fr den Straenverkehr eigentlich Vorschrift ist, ist sehr viel cooler als eins, das den Vorschriften entspricht. Und leichter und damit potentiell noch schneller.
Da man Leute vielleicht auch mal auf sich aufmerksam machen sollte, das geht vielen einfach nicht in den Kopf. Deswegen fahren ja viele auch stndig ohne Licht. Sie glauben, der Scheinwerfer ist nur zum Ausleuchten der Strecke da. Aber: "Ich seh doch was, ich brauch kein Licht."
Was denen nicht in die Birne geht, ist, da die Beleuchtung am Rad noch viel mehr dafr da ist, gesehen zu werden. Wenn sie so rumfahren, wie sie rumfahren, ohne Licht, ohne auch nur einen einzigen Reflektor und dann auch noch in dunklen Klamotten auf einem dunklen Rad, dann sind sie eben fr Autofahrer kaum zu sehen.
Und wenn sie dann ber den Haufen gefahren werden, dann motzen sie ber die bsen Autofahrer. Genau deswegen fahren diese Vgel brigens konsequent auf dem Brgersteig, wenn kein Radweg da ist: Sie hatten schon oft genug gefhrliche Situationen mit Autofahrern, schieben die Schuld aber immer auf die Autofahrer.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #RadfahrerThis, by the way, is a very good litmus test for whether someone who is involved in virtual worlds in some way actually knows a thing or two about the virtual worlds:
What kind of avatars, do you think, will people want to create Digital copies of themselves Or, given the opportunity to do so, something entirely different
Brand-new relevant rant article by myself:
Also, relevant shared post with a link to New World Notes:
Watch: Zuckerberg Unveils Horizon Worlds Updates: "Improved" Avatars (Except Not), and Hyperlink-Like "Primitives" (Sounds Familiar!)
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #SecondLife #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Horizons #HorizonWorlds #Metaverse #VitualWorlds #Avatar #Avatars I would give an extensive, detailed, accurate truthful visual description anyway. "Extensive" as in "absolutely gargantuan like you wouldn't believe" as I always do for this kind of image.
I might add for deaf-blind users that nothing in the image is real, physical and tangible. But I guess they can figure it out themselves.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #DeafBlind #A11y #Accessibility That'd still be making stuff up. I only describe what's actually really there, and what everything actually is like. You can't touch them, you can't feel them, and "what if" has no room in my image descriptions.
Besides, no, I don't know what unreal surfaces would feel like, also because they lack any and all properties of real-life surfaces.
And if I had to think up what literal dozens of different surfaces in one image feel like, it'd take me even longer to write my image descriptions. And it already takes me from several hours upward to describe one image.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #VirtualWorlds #A11y #AccessibilityIn an ideal Fediverse, I'd provide at least four to six different descriptions per original image so that as many people get a description that's as close to what they need as possible. And I'd link to them, even though that makes things more inconvenient for reasons I've already explained, and hope I'll get away with it.
Of course, this isn't feasible.
Still, I do have to find a way to satisfy as many people on Mastodon specifically as possible. Even if they aren't interested in what I write about, they may still cut into my reach.
It's incredibly difficult to get away with sub-standard accessibility for images on Mastodon. You can quickly be ostracised for not providing an alt-text as well as for providing an alt-text, but it isn't useful enough because it carries too little information about the image.
This starts at being lectured about having to provide good alt-text. It continues via refusals to boost posts with undescribed images. And it ends at people who post images without describing them being muted or even blocked. If your only connection on a particular instance blocks you, you also disappear from the instance's federated timeline, and your posts may no longer be delivered to those on that instance who follow a hashtag that you use.
Besides, reputation matters. If you don't take accessibility by Mastodon's standard seriously enough, and your posts appear on Mastodon often enough, you're likely to earn a bad rep as someone who's lazy and careless and basically ableist. Even useless alt-text is ableist by Mastodon's standards.
I already have a very active member of Mastodon's alt-text police among my connections, so I can't neglect this.
On the other hand, I don't think you'll get a bad rep for trying too hard, for doing over 1,000% of what's required and still trying to improve and optimise and max out your accessibility game.
What I can say is that I'm not constantly being scolded for giving too long and too detailed image descriptions, nor am I scolded for parking them in the post. I guess my alt-texts already keep the alt-text police satisfied for now, and they should still know that if my alt-texts aren't sufficient, there's still the long description.
"I have no interest in your topic, and don't even read your posts, but you violated this rule that I arbitrarily made up, and I will force you to change even if your actual followers don't even want it."
people may still cut into my reach, so I can't ignore them. Besides, they don't enforce rules which they themselves have just pulled out of thin air right there right then. They enforce rules which the greater Mastodon community has already firmly established, and which Mastodon is expected to live by. And when I say "Mastodon", I mean the typical Mastodon user's perception of Mastodon which includes everything that happens on Mastodon, regardless of where it comes from.
You aren't exempt from these rules just because you're on Hubzilla. Besides, Mastodon users can't see where you are anyway. So they'll assume you're on Mastodon unless they know better.
I'd say my current ways of describing and explaining my in-world images have been working quite well. I usually don't get any feedback, but this also means I don't receive any negative criticism about neglected accessibility.
If I were to do any major changes such as moving the full descriptions into linked external documents, it'd be a gamble.
For one, the technical side is largely untested. All I know is that a blind user once told me that a Hubzilla Article didn't work with her screen reader, so Hubzilla Articles may actually not be accessible at all. I'm not going to post the majority of my future images on Hubzilla anyway, only on (streams) which can make Mastodon blank them out, and (streams) doesn't have the Articles app.
