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Dolphins in Depth: After Tyreek Hills

Dolphins in Depth: After Tyreek Hills deal, whats next for the Dolphins

This would only work Fediverse-wide if the whole Fediverse was only Mastodon. Which it isn't and has never been.
Different Fediverse projects may have different ways of adding images to posts and alt-texts to images. Sometimes, they don't translate to Mastodon, so Mastodon users don't even notice.
The best examples would be Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams). Their preferred way of adding images to posts is the website/blog way: Upload the image to the file space integrated in your account/channel, then embed it in the post, inline, using markup code. However, Mastodon doesn't support inline images and "sanitises" them away, so these three have to convert the inline images into file attachments just for Mastodon.
If it was possible to add alt-text to someone else's pictures, Mastodon would not only have to send the alt-text back to the source, but Friendica/Hubzilla/(streams) would then have to remember where the particular image is embedded in the post (there's no limit for how many pictures you can embed in a Friendica/Hubzilla/(streams) post, by the way) and weave the alt-text into the markup code in the post.
This means that anyone on Mastodon would be granted permission to at least try and alter other people's posts, even if it's only indirectly. Not to mention that this would require modifications to Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) as well, and how very complicated the whole process would be.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta Long

Dolphins in Depth: Can Jaelan Phillips gain the clearance he needs to practice

Sen. (I-Vt.),
Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP),
today introduced legislation to address the
that is affecting more than 22 million adults and 1 million children across the United States
and millions more around the globe.

The Long COVID Research Moonshot Act of 2024 provides $1 billion in mandatory funding per year for 10 years to the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
to support long COVID research,
the urgent pursuit of treatments,
and the expansion of care for patients across the country. 

Joining Sanders on the legislation are Sens. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Tina Smith (D-Minn.), and Peter Welch (D-Vt)

This legislation is endorsed by more than 45 organizations,
Mount Sinai Health System,
Infectious Diseases Society of America,
National Partnership for Women and Families,
Solve M.E.,
Long COVID Alliance,
Body Politic,
Patient-Led Research Collaborative,
COVID-19 Longhauler Advocacy Project,
and Marked by COVID.

A comes a

Hochul announces $17.2 million for local social services statewide
Hochul announced $17.2 million for social services departments across New York to hire new staff and update resources for poor families


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categories: NY Capitol News Health Hochul Administration News Political News Politics Top Stories Top Video Video Capital Region Central New York Disability Domestic Violence Family-Centered Services Initiative financial stability Finger Lakes Homelessness Kathy Hochul Long Island Mental Health mid-hudson valley Mohawk Valley New York City New York Public Welfare Association North Country Paul Brady safety net Social Services Southern Tier Substance Abuse welfare Western New York
language: en-US
sourcedescription: Your Local News Leader
sourceimagetitle: NEWS10 ABC
sourcetitle: NEWS10 ABC
summary: Hochul announced $17.2 million for social services departments acros...
time: 2024-08-02T20:12:12Z
title: Hochul announces $17.2 million for local social services statewide

Good thing Friendica, Hubzilla and the streams repository work so much differently.
For starters, unlike Mastodon, Pixelfed and probably others, the instance cannot force-delete your content against your will. Not your posts and not the images and other files in your file storage either. You and you alone decide what's being deleted when, if at all.
Posts and DMs from outside are being deleted after a certain period. You can shorten it for yourself. But when you have interacted with something (replied to it, liked it, starred it, repeated it, saved it in a folder), it will not be deleted.
Comments from outside are only automatically deleted along with the posts they comment on. On Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams), you are the owner of the whole thread following any of your posts, all comments included, and you decide what'll happen to the comments. If you don't delete the post or have it automatically deleted, all comments will persist along with the post unless you manually delete them independently from the post, one by one.
Unfortunately, this does not translate to Mastodon which entirely relies on downloading and caching everything. So even if you keep your posts and your pictures and everything indefinitely, Mastodon instances will eventually purge them from their caches.
Vice-versa, while Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) keep copies of posts, comments and DMs, they don't cache images and hotlink them instead. So when an image is purged from a Mastodon or Pixelfed instance, they can't show it anymore either because it's gone at the source.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) Das ist eben eine fiese Kombination.
99% der Fediverse-Neuzugnge der letzten zweieinhalb Jahre wurden einfach mit einem Link auf eine Instanz nach Mastodon geholt, ohne da ihnen erklrt wurde, was das ist. Auer "literarisch Twitter ohne Musk" oder so. Die wuten doch zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht mal, da es das Fediverse gibt.
Nicht wenige wissen bis heute nicht, da das Fediverse mehr als Mastodon ist. Andere werden sich wohl nie dran gewhnen, weil sie es erst erfahren haben, als sie sich schon zu sehr an ein Nur-Mastodon-Fediverse gewhnt haben.
Und dann kommt eben dazu, da Mastodon-User nicht erkennen knnen, woher ein Post kommt. Ich meine, selbst dann, wenn man einen Post an seinem Ursprung aufmacht, sofern das eigene Frontend das kann, ist es nicht immer sofort klar, was da am Ursprung luft. Nicht alles reibt einem das unter die Nase wie Misskey oder einige Forkeys.
Und so hast du haufenweise Leute, die "Fediverse" und "Mastodon" gleichbedeutend und austauschbar benutzen und nichts dabei sehen.
Du hast Leute, die sich alles Mgliche an Fortschritten fr "das Fediverse" wnschen, damit meinen, die sollen nur in Mastodon implementiert werden, und sich einen Dreck darum scheren, ob das auch mit dem Rest des Fediverse kompatibel ist.
Du hast sagenhaft viele Leute, die mit absoluter Sicherheit sagen knnen, da das Fediverse jetzt im Moment keine Quote-Posts kann. Und die Ziegelsteine kacken drften, wenn du sie daraufhin quote-postest, und nervse Zuckungen in Richtung Block-Button bekommen.
Du hast sehr wohl Leute, die in einer reinen Mastodon-Blase leben. Aber du hast auch Leute, die genau das nicht tun, es aber gar nicht wissen, weil sie's nicht merken, weil selbst ihre Misskey- und Friendica-Kontakte aus unerfindlichen Grnden nicht aus dem Rahmen fallen.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #NichtNurMastodon