So all I could do would be a simple HTML document uploaded to the Files app that contains the full description, maybe with the described image embedded as you've suggested. However, I don't know how which browser on which OS handles an HTML document dealt to it not by a Web server, but by a file server. Will it open and display the document, or will it download the document to the device like any other file without opening it
Besides, what else is untested is the acceptance of linked image descriptions, especially when they're the only available source of transcripts of the bits of text in an image. After all, this means that something that's defined as absolutely mandatory, the transcripts, is not available in the post at all, only in some external document that requires extra effort and, on mobile devices, an extra app to open.
Externally linked descriptions may improve the acceptance because they drastically shorten the image posts, and they make image posts with multiple images within the post text possible in the first place.
But they may just as well have the opposite effect because they remove a detailed image description from the post as well as any and all explanations and, worst of all, every last text transcript, and instead, they park everything someplace that requires extra effort and, on phones, letting another app open to access them.
Yes, Mastodon doesn't like long posts. Some Mastodon users actually block everyone whom they catch posting over 500 characters upon first strike. But this can be partially mitigated with a long-post content warning.
And there are way more complaints about missing or useless image descriptions than about too long posts. So I dare say the former cut into your reach more deeply than the latter.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta Well, it isn't just about the size and shape. That'd be easy because these virtual worlds consist of 3-D models.
It's more about what it feels like to touch someone's skin, a piece of someone's clothing, the surface of an object. It's that kind of tactile information that many deaf-blind people go after, and it's only that kind of tactile information that they're interested in.
But how am I supposed to describe what it feels like to touch something that can't be touched because it simply doesn't have a physical real-life existence
Okay, so that avatar is wearing a tweed jacket. But that tweed isn't really tweed fabric. It's a digital painting of tweed fabric on an object which actually has no material whatsoever and no physical properties whatsoever. You can't reach out your hand and lay your fingertips on that jacket and feel it.
Even if that jacket's surface was bump-mapped or normal-mapped, which it isn't, it still couldn't be touched and felt.
Now, someone could suggest I should describe what things would feel like if they were actually real in the physical realm. But I prefer my image descriptions to be accurate and, most importantly, truthful.
And besides, what about objects that do not have a texture that represents any real-life material Not only are they without any physical properties, but they don't even suggest any life-like physical properties. Even I don't know what it'd feel like to touch them.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #VirtualWorlds #DeafBlind #A11y #AccessibilityStill, my intended target audience is very widespread, regardless of whether I'm posting about OpenSim, or whether I'm posting about the Fediverse.
I mean, sure, I could write my OpenSim posts in such a way that only those who know OpenSim inside-out because they're active users understand them. It'd be easier for me.
But there are probably fewer than 50 registered users in the Fediverse who know more about OpenSim than that it exists, if even that. Of these, maybe half a dozen is active. That wouldn't exactly be a big target audience.
At the same time, there are lots of people out there who receive my posts, too, be it by following me, be it by following one of the hashtags I use, be it by discovering one of my posts on their federated timeline.
Now, these people may pretty well have their curiosity piqued upon receiving one of my posts with an image from within a virtual world, the kind of which they would never have imagined exists since the Metaverse hype ended.
At the same time, the post doesn't tell them anything about this kind of world. Nothing is explained, and nothing is described, or if something is described, it's the very bare minimum requirement for the most basic accessibility. Even if they're sighted, they'd really like to know what kind of place this picture is from, and what the picture actually shows. There may be items in the picture that they've never seen before.
It's even worse if they're blind. Sure, you may say that blind or visually-impaired people have no use for virtual worlds, thus, literally not a single one of them can even be interested in that topic.
I wouldn't count on that. I'd say a blind or visually-impaired Fediverse user may just as well be curious about virtual worlds as a fully sighted user, including what everything looks like. If they are, they've got the same right to learn about it as a fully sighted user. Everything else would be ableist.
Both need my help. No-one else can really help them. No, not Google either. Not on this level of detail, and I'm not even talking about the first hits for OpenSim probably leading them to the human body simulation of the same name.
Both need explanations. And the blind or visually-impaired user needs visual descriptions. Only I can provide them on a sufficiently detailed and sufficiently accurate level.
Not providing sufficient description and explanation for image posts on this level of obscurity is about on the same level as not providing any image description at all whatsoever for images in general. Hubzilla doesn't care. Mastodon, on the other hand, calls that ableist. And Mastodon calls it out.
My target audience for posts about the Fediverse, including memes, is even wider. It's basically everyone, especially my target audience for Fediverse memes.
But not everyone is on the same level of knowledge. And if an image is included which is almost always the case in my meme posts, I have to describe the image anyway.
I guess you've read that shared post by . Image descriptions are not only good for blind or visually-impaired people, but they're also good to help sighted people understand an image which they wouldn't understand without the description.
So I describe and explain the meme image.
But explanations don't belong into alt-text. I've already written about that.
So I describe the meme image in the alt-text, and I explain it in the post where explanations belong.
Sure, I could say, "If they don't get it, they don't get it. I don't care." But doing so would make these posts inaccessible to the vast majority of their intended target audience.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta

From 28 Sep: Can addressing gut issues treat long COVID in children - EnlargeFrazao Studio Latino/ Getty Images Four years after the outbreak of the ... -19 -covid

Dolphins In Depth: Can Tyler Snoop Huntley save the Dolphins season

Scott M. Stolz First of all: If your target audience is mainly on Mastodon, and you don't want to lose any more reach than necessary, you have to play by Mastodon's rules, whether you want or not.
My target audience is mainly on Mastodon, and I've already lost too much reach.
This means three things among several others.
One, there must be a sufficiently useful image description in the alt-text, full stop, no exception. For at least some Mastodon users, it doesn't matter how many image descriptions you've got elsewhere. Especially not if you have to hide your post behind a summary/content warning because it exceeds 500 characters, and they'll see your image before your post because they're still on Mastodon 4.2 or older which keeps images outside of content warnings.
Believe me, I spend more than enough time lurking on to know.
Two, if you put a post with more than 500 characters out in the open with no content warning to hide it, droves of Mastodon users will block you. Do that often enough, and it'll dramatically cut into your reach on Mastodon. Remember, Mastodon is your target audience.
Three, you must protect people from potential triggers and sensitive images. On Mastodon, that isn't limited to porn and gore. It includes eyes. Eyes can trigger autists and other neurodiverse people. Not only in facial portraits of people looking straight into the camera, by the way.
Point three, by the way, means you can't safely post pictures with faces or eyes in them from Hubzilla to Mastodon. Hubzilla has no way of making Mastodon blank sensitive images out.
A summary/content warning only helps on Mastodon 4.3 which hides images under content warnings. But Mastodon 4.2 or older, which means one solid half of the whole Fediverse, only hides the post text under a content warning and leaves the images dangling below the hidden post. And when a post comes from outside, the images are not blanked out. They remain in everyone's plain sight.
My meme images almost always have faces in them. The OpenSim in-world pictures I want to post are likely to have faces in them, too. So posting them on Hubzilla is out of question.
I've launched two (streams) channels for these while you were away:

(streams) automatically sets Mastodon's proprietary sensitive flag on images if they're included in a post that contains the hashtag #nsfw or #sensitive. Hubzilla doesn't have this feature.
However, (streams) neither has the Articles app, nor does it have the Webpages app. If I wanted to use either, I'd have to post images on (streams) and then link to an article or a webpage on this very Hubzilla channel.
Now to some of your specific points.
ALT tag ONLY if different than the short description.

Again, alt-text always. Unless you don't care for your audience on Mastodon. Again, I do.
So the short description under the image is redundant.
You don't have to repeat what the text says in the meme.

The transcript of the meme text belongs into the alt-text. Any text transcripts belong into the alt-text.
The only exception in my case are if there's too much text, and it doesn't fit into the alt-text. In this case, the transcripts go into the long description, and the alt-text mentions that the long description contains all text transcripts.
But the alt text would need to be longer since it would need to explain what the meme is. The alt text and the short description would not be the same.

Alt-text must never explain anything. No information must ever be exclusively available in alt-text.
That's because not all people can access alt-text.