From 18 Jul: Long COVID rates have declined, especially among the vaccinated, study finds - Enlarge / Long covid activists attend the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Hea... -10-vaccines -19 -covid -cov-2

Dolphins in Depth: Can the Dolphins become the bullies of the AFC

jayrope That's because Mastodon users were generally promised paradise when they were still on the Birdsite. And they got used to being mollycoddled all around.
Give them tools of self-empowerment, and they won't use them and demand to be coddled some more. I mean, it isn't like Mastodon gives you no means of self-defence at all. But some people don't even seem to be able or willing to mute or block anyone. And I'm not convinced that they're all stuck with a mobile app that only offers the absolute bare basics.
And then there are those who came via Friendica to Hubzilla or (streams). Give them a dozen permission settings and a half, and they'll go to the code repository and ask for more.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #PermissionsLooks like a purely Mastodon solution for racism and harassment on Mastodon is being sought in this thread.
On the one hand, I think such threads need some more insight from outside Mastodon.
On the other hand, I think nobody in this thread really wants to know how things are outside Mastodon. Or, in fact, outside their own instance. They want solutions for Mastodon, for the instances they are on right now themselves. Without having to take the rest of the Fediverse into consideration.
Just to state the obvious:
Any moderation system like Mastodons that regularly lets through the kind of sewage that has been highlighting is a moderation system that is failing.
Full stop.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #Racism #CWRacism #Harassment #CWHarassment #QuotePost #QuoteToot #QuoteBoost #FediverseSafety Allow me to answer with another question for clarification:
What kinds of counter-measures would be acceptable
If you asked me, which no-one has yet and probably no-one ever will, I'd say, "Forget Mastodon and look at other places in the Fediverse. The Fediverse is more than Mastodon."
I tend to get a whole lot of backlash for this alone. If people don't want to ditch the Fediverse altogether, they tend to cling to Mastodon for their dear lives. No matter how racist Mastodon itself turns out to be, no matter how much racist harassment comes from within Mastodon, the typical assumption is that everything else out there in the Fediverse is even worse.
It's next to impossible to argue against the existence of Nazi instances on Pleroma. Even though Pleroma isn't even that big in the Fediverse. And even though not everyone on Pleroma is a Nazi.
Also, whatever I'd suggest doesn't do what I guess many see as the minimum feasible solution: purge any and all racism from the Fediverse for all time. I'm being realistic here: That won't happen. Not until racism is purged from this entire ball of rock once and for all.
So anything I could possibly suggest is something that helps shield members of marginalised groups from hate-speech against them. Or rather helps them shield themselves. That doesn't coddle them, but that empowers them. And that does so a lot better than Mastodon.
Still, this is difficult because what I'd suggest is very obscure. And again, what marginalised people don't know, they don't trust.
It's hard enough already to put trust in help offered by a middle-aged white cis-het male, especially when you're under attack so much that you've come to the conclusion that the concept of allies doesn't exist.
In fact, I expect this post to drive a few more Mastodon users to block me or even the entire instance that I'm on.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #FediverseSafety Es gibt ja ein , in dem so einiges steht, auch Technisches.
Das IndieWeb zhlt auch Fediverse-Protokolle und -Projekte zu sich, verwendet aber primr eigene Standards.
Wer allerdings eine Facebook-Alternative sucht, ist aktuell ziemlich gut auf Friendica aufgehoben, das ist schon seit 14 Jahren im Fediverse.
Oder man probiert (streams), das ist vom Friendica-Erfinder, am Ende einer langen Reihe von Forks und Friendica ganz hnlich, aber fortschrittlicher und andererseits nicht mit Friendicas vielen Verbindungsmglichkeiten.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Streams #(streams) #IndieWeb

With Tuas contract drama behind it, Dolphins focus needs to be defense

Such safety improvements cannot and must not come from within Mastodon.
For if they did, it would be non-standard, proprietary, undocumented, Mastodon-exclusive solutions that anything that isn't vanilla Mastodon or a soft fork would hardly be able to adopt themselves and oftentimes not willing either. Fediverse devs are turning away from allowing Mastodon to take control over the development of the Fediverse by introducing more and more non-standard, Mastodon-exclusive stuff.
Even worse: If these were Mastodon-only solutions, they might lead to two possible outcomes. One, since the rest of the Fediverse won't support them, the rest of the Fediverse would easily be able to circumvent them. Routinely even. See "quote-toot opt-in". Remember that almost everything in the Fediverse that's an alternative to Twitter and/or Facebook has quote-posts readily available and can quote-post any Mastodon toot right now.
Two, an unbridgeable rift through the Fediverse as Mastodon splits everything that isn't Mastodon itself off. This could be because Mastodon makes itself incompatible with everything else in the Fediverse by introducing new mandatory features that everything else doesn't support. Or it could be because new rules come with new features that demand the use of these features at instance level, and instances that don't use these features will be Fediblocked. Only that nothing that isn't vanilla Mastodon is even able to use these features.
For these reasons, such safety advancements must never be Mastodon developments.
Instead, they must come from the ActivityPub side. And there are things in development right now which, if actually implemented, will increase security in the Fediverse tremendously.
Specifically, what I mean is what Mike Macgirvin is working on right now, the guy who invented Friendica, nomadic identity and Hubzilla, and who has created and is maintaining streams repository/url which contains the probably most advanced Fediverse server application of all.
He wants to bring not only nomadic identity to native ActivityPub, but also (streams)' extensive, fine-grained, powerful system of permissions which would then be understood not only amongst (streams) and Hubzilla, but all across the Fediverse amongst those projects that implement them.
Imagine being able to post only to the members of a specific list. Imagine these posts being unable to ever leave the list, save for copy-pasting or screenshots.
Imagine being able to choose which ones of your connections shall be allowed to see your posts. Or send you posts. Or reply to your posts. Or send you DMs. Or see your followers and followeds.
Imagine being able to define permission roles, pre-configured sets of permissions, and assign one of these to each one of your connections.
Imagine being able to set your entire account to post only to your followers by default.
Imagine being able to deny everyone the permission to reply to a certain post of yours. Imagine being able to only allow your connections to reply to a certain post of yours. Imagine being able to limit the timespan within which a post of yours can be replied to. Only if that post isn't a reply itself, but still.
Imagine being able to wall up your account, but without walling it up against everyone by only walling it up against certain people.
Sounds like utter science-fiction. But all this is available on (streams) right now.
Granted, it does not provide absolute, 100% water-tight safety against everything. Like comparable with a shielding that wouldn't even let one neutrino through in ten billion years. But as much such perfect security is desired, as impossible it is. Not unless e.g. the Black community creates an exclusive, walled-garden safe space whose aspiring members must be validated by meeting an admin or moderator in real life, eye to eye, to prove that they're actually Black. Sorry, but everything else can and will be circumvented to attack and harass them.
Also, yes, this permission system is not as easy-peasy to handle as the official Twitter mobile app. And it currently comes with a fairly cumbersome UI. That's because, as of now, it only works with (streams)' Nomad protocol and, within certain limitations, the Zot6 protocol used by Hubzilla which has a similar set of permission controls.
I mean, I'd love to see a "Black (streams)" come into existence with a bunch of instances of its own and flourish. For one, (streams) has better chances to be a (fairly) safe haven than Mastodon. Besides, this would give (streams) the publicity it so much needs, especially if Black (streams) started thriving after Black Mastodon has failed so spectacularly.
But let's face it, it's more cumbersome to use in comparison with Mastodon than Mastodon is in comparison with Twitter, also because (streams) is the descendant of a Facebook alternative rather than a Twitter clone. And if you're on a phone, it's either a PWA or a Web browser because there's no (streams) app.
Good news, however: As far as I can see, Mike's goal is to implement all this in ActivityPub with FEPs so that any pure ActivityPub project can adopt it. Friendica can adopt it, fairly easily even because Friendica is (streams)' earliest predecessor. Misskey and its forks can adopt it, and these projects are chock-full of LGBTQIA+ people. Everything can adopt it.
Unfortunately, implementing it in ActivityPub so it works nearly the same as on (streams) will be easier than pressuring Mastodon into implementing that stuff.
Lastly, there's one feature of Hubzilla and (streams) that won't make it to ActivityPub because it can't. And that's the ability to turn ActivityPub support off altogether, both for users at channel level and for admins at instance level.
One flick of a switch, and the entirety of Mastodon is blocked. All of it. As is Threads. As are the various Mastodon forks, Pleroma, Akkoma, Misskey, the various Misskey forks, Mitra,, Socialhome, Pixelfed, the entire Threadiverse etc. etc., and if you're on (streams), even Friendica and GoToSocial.
But if you are on ActivityPub, that wouldn't make any sense to be able to do.
CC, FYI because you've participated in the thread:
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #ActivityPub #Permissions #FediverseSafety
I can See the Text, But not the images. Instead: access restricted.

Should be fixed now.
I also have no idea how to follow the Account from Mastodon

Before following me, notice this:
My (streams) channel is strictly limited to OpenSim image posts in topic.
I won't post about the Fediverse, and I won't post about real life either, only OpenSim. Probably mostly portraits and memes.

So here's how you could follow it:
If you're on a mobile app, there probably is no one-tap or two-tap follow from a (streams) channel in your browser to whatever app you're using.
You could do as follows:

If that should fail, here are the address and the ID as raw text for you to copy and paste:

If that should fail, too, here's my (streams) channel mentioned:
Jupiter Rowland's (streams) outlet
In case even that fails, here's my (streams) channel mentioned, but the mention is hacked to look like a Mastodon mention (may be less likely to work):

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Streams #(streams)OSgrid is celebrating its 17th birthday, and I took the opportunity for a first image post on my (streams) channel, showing two pictures of my in-world sister, Juno Rowland.
This time, for experimental purposes, I'm going to link directly to the post. I may link to my channel instead next time. I'll have to find a way of notifying Mastodon users of new posts on (streams) without Mastodon generating a preview image without eye contact.
However, as long as nobody on Mastodon is following my (streams) channel, I can't test what Mastodon does with my (streams) posts themselves. (Beware if you want to follow my (streams) channel: It is limited in topic to OpenSim. No Fediverse stuff, no real-life stuff, only OpenSim.)
(Content warning: eye contact)
Happy 17th birthday, OSgrid!
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Streams #(streams) #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #GridAnniversary #OSgrid #OSG17B
Mastodon has a limit of 1500 Charakters for Image descriptions and that is a Hard limit.