This means that explanations must be in a place that can be accessed by anyone who can access the post itself. This applies to anything that's part of the post text body, for example.
image (alt text = "An image about topic."

Nitpick, maybe, but starting alt-text with "image about", "picture about" or "photo about" = baaaaaaaaaaaad style. Other media are at least tolerated, but "image", "picture" and "photo" are deadly sins.
Basically, when you have super long descriptions (over 500 to 1000 characters), you should treat it as if you are promoting a blog post on social media (rather than the whole thing only exists on social media).

My image descriptions don't make for good blog posts.
I have put image descriptions into articles twice already:

You can see that they don't work as stand-alones that I could show random strangers on the Web.
If I were to do it again, this would be the style, only with a more up-to-date description.
Speaking of which, let me show you how I currently actually handle them.
First of all, some meme posts.
My first attempt at an updated meme post was in early August.
Back then, I was still convinced that people find links to external information sources cumbersome and inconvenient to the point of being not accessible and uninclusive, and that they wanted everything explained in the post.
So I did. And I ended up with a whopping nine explanations:
All so that everyone in the Fediverse would easily have a chance to understand the meme post.
However, these nine explanations are over 25,000 characters long. The last two explanations are half of it.
I couldn't really imagine that everyone actually wanted to wade through so much text in one place. I couldn't really imagine that the six meme explanations in the post should be more accessible than which, through its own links, would explain stuff like snowclones as well.
And so I ran a couple of weeks ago. Call the poll rigged because I mentioned which way of explaining a meme would end up with how many estimated characters. I call it honest.
Without the character count, I guess just about everyone would have wanted me to explain everything in the post. That is, Mastodon users would have wanted me to explain everything in the alt-text Mastodon does everything image-related in alt-text because that's how Mastodon does it, and because you can't do much with only 500 characters.
But with the character count, nobody wanted me to explain things in the post. Not if that meant 10,000+ characters.
As you wish. So I switched to linking what I could possibly link.
My next meme post, was very simple, so one link to KnowYourMeme for the meme template was sufficient. Otherwise, it went with no explanation at all.
required an explanation for the image itself, but in addition to that, a link to KnowYourMeme was enough.
, my latest meme post, required some more explanation and a few more links. I had to explain the whole situation which the meme references.
The explanation had to include a very brief explanation of (streams) because the link to the streams repository (no. 3 out of a whole lot of links) isn't informative enough for someone who barely knows the Fediverse beyond Mastodon.
Firefish required a short explanation of the situation plus a link to the EOL announcement plus a link to the official Firefish repository plus a link to the official Firefish lighthouse instance.
/kbin required another short explanation of the situation plus a link to the repository to show for how long it has been abandoned plus a link to the dead website plus a link to the dead lighthouse instance plus a link to a post on Lemmy that gives some more insight.
In addition, at the top, there are two links to KnowYourMeme because I've combined two memes.
I could say that I've got meme posts down pat now. It only gets a bit difficult if I have to explain some more in the post because there are no external explanations for certain aspects of the post available. But I don't have to re-phrase entire KnowYourMeme pages anymore since people have voted against it.
My original in-world images are trickier because they work differently.
For one, they require much, much more detailed visual descriptions. Meme posts based on known and established templates hardly require any visual description. My in-world images, on the other hand, I have to re-paint with words because everything in them may be interesting for someone out there.
There also tends to be more text to transcribe. The basic rule is, "If there's text in the image, it must be transcribed." The rule does not handle any edge-cases, so I assume they have to be transcribed, too, if I can transcribe them. And I can. And "important within the context" doesn't apply if the image itself is the context.
Besides, they require much, much more explanation by me. There are far more things about them that the average casual on-looker is unfamiliar with. Thus, they have to be explained. But there are far fewer useful explanations for them readily available on the Web, if any. And before I force people to scrape together useful and comprehensible information from , I rather explain OpenSim myself in a way that people understand right away. And with fewer characters for more useful content.
I've written an article about this: .
My most recent OpenSim image post here on Hubzilla is from around April. It's only slightly outdated.
In numbers, it has