I know from personal experience.
I know that Mastodon truncates longer alt-text at the 1,500-character mark and throws the excessive characters away for good.
But this limit only applies to alt-text.
And this may come as a total surprise to you, but: You can put an image description elsewhere than the alt-text. For example, in the post text body itself.
That's difficult on vanilla Mastodon with its 500-character limit. But everywhere else, you have either a higher character limit for posts than for alt-text or no character limit at all.
So my strategy is:

This way, I have a full, detailed image description that should satisfy everyone's needs for information in the post. And I have a separate, different, shorter image description in the alt-text to try and satisfy those who demand there always be a sufficiently useful image description in the alt-text, no exceptions, no matter what.
There are basically two types of "Image description" that are not only useless But Actually offensive: copying the Text of the toot as the Image description and using the File Name of the Image as Image description.

That wasn't even what I was talking about.
I suspect the former to be automatically done by some Mastodon smartphone apps.
The latter may automatically be done by other Mastodon smartphone apps. And I know for a fact that Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) do it if you attach images to posts as files "the Mastodon way". You have to embed images "the blog way", manually edit the embedding code and add your own alt-text to prevent this from happening.
But I was talking about something different.
I was talking about, on the one hand, people saying, "Just write some alt-text. It's done in, like, 30 seconds even on a phone. Any alt-text is better than no alt-text."
And on the other hand, other people come with alt-text guides for all kinds of stuff that isn't Mastodon and imply that these guides have to be followed to a tee, full stop.
In addition, there are people who want even more stuff in Fediverse alt-text than what's written in any of the "how to alt-text on your website/blog" guides.
So on the one hand, you have those whose goal it is for all pictures posted in the Fediverse to at least have some halfway useful alt-text.
On the other hand, you have those whose goal it is for all these alt-texts to be of higher quality and with a higher level of detail than any alt-text on any professional scientific Web site.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta The problem is two-fold.

For one, posts from Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) come in with no Mastodon-style content warnings.
There are two reasons for this. One of the reasons is because neither has a dedicated text field labelled, "Content Warning" or "CW". Mastodon itself didn't invent it from scratch it repurposed the comment field introduced by StatusNet in 2008.
Hubzilla still has a comment field, but only for posts. But on Hubzilla, posts are never replies. A reply is not a post, but a comment. Comments have their own entry fields, just like on Facebook or a blog. But Hubzilla doesn't have a summary field for comments. I mean, who'd give a summary for a blog comment So from Hubzilla's POV, it doesn't make sense.
But this lack of a summary field for comments makes it impossible for Hubzilla users to add Mastodon-style CWs to replies. Otherwise, I would have put this comment behind multiple CWs.
It doesn't help that Hubzilla has both a title field and a summary field for posts. It's often unclear which one is Mastodon's CW field. Some people "know" from hearsay that it's the title field, and they put their CW into the title field. But it isn't the title field, and the post ends up on Mastodon with no CW.
As for Friendica and (streams), neither even has a summary field. Both have done away with it. Friendica has the abstract/abstract or abstract=apub/abstract BBcode tag pairs. They were introduced as part of the feature to have separate abstracts for ActivityPub and Twitter which Friendica still technically is connected to. I'm not sure, but I think these tags aren't advertised in the post editor as Mastodon CWs. So people are still tempted to put the CW into the title field, and Mastodon ends up rendering the whole post as only the title plus a link to the original on Friendica.
(streams) has the summary/summary BBcode tag pair. Unless you activate the WYSIWYG post editor, and doing so is anything but straight-forward, you have no buttons whatsoever for most BBcode tags. You have to type them in manually. And since (streams) hardly has any end-user documentation, the existence and function of these tags is only communicated via hearsay.
And again, people may be tempted to put the CW into the title field, but with the same result as on Mastodon: The title is ignored, and the post appears with no CW.

But beyond these technical differences to Mastodon, there are also cultural differences.
All three have an optional feature named "NSFW". It's basically a simple text filter in addition to the regular filters that only does one thing: It hides posts, comments and DMs behind automatically generated content warnings.
Once it's activated, it's dead-simple to use because its configuration is limited to a text field in which the user can enter keywords. Hubzilla, for example, has it pre-filled with "nsfw" and "contentwarning", but anyone can edit it to their heart's desire. This way, everyone can have the content warnings they need without having content warnings they don't need forced upon them, save for occasional false positives.
If you ask a Friendica or Hubzilla or (streams) user who hasn't only just switched over from Mastodon, they'll tell you that NSFW is vastly better than Mastodon's abuse of the summary field for CWs.
Also, this feature isn't new. It's older than Mastodon's CWs. In fact, it's older than Mastodon. It's deeply engrained in the culture of all three, just like using the summary field for CWs without even knowing it's actually a summary field is deeply engrained in Mastodon's culture.
A Mastodon user would put "USpol" in the CW field.
A Hubzilla user would put "#USPol #USPolitics #"US Politics"" at the bottom of their post.
On the other hand, a Mastodon user would usually not double their CWs with hashtags because filters aren't part of Mastodon's culture. Mastodon users won't scold other Mastodon users for omitting filter-triggering hashtags.
Just the same, a Hubzilla user would usually not put a Mastodon-style CW into the summary field. In posts or DMs, they feel it's feature abuse, and it's unnecessary, seeing as how vastly better NSFW is. Or they simply don't know where a Mastodon-style CW would go. In comments, they simply can't.
Thus, there will be two things that will disturb Mastodon users about these posts from Hubzilla.
One, no CW where they feel there should be one.
Two, almost just as bad, an excessive amount of hashtags.
Many Mastodon users don't want there to be more than four hashtags or so anywhere in any post. They sometimes go as far as blocking users who put "too many" hashtags in a post upon first strike.
Mastodon is actively trying to force its culture upon the whole Fediverse. And it is actively trying to force non-Mastodon users to give up their own culture and even their particular technological features if Mastodon doesn't have them.
One reason for this is the widespread unawareness of how different the various places in the Fediverse are.
My estimation is that every other Mastodon user "knows" that the Fediverse is only Mastodon. This includes people who have joined Mastodon immediately after Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter in late October, 2022. They have been around for over a year and a half, and they still think "Mastodon" and "Fediverse" mean exactly the same.
The vast majority of the rest only knows about the existence of something else out there plus a few names, but neither what it really is, what it does, and how it works. They assume that everything else is basically an alternative graphical frontend for Mastodon, and it works exactly the same as Mastodon, save for maybe allowing for more characters.
That, and most of them still think the Fediverse started with Mastodon, and everything that isn't Mastodon was bolted onto Mastodon as an add-on.
So if a post from Friendica or Hubzilla or (streams) finds its way onto Mastodon, of the users who come across it,

Altogether, of 1,000 Mastodon users who see this post, 999 think it comes from something that works no different from Mastodon. And they're highly irritated about this post completely going against Mastodon's culture and the "Fediquette" (which is only geared towards Mastodon anyway).
So they try to force the Friendica/Hubzilla/(streams) user behind this post to add CWs to whatever they personally think needs to be CW'd.
Regardless of how "not straight-forward" adding a Mastodon-style CWs is for the particular user, all the way to "technologically completely impossible".
At the same time, they try to force the Friendica/Hubzilla/(streams) user to reduce the number of hashtags under their posts to four.
They don't know that this NSFW feature exists. They don't know that there's any culture in the Fediverse that has word-filter-induced, reader-side CWs engrained into it. They don't even know that such a feature exists, even if Mastodon itself has introduced it in late 2023.
They neither know nor care that they're forcing Friendica and Hubzilla users to abolish a feature that both have had for longer than Mastodon itself has even existed.
They really don't care. The Fediverse is all Mastodon now, Mastodon is the biggest, Mastodon was here first (it actually wasn't, but everyone believes it was), and everything else has to be Mastodon, too, full stop.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #CW #CWs #ContentWarning #ContentWarnings #CWMeta #ContentWarningMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #NotOnlyMastodon #FediverseIsNotMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse It doesn't help at all that Mastodon's content warning culture is both developed, cultivated, educated and enforced with the mindset that either the Fediverse is only Mastodon and nothing else, or everything in the Fediverse that isn't Mastodon was made after Mastodon and works exactly like Mastodon. (I hope your reaction wasn't, "Wait, it isn't, and it doesn't!")
And then you have Mastodon users who get all riled up when a post or reply comes in from Friendica or Hubzilla or (streams) with no Mastodon-style CW at all and, to add to the "insult", more than the seemingly agreed-upon limit of four hashtags at the end. As if it wasn't bad enough that it's unabashedly over 500 characters long.
Good thing I don't post about real life at all, so I don't post about US politics either, at least not in public. But I've got my share of things I need to warn people about which go on their nerves. I do add Mastodon-style CWs to posts which aren't replies (can't do that on replies), but I also add loads of corresponding hashtags to trigger people's filters and NSFW apps.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #CW #CWs #ContentWarning #ContentWarnings #CWMeta #ContentWarningMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #NotOnlyMastodon #FediverseIsNotMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse
Filters aren't a replacement for CWs, nor should they be. Same goes for hashtags. They're not intended to fulfil the same functions.

On Friendica and Hubzilla, they literally do exactly that. And they have been doing that since before Mastodon was made.
Friendica was launched in July, 2010, five and a half years before Mastodon. Hubzilla came to exist in March, 2015, ten months before Mastodon. Both still exist. I'm commenting from Hubzilla right now. Mastodon has been federated with both continuously since it was launched itself.
You can't force either to a) adopt Mastodon's culture (by doing CWs the Mastodon way) and b) give up their own culture which is older than Mastodon's (by no longer catering to their own automatically generated CWs).
In fact, Friendica doesn't even have a text field that corresponds to Mastodon's CW anymore. You have to program CWs into your posts and comments from a Mastodon user's point of view (abstractYour content warning goes here/abstract). And Hubzilla has no means at all whatsoever to add Mastodon-style CWs to comments (= replies).
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #CW #CWs #ContentWarning #ContentWarnings #CWMeta #ContentWarningMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla #NotOnlyMastodon #FediverseIsNotMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverseThey say any alt-text is better than no alt-text.
It has to be useful alt-text. Certain information must be in it.
Unless it's a digital photograph, tell people the medium.
Always keep in mind who may come across your image post when describing your image. What might they know, and what might they want to know By the way, yes, this includes people who randomly discover your post in their federated timeline while looking for nothing special.
You can't just mention something being in the image. You must describe what it looks like.
Sizes must never be described in absolute measures, always in comparison with something everyone is familiar with, ideally the height of a person or the sizes of certain body parts.
Unless it's classified or covered by someone's privacy, always mention where an image was taken. If you can't safely assume that everyone who comes across your post is familiar with that place, explain it.
Any persons you've mentioned being in the image

Any text anywhere in the image You must transcribe it 100% verbatim. All of it.
Colours, even if named, must always be described using a few basic colours plus brightness plus saturation.
Do not use any technical language, special terminology, jargon or abbreviations. If you absolutely have to, always explain each of them in such a way that everyone understands them with zero prior knowledge. This does not explicitly exclude transcripts of text in your image.
In general, if there's something in your image that average people outside your bubble may not understand, explain it so they will.
And yes, all this has to go into the alt-text because that's how it's done on Mastodon. It's done this way on Mastodon due to its low default character limit, but still, it's done this way.
...So much about describing any image only taking two minutes and 200 characters tops. And then people wonder why I break the last rule and put super-massive image descriptions into the post that took me a day or more to write.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta
he no images at all choice looms really large.