The post is an absolute monster. It's my second-longest post to date. grew even longer at over 78,000 characters I wrote it a year ago, and it contains three highly detailed images. But none of the image descriptions in that post manage to exceed 60,000 characters. And this post only has faint traces of a description preamble. Also, it places each description below the corresponding image.
This excessive size is one of the reasons why I considered parking the description someplace else.
My most recent OpenSim image post went to (streams) two months ago. .
It contains two images, and yet, it's much shorter. I've managed to reduce the necessary description effort by reducing the scenery in both images as much as I possibly could. Also, both images show the same avatar in the same outfit which I only had to describe and explain once.
This time, I put both images below one another in one block. The image descriptions are their own block right below. Also, this time, the preamble with common explanations for both images is the largest part, also because it contains the common description and explanation of the avatar for both images.
In this case, this was simply the easiest way to do it because both images have so much in common. However, this does not translate well to individual image descriptions per image, linked below the images themselves. If I were to do that, each image description would have to contain all necessary description elements and all necessary explanations. It might largely end up copy-paste, but still.
This was easy to do for another reason: The actual post text is only one block. The images are separate from it.
Now, however, I'm planning to write a blog-style post with up to four images within the post text, as in surrounded by post text above and below. I want to write a few things about the images that are not image description in the alt-text/accessibility sense. And that has to be close to each individual image.
This excludes individual long image descriptions per image right below each image. This also makes a big image description block at the end inconvenient because the described images would be so far away from their descriptions.
And that's why I considered putting the raw image descriptions into external documents without, however, completely overthrowing my way of describing images. I've honed it to a high level of quality over almost two years, improving my description style from post to post. And I'm fully aware just how detailed image descriptions for images from virtual worlds have to be.
I just need to find a way to make it work with a blog-style post with several images embedded within the actual post, both without ripping the post apart by placing humongous chunks of image descriptions into it and without placing the descriptions too far from the images within the post.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Memes #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMetaIch schtze, am liebsten wrde auch Heise seine Instanz dichtmachen und dann immer und berall behaupten, das Fediverse sei ja eh tot, weil es fr "die Leute" viel zu kompliziert ist. Dann bruchte man sich nicht mehr drum zu kmmern und knnte es komplett ignorieren, wie sie es schon seit sptestens 2012 mit diaspora* tun.
Wre da nicht , der sich wirklich engagiert, der auch mal in Dialog tritt, der auch mal experimentiert, der wahrscheinlich alleine fr mehr Traffic sorgt als die ganze Schweizer Regierungsinstanz insgesamt.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMetaScott M. Stolz Disadvantages:

It's basically option 3, but even worse.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta
Another alternative would be to deactivate activity pub (optional) (because it is toxic) and rely on the Diaspora / DFRN.

This would basically create three parallel "Fediverses".
One, the ActivityPub-based one which could be considered "bugged" and illegal as per GDPR because data sniffers would be everywhere.
This part of the Fediverse would quickly wither away and die for one sole reason: Mastodon, which makes up over 70% of today's Fediverse, is developed in Germany, and, which makes up over 20% of today's Fediverse, is hosted in Germany. Germany is a member of the EU and thus GDPR area. In fact, Germany was a driving force behind GDPR. Mastodon, in its entirety, would basically become illegal in its own country. Unless, of course, Gargron took the step to move Mastodon over to the USA entirely and shutter Mastodon gGmbH.
Two, the "safe" Social Web based on the diaspora* protocol and consisting of diaspora* itself, Friendica, Hubzilla and Socialhome. Many users of the latter three (if Friendica still offers this option, and if Socialhome introduces it) will turn ActivityPub off and cut off all ties to the ActivityPub-based Fediverse.
Three, the "even safer" nomadic grid of Hubzilla and (streams), based on the Zot6 protocol. Both definitely do allow ActivityPub being off, and on Hubzilla, it is off on new channels by default.
I guess both would feel quite some relief when they are no longer bound to a "Fediquette" defined entirely by Mastodon users who barely or not at all know that the Fediverse is not only Mastodon. Especially the several public Hubzilla hubs in Germany, including the two biggest ones, would be quick to turn ActivityPub off on a hub level because leaving it on would be illegal suddenly.
I'm not sure what'd happen to Mike Macgirvin 's latest fork, Forte, which is (streams) with Nomad and Zot6 removed and nothing but ActivityPub. On the one hand, like (streams), it has an unparalleled permissions system. On the other hand, ActivityPub itself would become inherently unsafe. Besides, even something as basic as direct messages aren't necessarily that private if Pleroma admins can choose to circumvent direct message privacy on a per-instance level. And yes, Pleroma has that option.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Pleroma #diaspora* #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Forte #Zot #Zot6 #GDPR

Dolphins In Depth: Dolphins hosting QB audition, working to find next starter

for Long, : National Weather Service: WARNING in this area until 9:30 PM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Charleston SC , ** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***

for Long, : Warning issued September 26 at 9:03PM EDT until September 26 at 9:30PM EDT by NWS Charleston SC Source: NWS Charleston SC , ** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***

for Liberty, , , : National Weather Service: WARNING in this area until 11:45 AM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Charleston SC ** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***

Make fake documents just for fun. Births