People can do without my images.
Nobody profits if there are no pictures.

But nobody is discriminated against either.
And I'm neither lectured for not doing something that I've previously taken to greater extremes than anyone else in the Fediverse, nor am I attacked for being ableist, nor am I being muted or blocked for not providing accessibility.
Spending two days on a 60,000-character image description neatly hidden behind a Mastodon-style content warning is less likely to get me lectured, attacked, muted or blocked than not providing any image description.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta In the case of the pictures I post, I guess everyone would profit from a description except for a few dozen people in the Fediverse who actually have at least a rough idea what I've posted there.
I guess the actual issue is image description/alt-text standards that assume that all pictures fall into maybe half a dozen categories, and my images being edge-cases that lead to absolutely enormous descriptions if the standards are applied too them.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMetaI'd like to post a picture from the 17th OSgrid birthday. Or several. If only I could find one motive that I could realistically describe.
But even when I find something that seems halfway simple enough to not take several days to describe, I hit an obstacle while going through the image description in my mind. And I end up not even taking any pictures.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #OSgrid #OSG17B #VirtualEvent #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta
Alttext ist ein anderes Thema. Schwierig.

Das liegt auch zum einen daran, da Alt-Text-Erklrungen im wesentlichen von wenigen Standardfllen ausgehen und in Spezialsituationen an ihre Grenzen kommen. Das kenne ich selbst.
Zum anderen geht keine davon ein auf die besondere Situation im Fediverse, wo immer wieder von Mastodon aus sehr hohe Anforderungen an Bildbeschreibungen kommen, geschweige denn darauf, da der Rest des Fediverse ganz andere Mglichkeiten zum Beschreiben von Bildern hat als Mastodon mit seinem fast allgegenwrtigen 500-Zeichen-Limit fr Posts.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #Bildbeschreibung #Bildbeschreibungen #BildbeschreibungenMeta #CWBildbeschreibungenMeta Then my method would be not only a visual description of the image, but also a more than simple explanation.
I'd mention the meme template used. Then I'd explain it.
If it's a snowclone, I'd explain what a snowclone is. If it's an advice animal, I'd explain what an advice animal is. If it uses Wojaks, I'd explain them. And so forth.
Wherever it originated, I'd explain that place as well because I can't expect it to be common knowledge.
Afterwards, I'd explain the source material and how and why it was adapted for that particular meme template.
The idea behind this effort is for nobody to have to Google or ask me anything or read up on stuff outside the post to be able to understand any meme image I post, no matter how far their prior knowledge may or may not go.
Once I've got the basics down, I'd explain how that meme template carries the message it's supposed to carry.
I'm not quite sure if I'd give the visual description first, then the text transcripts, then the explanations or rather the explanations first, then the visual description, then the text transcripts.
That is, either way, I myself would only give a visual description plus text transcripts in alt-text, and I'd put the long, detailed variant into the post text body. Again, no text limit for posts here.
I think I actually have to post a meme and describe it the way I envision it so that people really see what I mean.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta I've read somewhere that it's actually good style to explain the whole meme in an image description. I've understood this as giving a full, KnowYourMeme-level description, but not relying on external links unlike KnowYourMeme.
However, explanations in alt-text are a big no-no. Not everyone can access alt-text, and those who can't access alt-text can't access explanations exclusively available in alt-text either. So explanations have to go into the post itself.
This, in turn, is likely to clash with character limits. I could do it, I don't have any character limit. But most Mastodon users only have 500 characters at their disposal, minus the actual post text, minus hashtags, minus content warning, minus mentions if any. And even the 1,500 characters available in each alt-text wouldn't necessarily be necessarily sufficient for this level of detail, were they "allowed" to be used for explanations.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta

It didn't take for the hate to spill over.

Vice President suffered similar attacks in 2020, when internet focused on her , her and her parents background

Aber ich denke mal, auch fr dich wird eine Bildbeschreibung irgendwann zu lang und zu ausfhrlich werden.
Meine letzte Bildbeschreibung war bisher auch meine lngste. Die lange Bildbeschreibung im Post selbst ist ber 60.000 Zeichen lang. Wesentlich krzer ginge sie nicht, ohne Informationen zu unterschlagen.
Zugegeben, nach meinem heutigen Wissensstand ist sie schon wieder veraltet, weil ich Farben nicht verstndlich umschrieben und Gren in geschtzten absoluten Werten angegeben habe, statt sie relativ zu Vergleichbarem zu bestimmen. Sie mte also eigentlich noch lnger sein.
Selbst die kurze, rein visuelle Beschreibung im Alt-Text ist ber 1.400 Zeichen lang. Und die erklrt nichts, die enthlt kein einziges Texttranskript, und die beschreibt tatschlich auch so einiges nicht.
Ich wrde den Post damit verlinken, aber auf deiner Mastodon-Instanz ist er nicht mehr vorhanden, ich mte also das Original auf Hubzilla verlinken. Auerdem ist der Post nebst beiden Bildbeschreibungen englisch.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost#AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #Bildbeschreibung #Bildbeschreibungen #BiBesch #BildbeschreibungenMeta #CWBildbeschreibungenMeta
Und im brigen: (vier Regeln und eine Umfrage vom Deutschen Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband).

Die wende ich brigens tatschlich an. Und genau das fhrt dazu, da meine Bildbeschreibungen so lang werden.
1. Zuerst die Pflicht in einem ersten Satz kurz und knapp die ntigsten Infos, die man braucht, um das Bild zu verstehen
(Wie wrde ich jemandem am Telefon das Bild beschreiben, wenn ich unter Zeitdruck bin)

Wenn ich unter Zeitdruck wre, wrde ich das Bild gar nicht erst erwhnen.
bertragen aufs Fediverse: Wenn ich die ein, zwei Tage nicht habe, um ein Bild zu beschreiben, wird das Bild gar nicht erst gepostet.
Die ntigsten Infos, die man braucht, um das Bild zu verstehen, nehmen bei mir mit Leichtigkeit mehr Zeichen ein, als auf Mastodon in den Alt-Text passen. Denn um das Bild zu verstehen, mu man den Aufnahmeort wissen. Und alleine um den zu erklren, brauche ich ein ganzes Stck ber 1000 Zeichen.
3. Auf einfache, klare Sprache achten Fremdwrter vermeiden
Ganz kann ich Fremdwrter, will sagen, Jargon und Abkrzungen wie "Sim", "Grid", "Hypergrid", "NPC", "Mesh", "Teleporter" usw. nicht vermeiden. Ich kann nicht unausgesetzt um sie herumschreiben. Also whle ich den notfalls ebenfalls legitimen Alternativweg, und der ist, sie zumindest nach ihrer ersten Erwhnung so zu erklren, da jeder sie versteht, der von der bloen Existenz des ganzen Themas, um das es in meinem Bild geht, vorher noch absolut nichts wute.
Das fhrt dann zwingendermaen dazu, da meine Bildbeschreibungen zu gigantischen Infodumps werden. Aber so leid es mir auch tut: Wenn die Leute meine Bilder verstehen sollen, geht es nicht anders.
2. Danach die Kr genauere Beschreibung mit weniger wichtigen Details
Wobei das ja nicht alles "Kr" ist. Es ist zum Beispiel Pflicht, ausnahmslos alles, was in einem Bild an Text vorhanden ist, 1:1 wortwrtlich zu transkribieren.
Zugegeben: Diese Regel ist gedacht fr z. B. Poster, Plakate, Zeitungsausschnitte oder Screenshots von Social-Media-Posts. Alles andere scheinen "Sonderflle" zu sein, auf die die Regel nicht eingeht. Weder heit es, sie sind zu transkribieren, noch heit es, sie knnen transkribiert werden, noch heit es, sie drfen auf gar keinen Fall transkribiert werden.
Noch schwieriger ist die Definition von Text. Angenommen, der Text ist im Bild in der Auflsung, mit der das Bild gepostet wird, so klein, da er nicht lesbar ist. Oder so winzig, da er berhaupt nicht sichtbar ist, jedenfalls nicht als Text. Oder der Text wird teilweise verdeckt. Aber er befindet sich einwandfrei innerhalb des Bildes. Und ich selbst habe meine Quellen, ich kann diesen Text einwandfrei lesen und transkribieren.
Auch hier gibt es keinen Zusatz zu der Regel, ob der Text transkribiert werden mu, darf, nicht sollte oder auf gar keinen Fall darf. Also gehe ich auf Nummer sicher und transkribiere ihn. Das luft dann aber auch schon mal auf einige Dutzend Textstcke hinaus.
Wirkliche Sicherheit in solchen Punkten wird es schon deswegen nicht geben, weil es keinen Ort gibt, weder im Fediverse noch sonstwo, an dem allgemein Barrierefreiheit im Fediverse und ganz speziell das Beschreiben von Bildern diskutiert werden kann.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #Bildbeschreibung #Bildbeschreibungen #BiBesch #BildbeschreibungenMeta #CWBildbeschreibungenMeta Ich bin schon skeptisch, was berhaupt auch nur die Nutzung solcher Quellen angeht bzw. die Erwartung ans eigene Publikum, solche Quellen in Anspruch zu nehmen.
Mir kommt es so vor, als wenn es als faul und ableistisch gilt, Leuten zuzumuten, in einer Bildbeschreibung fehlende Informationen extern zusammenzusuchen und/oder denjenigen, der das suboptimal beschriebene Bild gepostet hat, nach Details zu fragen. Das heit, alle Informationen, die jemand brauchen knnte, der das Bild nicht sieht, mssen zwingend mit der Bildbeschreibung geliefert werden.
Und das kann viel sein. Wer ein Bild nicht sehen kann, kann durchaus trotzdem sehr neugierig darauf sein, entweder generell oder wegen des bestimmten Themas, um das es in dem Bild geht. Ich traue mich in meinen eigenen Bildbeschreibungen nicht, einfach nur zu erwhnen, was in dem Bild ist. Ich rechne immer mit z. B. Blinden, die dann nachhaken wrden: "Ja, schn und gut, aber wie sieht das aus!" Und ob es eine Rolle spielt oder nicht, wie etwas aussieht, entscheidet nicht, wer auch immer das Bild beschreibt, sondern immer das Publikum. Wenn da jemand wissen will, wie etwas aussieht, dann spielt es eine Rolle.
Deshalb, und weil ich im allgemeinen Bilder von einem absoluten, extremen Nischenthema poste, schreibe ich vermutlich die lngsten Bildbeschreibungen im ganzen Fediverse. Meistens gibt es in meinen Bildern auch nichts, was im Kontext jetzt wichtiger wre als anderes.
Auerdem rechne ich immer damit, da Leute auf meine Bilder so neugierig sind, da sie selbst dann, wenn es einen konkreten Kontext gbe, wirklich alles ber sie erfahren wollen. Denn wenn sie die Bilder nicht sehen knnen, wissen sie darber berhaupt nichts.
Was das Aussehen von Personen angeht, da heit es in den meisten Bildbeschreibungs-Leitfden, da es sehr wohl zu beschreiben ist. Dabei wird allerdings nie gesagt, da z. B. das Gesicht der Person bis ins Detail zu beschreiben ist, also wird das wohl eher unntig sein (auer jemand Nichtsehendes widerspricht mir da). Mimik, Gestik und Krperhaltung hingegen sind Pflicht.
Rasse gilt als tabu, Hautfarbe gilt als zwingend notwendig, aber nur fnf Hautfarben sind erlaubt: hell, mittelhell, mittel, mitteldunkel, dunkel. Haarfarbe und Haarstil bzw. Frisur sind auch Pflicht. Figur gilt wieder als tabu, weil taktlos. Bei der Krpergre bin ich mir nicht sicher.
Meines Wissens sollte die Bekleidung schon beschrieben werden, aber der Detailgrad hngt vom Kontext ab. In einem politischen Kontext mssen Farbe, Stoff und Schnitt von Joe Bidens Jackett nicht bis ins kleinste Detail aufgedrselt werden, auch weil es da niemanden interessieren drfte, in einem Modekontext sehr wohl.
Es ist schwer zu sagen, wie viel Weltwissen man jeweils voraussetzen darf

Im Zweifelsfall lieber weniger als mehr.
Ich persnlich setze bei meinen Bildern genau null Weltwissen voraus, weil sie Welten zeigen, deren bloe Existenz beinahe niemandem im Fediverse bekannt ist. Das fhrt dann zu Bildbeschreibungen, die praktisch alle Zeichenlimits im Fediverse um ein Vielfaches bersteigen und durch ihre Lnge eigentlich schon wieder ableistisch sind. Aber das ist leider auch die Erwartungshaltung, da, wer das Bild nicht sehen kann, sich bitteschn selbst aufschlauen soll.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #Bildbeschreibung #Bildbeschreibungen #BiBesch #BildbeschreibungenMeta #CWBildbeschreibungenMeta
2) there seems to be no App for Android or iOS.

There's no dedicated Friendica app with a stable release. Yet.
There's one in early development, Relatica. But you can't pull it from the Apple App Store or the like just like that.
I'd say the next-best app would be Fedilab because it's explicitly developed against Friendica amongst other projects. So this may mean that Fedilab lets you do more on Friendica than you could do on Mastodon.
Apparently, the old StatusNet app AndStatus works with Friendica, too.
I can't tell you anything more. I don't use Android, I don't use iOS, I don't use Friendica.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #App #Apps #Android #iOS #Friendica(Picture of a guy:)
Friendica is so fucking weird and disturbing, not like Mastodon at all. This needs to stop.
(Guy paints his face white:)
Friendica users must stop posting over 500 characters at once. This goes against the Fediquette. They must cut their long stuff into pieces of no more than 500 characters or post it somewhere that isn't federated with Mastodon and then link to it.
(Guy puts on clown make-up:)
Everyone on Friendica must add content warnings to everything they post if there's something disturbing in it. It's up to us to decide what's disturbing. And they must stop using so many useless hashtags.
(Guy has a clown wig put on:)
This is Mastodon's Fediverse, and it has always been. Everything else is either an add-on to Mastodon or an intruder. What do they even mean, Friendica is six years older than Mastodon That's nonsense, that isn't even possible!
(Guy in full clown look:)
Why are people on Friendica so angry and hostile towards Mastodon We're the good guys!
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #Friendica #FediMeme It'd be even harder if I were to go all the way and try to make the whole description comprehensible to people who were born deaf-blind, and who have no idea of sound at all.
But I guess I won't spend the rest of the day, and it's morning here, describing this image.
Come to think of it, 25,000 characters are actually optimistic, seeing as I'd probably have to explain a hundred times or more how something affects the sound.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta I think I could whip up an image description so detailed and explanatory that it should leave no question unanswered, no matter how curious someone may be, but at the same time so long that not even you would be willing to have it read to you. I expect it to exceed 15,000 characters, maybe 20,000 or 25,000.
After all, I see dozens upon dozens of pieces of written text which, to my understanding, all have to be transcribed verbatim.
Also, in order to make my description understandable right away without anyone having to ask me or Google anything, I'd have to go all the way and explain subtractive synthesis in the image description and add a little history of electronic musical instruments, at least from 1963 to 1970.
In other words, I'd become ableist by overloading people with information in order to avoid being ableist by not tellling people right away what they may need to know. The same catch I'm in with my usual image descriptions.
As always, the image description would go into the post text body. And then I'd have to distill a purely visual description without text transcripts for the alt-text from it.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMetaThe irony of using a quote-post to share this post. But this guy is right, and he should know.
The closest you'll ever get to making Mastodon un-quote-postable is to post privately. Not unlisted. Private. Most fediverse software will honour this today and it doesn't require yet another "pretend permission". Like unlisted.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #QuotePost #QuotePosts #QuoteTweet #QuoteTweets #QuoteToot #QuoteToots #QuoteBoost #QuoteBoosts #QuotedShares #QuotePostDebate #QuoteTootDebate Does it absolutely have to be Mastodon Or are you simply unaware of the rest of the stuff out there in the Fediverse
To give you a few examples:
Just beware: Not exactly few Mastodon users will lash out against everyone who breaks Mastodon's unwritten rule of never posting more than 500 characters at once.
Also, Mastodon rejects posts over 100,000 characters. I think Pleroma and Akkoma reject posts over 50,000 characters. This limit might be even lower on Misskey and the Forkeys.
That is, if you fancy a purist, distraction-free long-form blogging environment la Medium, take a look at WriteFreely. Downsides: You can't follow anyone from there, and nobody can react upon your posts in any way.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Pleroma #Akkoma #Misskey #Forkey #Forkeys #Firefish #Iceshrimp #Sharkey #Catodon #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #WriteFreely #CharacterLimit #CharacterLimits

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Pittwater Map of Features